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Good space sims?


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Orbiter is a very good space simulator, that allows you to go first person. It needs alot of add-ons and isn't extremely easy to get a grip on. Its one of those simulator so realistic, that by the time you have a grip on it, you can probably launch a pilot a spacecraft in real life.

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Space Engineers isn't realistic, and it's a bit buggy and empty, but it's still fun.

Stationeers I have not yet played, but it looks good.

Take on Mars I also have not yet played, but it does sound like what you are looking for.

For realistic sims, there's KSP, Orbiter, and Children of a Dead Earth. Children of a Dead Earth offers only one advantage over KSP, and that is that you can design nuclear weapons in it. Everything else is inferior, sadly.

There's always Moonbase Alpha, which is free and worth what it costs.

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On 2 September 2018 at 12:44 PM, Cloakedwand72 said:

Any good space sims where you play as a NASA astronaut on mars or the moon in 1st person? Or any non combat space sims?

I hear there's a game called "Kerbal Space Program" which is good.

But seriously, KSP with RSS and other realism mods is probably the best choice. Besides that, Space Engineers with some realism-enhancing mods could qualify, as could Orbiter if there's an EVA mod.

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