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In memory of Neil Armstrong

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In celebration of the accomplishments of Neil Armostrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins, and the rest of the Apollo Astronauts. You are, and forever will be, giants, and it honours us to have the privilege of standing on your shoulders.

Neil, we shall not forget you.


Felix, this mission profile is as close as I could get to the apollo mission profile using the stock game. I launched two craft, one as a command capsule with, and one as a lander. I then rendezvous'd with the command capsule in a 100km orbit and transferred the kerbonauts to the lander. Then, I landed, EVA'd, and took off. The ascent stage of the lander rendezvoused with the command capsule, kerbonauts rentered the command capsule, and they flew home to a safe splashdown under a parachute.

This mission did not entirely go off without problems. First, a staging issue with the command capsule launch left 1/4 of its intended TMI fuel on the launchpad, but luckily I had spare fuel. Then, I had to redo the landing a couple of times... First attempt I mucked up the landing profile and lithobraked, loosing 3 of my descent engines and had to abort up. Reloading the quicksave, the second landing went fine, but I *poofed* Jeb flying him too fast with EVA pack. Third landing was successful, but landed on a slow and 1 of my descent engines broke off, but it is still stable on three.

May Neil be the first of many men to walk on the moon, and not one of a dwindling few.

Edited by Bluejayek
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Just bought KSP this week and already landed a single-Kerbal capsule on the Mun, but I have been struggling with getting a more complex three-Kerbal lander there. Today, I knew I had to make it happen.


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In Memory of Neil Armstrong and to all who made the ultimate sacrifice so others could reach the stars. God speed.


Album: http://imageshack.us/g/96/screenshot27gl.png/

I named the lander Tranquility and landed it near one of the arches. I put the Neil Armstrong memorial plaque on the rover I brought with. It will remain on the Mun for as long as my persistence file last.

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In celebration of the accomplishments of Neil Armostrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins, and the rest of the Apollo Astronauts. You are, and forever will be, giants, and it honours us to have the privilege of standing on your shoulders.

Neil, we shall not forget you.


Felix, this mission profile is as close as I could get to the apollo mission profile using the stock game. I launched two craft, one as a command capsule with, and one as a lander. I then rendezvous'd with the command capsule in a 100km orbit and transferred the kerbonauts to the lander. Then, I landed, EVA'd, and took off. The ascent stage of the lander rendezvoused with the command capsule, kerbonauts rentered the command capsule, and they flew home to a safe splashdown under a parachute.

This mission did not entirely go off without problems. First, a staging issue with the command capsule launch left 1/4 of its intended TMI fuel on the launchpad, but luckily I had spare fuel. Then, I had to redo the landing a couple of times... First attempt I mucked up the landing profile and lithobraked, loosing 3 of my descent engines and had to abort up. Reloading the quicksave, the second landing went fine, but I *poofed* Jeb flying him too fast with EVA pack. Third landing was successful, but landed on a slow and 1 of my descent engines broke off, but it is still stable on three.

May Neil be the first of many men to walk on the moon, and not one of a dwindling few.

Really impressive stuff cookies to you!

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You left very big footsteps to fill, sir. The first, but hopefully not the last. This son of the Space Age salutes you, with thanks.

th_armstrong01.jpg th_armstrong02.jpg th_armstrong03.jpg

On the pad, shortly after second stage separation, and just before braking into Munar orbit.

th_armstrong05.jpg th_armstrong04.jpg

The landing site, with coordinates.


All buttoned up and ready to go home.


Something peculiar sighted on the horizon shortly after liftoff, about 30 km from the landing site - a good reason to come back someday.

th_armstrong08.jpg th_armstrong09.jpg th_armstrong10.jpg th_armstrong11.jpg

Separation from the ascent stage/retro pack and re-entry, splashdown just off the coast of KSC.


Armstrong Station: the descent stage, and a rover to mark the spot and transmit a live picture.

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As Kerbin sets, Jeb takes the ladder. Coincidentally this is the first manned vessel I have landed successfully on the Mun, and although I recently landed and EVA'd on Minimus my only Mun landings so far have all been unmanned mechjeb craft. It is oddly fitting that it would be a ship named Armstrong that makes my first successful manned Mun landing, and as we speak I am flying the same design a second time in an attempt to land at the tranquility base coordinates. The armstrong design has a crew tank in the descent stage, so not only can the crew be returned to Kerbin (in theory at least) but it leaves a semi-permanent habitation on the Mun surface.


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So, I hadn't seen this thread, but like many here, I thought "I must go to the mun today." I'd been trying all morning actually, even before getting the bad news.

My last mission had ended in disaster due to the previous mission ending in such amazing disaster that one of the parts was ricocheting around inside the Mun, creating quite horrible lag when I get close to it. Horrible stuttering lag and munar landings do not mix well. So I deleted my persistents.sfs to clean up the mess and made a new rocket, a single Kerbal job with point RCS units as the main munar descent / ascent engine. As I get it onto the pad I realize that deleting my persistents file means that in the main seat I've got none other than the Thrillmaster himself, Jeb. I smile, taking this as a good sign.

Jeb actually saves the mission shortly after launch. As we clear the tower I look down and Jeb isn't smiling like a maniac. This disturbs me enough that I double check all the controls and realize that while I tested the throttle before launch, I forgot to set it to "full". It is currently sitting at "Idle". I slam it into it's proper position and Jeb starts grinning like his normal self.

We get into orbit without any further trouble and drop the launch stage. I circularize and do the TMI easily as well arriving at the Mun with my MODAS (Munar Orbit Dicking About Stage) filled with more fuel than I'd ever had before at this point. I aim for Silisko crater, but overshoot, landing slightly past it. In fact, the MODAS stage probably had enough fuel to land with ... but neither the landing legs nor the ladder would have reached the ground, so I have to drop it and scoot sideways a bit before landing. The actual touchdown doesn't go too well, the ground is sloped and the lander starts to tip and spin like a drunken top. A bit of frantic work with the RCS system finally gets it on the ground, stationary and on it's landing legs. I extend the ladder and Jeb steps out onto the regolith. We spend a bit of time playing with the jetpack and exploring the area, but finally, jetpack exhausted, it's time to take off and head back to Kerbin.

Due to the spinning during landing I actually head in completely the wrong direction at first, but I'm able to get it corrected, I think with enough fuel left to return home. I spin round the Mun and completely fail to understand the new orbit display - my first pass-by of Kerbin is well out of the atmosphere, but I swing back out and I'm able to burn my remaining RCS fuel to pull the other end of the orbit close enough to Kerbin that atmospheric drag can do the rest. I spin away the now empty mun lander stage and sit back while the command pod drags through the atmosphere three or four times until it's finally slowed down enough that it lands, safely, although miles from KSC.

We will miss you sir.

Edited by Unistrut
spelling, grammar, the usual
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Wow, all those great pictures that came in overnight (it's 9am here in Germany), I'm impressed!

I personally would give extra kudos to:

-Howitzer, for the great Minmus-Kerbin-Mun picture

-UtterN, for his LM-like lander

-Togfox, for landing at the precise Tranquillity Base coordinates (I bet you we should come back in 0.17 to find some kind of easter egg here)

-Ddavis, for the Kerbin pic

-Bluejayek for his mission profile

-Jupo and OdinYggd for their 1st Mun landing on that occasion (I was in the same situation)

But to each his way to make his tribute, I love all of the pics I saw this far...

Keep it up!

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What a sad but in a way appropriate cause for my first post. I first wanted to accomplish a landing without ASAS (doing it Jeb- and Neil-Style). But I'm not as good as them. So I landed normally.

Buzz and Michael are watching while Neil doing his first steps. (I know Michael orbited the Moon - but in my Kebal-Universe Eagle and Columbia are one unit).


Edited by dyson
broken picture tag
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