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[1.7.x] DarkFighter's Skyboxes - Red Spiders!


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I wanted to create a skybox for another eye-candy oriented game:

I had fun creating one with Space Engine, so I decided to make a few more.

This is the result.


You need Texture Replacer!



NGC 3115 Central Black Hole


Album with more images

You very rarely see black holes in skyboxes.

I decided to give this massive one a shot.

This is a real place in the universe: In this skybox, you orbit a star near the Central Black Hole of the galaxy NGC 3115.                       
You can visit it in Space Engine by pressing F3 and searching for the  'Spindle Central Black Hole'.

SpaceDock Download

Between the Stars


This one emphasizes the vast amount of space between the galaxies (Milky Way + Magellanic Clouds).

This is a real place in the universe: In this skybox, you orbit a lonely star which ended up in the vast emptiness of space near the Milky Way galaxy.

You can visit this place in Space Engine

SpaceDock Download


SN 1006 Nebula (3 Versions!)



SpaceDock Download




SpaceDock Download




SpaceDock Download

As colourful isn't everyone's taste, I included the unedited file and a darker one.

This is a real place in the universe: In this skybox, you orbit a star in the SN 1006 nebula (the remnants of a supernova inside the Milky Way galaxy).
You can visit this place in Space Engine by pressing F3 and searching for SN 1006.

SpaceDock Download


Large Magellanic Cloud


More pictures:

  Reveal hidden contents

This is a nebula inside the Large Magellanic Cloud. (A nebula inside a big nebula, and you can even see the Milky Way from up here!)

This is a real place in the universe: In this skybox, you orbit a star in a nebula inside the Large Magellanic Cloud.

You can visit this place in Space Engine

Also, this one's a bit rushed. Tell me if something's wrong and needs to be changed.

SpaceDock Download


Red Spider


More Pictures

 Another great skybox!

No spider was harmed in the making of this skybox

Spacedock Download


More Skyboxes Coming Soon

I'm waiting for Space Engine to update to version They are experimenting with volumetric-based nebulas (SO MUCH IMPROVEMENT :o) and you can even edit and create your own nebulas!!!

In the meantime, I also found out about Spacescape. Now I just need to learn how to use it.

You can donate me to buy me coffee so I work faster. (But I unfortunately still have to wait for Space Engine to update)



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Edited by DarkFighter
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I knew this question would come first so I'm prepared:

It is the Astronomers Visual Pack (with 8k textures) and all of it's dependencies except for KS3P and Kopernicus Expansions. 

In some pictures I think I also forgot to turn off my Reshade preset (FXAA, MXAO, Clarity and SMAA) but I'm not sure

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  • 2 months later...
  On 10/27/2018 at 5:09 PM, therealcrow999 said:

@DarkFighterWhy did you opt to go with PNG over dds? Or was that not a choice? I just thought dds ran better in KSP. I am not criticizing, I am just curious. 


I believe it wasn't available at the time


  On 10/27/2018 at 6:30 PM, Gordon Dry said:

You could add EnvMaps, just a 256x256 variant of them.


Good idea. I'll do that once I have time

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  On 10/28/2018 at 11:05 AM, DarkFighter said:

I believe it wasn't available at the time


Good idea. I'll do that once I have time


Using Texture Replacer, there is no need for EnvMaps. They show up already on reflections on the Helmets, unless they are needed for something else. Skyboxes in very old TR, needed those EnvMaps for helmets, but not anymore. They show up in my game fine.

I think keeping your Skyboxes in PNG, might be good. I tried to convert mine to DDS and the top and bottom skybox texture were lighter color or something, they didn't blend into each other well. There was a edge to the borders and looked square.

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  On 10/31/2018 at 6:11 PM, Gordon Dry said:

Simply said, when you need an alpha channel, use DXT5.

Then you have to decide if you need mipmaps.
For skyboxes you don't.

And in KSP converting to DDS always means flip the image:

  1. Mirror horizontally
  2. Rotate 180°

Ok, I didn't know about flipping in KSP. Maybe that is why my Skybox I converted to DDS did not match up on top and bottom.

So I am using Paint.net

1. Mirror horizontally

2. Rotate 180 degrees

So a two step process?

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@DarkFighterI converted all your skybox to .dds if you want to use them in your thread and re-post them on Spacedock:

NGC 3115 Central Black Hole

Between the Stars

SN 1006 Nebula (3 Versions!)

Large Magellanic Cloud - New!


They were converted in DDS with DXT1, I hope that is the right one. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

From the preview pics these look fantastic. Very tempted... If only my humble GTX750 didn't choke so badly on better-than-2k textures. =:o\

Question: Does the change in lighting conditions affect the operation of solar panels / photoreceptors? I.e. if I loaded up the dark nebula one, would I get less power from them? 'Cos that could add an interesting dynamic to the game:

"You are in a solar system where photons are real scarce (and mostly an unhelpful colour!). How will you power your probe's long-range transmitters? Will it be cheaper & easier to save the weight of those huge clusters of solar panels, or extra RTGs, and instead add a big RCS tank and a parachute so you can bring all your data back home? Maybe you'll have to mine some ore en route, to produce fuel for your fuel cells to generate power...

Oh, and if you want to see where you're clicking, don't forget to bring a torch!"  =:o}

Conversely, a really bright star would boost the value of ion drives over traditional rockets and RCS thrusters.

Cool aesthetics and game-changing practical challenges in one package... [DROOLS]


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  On 2/18/2019 at 12:03 PM, pbristow said:

Question: Does the change in lighting conditions affect the operation of solar panels / photoreceptors? I.e. if I loaded up the dark nebula one, would I get less power from them? 'Cos that could add an interesting dynamic to the game:


The skybox doesn't change the light emitted from the Sun, you'd have to ask someone other as I don't know how to mod those

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 4/7/2019 at 4:52 PM, Eaten by Black Hole said:

Hi sir! I love your skyboxes. May i want something? I have found an cool looking galax(ies) in SpaceEngine. Can you look at Arp 275? Its really cool looking. I think people would like it. I think a skybox from RC 4188 cluster would look good.


Thanks for the suggestions! I'll have a look at them. Though I am currently waiting for the SpaceEngine update, which makes galaxies and nebulas look much more awesome, which is hopefully coming out in as early as next week to as late as 2 months. So excuse me, if I'm not as active as usual.

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