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[1.3.0] Kerbal Engineer Redux (2017-05-28)


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  Skylid said:
Is it just me, or is KER not working? I downloaded, unzipped it, and threw the folder on to the game data file on ksp. But for some reason, I have the parts to put on my ship, but they have no effect. I don't get the pop up menu with all the information on it....

Anyone have a fix?

What version are you running? Do you have any log files?

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There are two current versions, both of which were updated today. Since you have the parts, but the plugin isn't working, my best guess is that you installed whatever version you have incorrectly. Exactly what the installation looks like depends on which version you're using.

If the installation wasn't the problem, then you'll need to supply some information to get any help:

  • Your KSP version
  • Your KER version
  • Your Operating System and version
  • Steps to cause the problem
  • Cause the problem, then quit KSP and find your output log:
    • Windows (32 bit): KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt
    • Windows (64 bit): KSP_win64\KSP_x64_DATA\output_log.txt
    • Mac OS X: Open Console, find Unity on the left side, and click on Player.log. It's also located at ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log.
    • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log

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  WololoW said:
cybutek, thanks for the update, and I assume you're on top of it, but I felt I should mention that the OP is still showing 1.0.3 =)

Hahaha, thanks for letting me know... With so many things to sort out on each update, something's bound to go amiss at some point. It probably would of stayed like that until the next update without your keen eyes :D

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Version 1.0.5 is now available!

Added: Acceleration readout to the Vessel category (current / maximum).

Added: Category library system for the Flight Engineer readouts.

Added: Drop-down category selection to better support the new system.

Changed: Misc category now called Miscellaneous (this will cause previously added readouts from this category to vanish).

Fixed: Bug with the Build Engineer toolbar button.

Fixed: Some buggyness when trying to close the bodies drop-down in the Build Engineer via the button.

Fixed: Flight Engineer toolbar menu now hides when hiding the GUI with F2.

Fixed: Flight Engineer toolbar button now disables when in module mode and no engineer is running.

Note the change in name of the Misc catagory to Miscellaneous.. This means that all your separators and gui size adjusters that have been installed will vanish and require putting in again, sorry.

The category library system has now been fully implemented. This is going to make it much easier to create packs of readouts. So they will not have to be shoved in the Orbital, Surface... categories. Think readout pack devoted to just information for FAR :wink:

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  Conte_Vincero said:
Hey, were can you get Version 1.0.5? I just tried to install and I got the same problem the guy two pages back was having

You can get 1.0.5 from the links in the first post. If you want to use (e.g. you have old saves with vessels that have the old parts on) then you should probably get my experimental patch too (especially if you're having the same issue as Immashift was).

Edit: If you mean the problem that Skylid was having then I suggest you follow the advice he was given and upload your output_log.txt.

Edited by Padishar
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  klgraham1013 said:
Just started using Real Fuels and noticed the TWR was off. A quick search shows this is a known problem. Was a fix ever released? Thanks for any help.

The latest versions of KER should work fine with Real Fuels. What version of KER are you using? Can you provide screenshots that show the incorrect values (e.g. that show the KER window and the engine tweakable panels that show the engine thrust)?

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  klgraham1013 said:
Kerbal Engineer I think it might be user error. Looking for problems after loading 40 mods. I'm going to keep playing and see if I can't figure out my issue. I fly by the TWR and feel like I'm not getting the lift I should be.

If you're using RO, your thrust will reduce with atmospheric pressure. Are you accounting for that? KER will, if you click the atmospheric button in the VAB.

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Upgrading from Engineer 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 gives me a crash either during asset loading, or crash when loading the spacecenter from 'load game'

Crash always seems to occur at Load(Model): KerbalEngineer/Parts/EngineerChip/EngineerChip

[offending output_log of type-1 crash]

Rolled back to 1.0.4 and no crashes (so far)

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  NoMrBond said:
Upgrading from Engineer 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 gives me a crash either during asset loading, or crash when loading the spacecenter from 'load game'

Crash always seems to occur at Load(Model): KerbalEngineer/Parts/EngineerChip/EngineerChip

[offending output_log of type-1 crash]

Rolled back to 1.0.4 and no crashes (so far)

I confirm this issue.

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This is, without a doubt, the number one most important mod ever created for this game. It enables me to do maneuvers without relying on mechjeb. I have no idea how I was able to play KSP before because without it, the game is really terrible and is devoid of it's technicality. Why squad hasn't contacted and paid you to adopt it in the game is beyond me. So I just want to say thank you

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  Padishar said:
Did you completely delete version 1.0.4 before installing 1.0.5 or did you copy it over the top? It works perfectly fine for me after deleting 1.0.4 first...

Tried both (overwrite-existing-1.0.4 and delete 1.0.4 then install 1.0.5 clean), both give the same crash

Will try just updating the .dll's from 1.0.5 into 1.0.4 [Edit] Nope, this doesn't work either.

Edited by NoMrBond
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