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[1.3.0] Kerbal Engineer Redux (2017-05-28)


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I'm having a hard time figuring out the longitude display. I'm looking at my longitude to figure out when I should make a transfer to geostationary orbit...and from what I can tell after a few orbits, the counter's range runs from -400 degrees to +60 degrees... I would have expected either 0 through 360 degrees or -180 through +180. How am I supposed to interpret the display?

Other than that, I love the extra information especially regarding inclination.

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After more testing, it seems the longitude will consistently be accurate for part of an orbit (using -x for degrees west, +x for degrees east), but will be bogus for the rest of it. It's quite strange.

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I'm also having this problem. It seems to happen when I attach SRBs to decouplers. If I attach the SRB to the rocket directly the deltaV is added correctly.

A work-around/hack is to place an Oscar B (tiny fuel tank) between the SRB and the rest of the rocket to get a decent reading while building, then remove them before launch.

Not quite so easy when using radial decouplers, but I'll figure something out...

Edit: You can place the Oscar B over a radially attached SRB for the same effect.

Edited by velusip
figured it out
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I am having serious issues with this add-on. On my ships the game is literally freezing up within 30 seconds of launching if these parts are on my rockets. I also have the KW-Rocketry parts addon as well and these are being used in my rocket in addition to standard parts.

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The game only freezes for me if I try to use KER with very large and complex vessels, usually big space stations. Which is kinda understandable since no program could make sense of the stuff I end up putting together.. In those cases its best to just right click on the part and toggle the Flight Engineer off until its needed again.

Ive never experienced crashes on launch though.. And Im using several mods including KW Rocketry. I'd say check that you are running the latest version of everything, disable other plugins to look for incompatibilities (part mods shouldnt have issues - and obviously dont run MechJeb alongside KER), and try with smaller vessels or different designs to see if it keeps crashing.

On a related note, any news from Cybutek? Havent heard from him since his last post about rewriting the code for v1.0, and its been a while... This and Kethane are the only mods I cant imagine playing KSP without

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I love the build stat table, it is very useful especially for interplanetary mission where I have to land on various planet.

There is only a minor suggestion, is it possible to make the build window remember its last location?

I tried to edit the numbers in the "build_engineer" cfg file but every time i enter VAB, it resets itself to the default position.

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Bug report: If a stage consists of nothing but a solid fuel booster, the Engineer chip doesn't calculate delta V for that stage. If I add any part with resources on it, like a small battery or fuel tank, dV is calculated.

Feature request: When designing a rocket, I aim for some specific amount of delta V for each stage. Since the Engineer chip calculates dV for each stage, finding a configuration of parts that produces the desired amount is easy. However, there are different configurations of parts that give approximately equal dV, but have wildly different mass. Since these stages are often followed by subsequent launch stages below, their weight does matter. What I'd like is a column that displays delta V per mass for each stage. With that, I'd be able to search for the lightest configuration of parts that gives me the desired dV. For example, if two distinct sets of parts both give 2000 m/s dV, but one weighs 4 tons while the other 3, I'd be able to conveniently pick the more efficient one, ~667 dV/m compared to 500.

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Small optimization:

I noticed that the model and textures for the EngineerChip and EngineerChipFlight are identical. Rather than creating copies and making the game load things twice, you should put the part definition for both parts into a single part.cfg file. If the recently reworked parts loader is reasonably smart (have not exactly tested it), it should figure out that these parts are using the same models and textures and thus reuse them. If anything, it saves a bit on download size for users.

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Just DL'd the plugin, and I've got the chips available in the science tab, but no window pops up when I install them. Thoughts?

Running Mountain Lion on a Macbook Pro

How'd you install the plug-in? Are you sure you're not using the chip that only gives in-flight information and not build information?

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in some instances it would be very helpful if we could change / modify the units / precision shown for the data output.

Some examples, Time in pure sec; etc things like that... and items like axis, in meters not Mm

or be able to show more significant fig's...



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I am not that good at C# but i have several questions pertaining to your code Cybutek.

Geek Mode

In partsim.cs i found some magic numbers in it, wouldn't it be more consistent for the code to declare a variable for it?(declare 9.81d along with flowrate because it's a static)

And IIRC in C float's are promoted to double's.(Saw a lot of floats declared)

Bool's are also promoted to Int's IIRC and same with Char's.(the main reason i use struct to encapsulate boolians)

/Geek Mode

worst first post ever. :(

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I would have to disagree partialy with bigdad84 because i do not want the free meal deal.

I would like the move the requirements around a bit though, For instance gravity and G force have a device made by Squad use that as a requiremnt for G-force measurements.

The engineer could be part-free because it is in the planning stage.

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When comparing MechJeb's Delta-V stats to Engineer, I see the same TWR and burn time, but MechJeb shows slightly higher Delta-V for both atmospheric and vacuum. Which is correct and why is there a discrepancy?

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When comparing MechJeb's Delta-V stats to Engineer, I see the same TWR and burn time, but MechJeb shows slightly higher Delta-V for both atmospheric and vacuum. Which is correct and why is there a discrepancy?

I've heard, but not confirmed, that MechJeb takes into account the fact that some parts, while having a mass in the VAB, have no mass on the launchpad, and KER doesn't take that into effect. Landing gear and some of the struts come to mind.

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Is there any way to re-set the window position in the VAB? I've accidentally moved it off screen and the mod is now next to useless :mad:

Open GameData\Engineer\Plugins\PluginData\engineer\build_engineer.txt. Change the first line to this:

_WINDOW_POSITION = 300, 70, 714, 224

That's the position of my window, which should be visible.

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I would have to disagree partialy with bigdad84 because i do not want the free meal deal.

I would like the move the requirements around a bit though, For instance gravity and G force have a device made by Squad use that as a requiremnt for G-force measurements.

The engineer could be part-free because it is in the planning stage.

How at all would it be a free meal? The parts are already nearly zero in weight.

VOID has already done this while still including the old parts so that crafts that still have the part can be used.

It would also allow you to see the information on crafts that were launched without the part.

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