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[1.12] CommNet Antennas Extension / Info / Consumptor (2024-09-16)


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1 hour ago, SergeantBlueforce said:

What does the "other vessel rating" slider in the commnet info PAW group do?

you set it to the rating of an other vessel, click recalculate button, and the distance between current vessel the "other vessel" will be recalculated

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2 minutes ago, SergeantBlueforce said:

So it's showing you the maximum range at which both vessels can be connected?


if you have a relay somewhere, then it could be helpful for designing a new vessel to be able to connect to the relay, but not something else.

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CommNet Antennas Extension 2.1.9

  • added bulkheadProfiles
  • updated Chinese translation (thanks to github.com/zhangyuesai)
  • updated MM 4.2.3


CommNet Antennas Info 3.1.4

  • updated Chinese translation (thanks to github.com/zhangyuesai)


CommNet Antennas Consumptor 3.5.8

  • updated Chinese translation (thanks to github.com/zhangyuesai)
  • updated MM 4.2.3
Edited by flart
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  • 2 weeks later...

after installing the consumpter I have many ship designs that cannot sustain the EC draw.   I have looked in the PAW and there is no way to enable and disable the antenna.  I assume this is because the ship is using an internal antenna, and it is from a mod that you have not made a patch for?   Or should this mod already find any antenna defined as internal and reduce the EC usage, or provide a switch?  For example, I made a small airplane with two of the mk1 open inline cockpit, and the craft draws 12 EC/second.  The only thing that uses EC on this airplane is the cockpits.  So, my question is do I have some mod conflict that is making them consume too much power, or do these cockpits need to be added to a compatibility patch?   Or is the consumption rate just so high that even a small internal antenna in a cockpit will draw this much power?   If it is by design that these antennae draw this much power, how can I adjust the "difficulty" setting on this mod to make it draw less EC?   I like the Idea of this mod, but if all my small probes and aircraft will suddenly need reactors or huge solar arrays then it is just too much for me.   If it was such that an antenna in an idle state is drawing 1EC or less and only ramps up when sending science, is extended (where possible), or if it is a relay antenna that is actually being used to relay a signal to some remote craft, then I would be much happier with it.  But as it is now, none of the alternators on the airplane engines seem to be able to keep up with the EC usage on Direct/Internal antennae in an idle state.  And even adding in RTGs or fuel cells is not going to fix it, as they all make around 1 EC/s, and on this example craft it is drawing 12 EC/s.  So basically, all my aircraft would need a full-on reactor on them.




Edited by Bit Fiddler
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@Bit Fiddler 

Most likely there is some mods conflict, 12 EC/s for small plane is not ok.
I don't know mods that make all internal antennas very powerful (probably something around 10T), but in this scenario any part with internal antenna will draw 6 EC/s (because of 10T power)

Share KSP.log and GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache — not on the forum, load somewhere online, and put links there.


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I do not have that MM file in my game data folder.  I do have a message on load about an error preventing the cache from being saved.  I will just send the MM log instead, if this will help.  There are a few issues with this install I am trying to track down, so I know there are problems in here somewhere.  This is a new install I am trying to setup for a new playthrough, and all these aircraft were built with a previous install and just moved over to this one for testing, if this is any help.






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 I do have a message on load about an error preventing the cache from being saved. 

It's better to fix these MM errors to ensure the cache is saved.

I checked my MM patches, the Consumptor only created for the RELAY and DIRECT antennas, but not INTERNAL, so it's probably something else.

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  • 2 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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