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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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33 minutes ago, Lisias said:

I think you have no alternative but to reach the SXT's maintainer and ask him to rename the SXT's MEMLander to SXT.MEMLander or something when MakingHistory is installed. It's not hard, it's a simple MM patch.

and how can i do that? if there is a link, please send it to me.

So, from what i understood i need to delete part.cfg, and then it should work?

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16 minutes ago, banable said:

and how can i do that? if there is a link, please send it to me

i have found the forums for the original sxt, wich is the version i have, should i upgrade to sxtcontinioued and then try again?

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48 minutes ago, banable said:

and how can i do that? if there is a link, please send it to me.

How do you are installing things? CKAN? I would suggest you ask directions from them, as they are the ones installing things in your rig!


32 minutes ago, banable said:

i have found the forums for the original sxt, wich is the version i have, should i upgrade to sxtcontinioued and then try again?

Ah, now I see. Old install being updated! :)

Yes, try installing the Continued version and see if the problem goes away. I think I remember a post talking about renaming the MEMLander once, some time ago!


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36 minutes ago, Lisias said:

How do you are installing things? CKAN? I would suggest you ask directions from them, as they are the ones installing things in your rig!

yes, i use ckan.

36 minutes ago, Lisias said:

Yes, try installing the Continued version and see if the problem goes away. I think I remember a post talking about renaming the MEMLander once, some time ago!

Thanks, it worked! 
The mod stated that there were 8 parts that weren't supported or something along the lines of that. do you need the log for that or is that alright? Well, the game seemed to work, i flew around with a plane with my new flight stick, so that shouldn't be a big deal.


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29 minutes ago, banable said:

yes, i use ckan.

Thanks, it worked! 
The mod stated that there were 8 parts that weren't supported or something along the lines of that. do you need the log for that or is that alright? Well, the game seemed to work, i flew around with a plane with my new flight stick, so that shouldn't be a big deal.

Humm… I don't remember that on SXT, but it's some time since I played with it.

Yes, send me the KSP.log so I can check what's wrong and work on a fix.

These parts are safe to use, TweakScale removed itself from them so avoid...

humm, wait.

Do you have Firespitter installed? If yes, install this thing:


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44 minutes ago, Lisias said:

Do you have Firespitter installed? If yes, install this thing:


is this the Überpacket or something similar? If yes, i already have the Überpacket. Gonna download it anyways.

KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TCh2RlLvxmvsjXzzZ8P1KbEuUWRfTjfZ/view?usp=sharing

Just now, banable said:

Gonna download it anyways.

looks like i already have that.
If i go in Kerbal Space Program/GameData/Tweakscalecompanion/FS the contents are the exactly same.

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24 minutes ago, banable said:

is this the Überpacket or something similar? If yes, i already have the Überpacket. Gonna download it anyways.

So, don't bother. the Uber has it.


25 minutes ago, banable said:

Ah, found the reason!

[LOG 19:15:59.087] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part SXTBalloonGoldB375 (XX-32 Light Fuel Tank (Gold)) didn't passed the sanity check due having ModuleB9PartSwitch together FSfuelSwitch - see issue [#12]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/12 ). at error:0

You can't have both B9PS and FSFuelSwitch installed on the same part due a B9PS bug.

When B9PS finds another fuel switch on the part, it deactivates itself but still tries to carry on some events that only works when it's activated - and TweakScale needs that events. And then B9PS ends up throwing an Exception, screwing up with TweakScale.

You can ignore the problem, but then that parts will not be scaled. Or you can apply what I call a HotFix - I have one made for people using B9PS and MFT (it have the same problem), but I don't have one for FSFuelSwitch.

I will write a HotFix and will come back to you in the next few hours!

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15 minutes ago, banable said:

thank you so much!

Here, download one (and only one) of the following patches:

(click the "Raw" button, on that bar above the file contents).

Then move the downloaded file into someplace in your GameData. I suggest to use <YOUR_KSP_ROO>/GameData/__LOCAL/TweakScale/HotFixes  to make it easier to keep track of these stunts and avoid losing the patch in a update.


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28 minutes ago, Lisias said:

Then move the downloaded file into someplace in your GameData. I suggest to use <YOUR_KSP_ROO>/GameData/__LOCAL/TweakScale/HotFixes  to make it easier to keep track of these stunts and avoid losing the patch in a update.

I don't get it. Do i need to make a __LOCAL file since i don't have one?
Also, it doesn't download anything when i press on raw. Do i need to make a file and copy it in?

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2 hours ago, banable said:

I don't get it. Do i need to make a __LOCAL file since i don't have one?
Also, it doesn't download anything when i press on raw. Do i need to make a file and copy it in?

Yep, you open your KSP directorty, then open the GameData folder, then create a __LOCAL diretory, open the __LOCAL and then create a TweakScale diretory. Then you put files on it.

About the Raw thingy… Yeah, you right. It would download the file if it's an image or zip file, but text files is just opens it on the browser. Click on the right button on it on the "raw file" being displayed, then select Save As, then navigate on your hard disk to where your KSP is installed, then go opening the directories until the one you created in the last step. Be sure to save it with ".cfg" extension, otherwise KSP will not be able to recognise it - some browsers "try to be helpful" by automatically adding extensions to the filename, screwing up everything.

Give a peek on this video:

A bit lengthy, but it appears to explain things in a easy way to understand!


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9 hours ago, Lisias said:

About the Raw thingy… Yeah, you right. It would download the file if it's an image or zip file, but text files is just opens it on the browser. Click on the right button on it on the "raw file" being displayed, then select Save As, then navigate on your hard disk to where your KSP is installed, then go opening the directories until the one you created in the last step. Be sure to save it with ".cfg" extension, otherwise KSP will not be able to recognise it - some browsers "try to be helpful" by automatically adding extensions to the filename, screwing up everything.

So, now the path is Kerbal Space Program/GameData/__LOCAL/Tweakscale/Hotfixes.cfg
Is that right? I don't want to wait for the game to boot up since i have so many mods and that would take quite some time with my potato-ish pc.

9 hours ago, Lisias said:

Give a peek on this video:

A bit lengthy, but it appears to explain things in a easy way to understand!

So, i don't have all those options in a top bar, since i'm using Windows 11, but, i do see some of the options like .zip thingy when right clicking a folder. Cant find an option for file name extensions, but since i turned them on some time ago (somehow) that shouldn't be a problem. Same with hidden files.

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39 minutes ago, banable said:

So, now the path is Kerbal Space Program/GameData/__LOCAL/Tweakscale/Hotfixes.cfg
Is that right? I don't want to wait for the game to boot up since i have so many mods and that would take quite some time with my potato-ish pc.

I finally built up the courage to launch the game, and, believe it or not, it worked. tweakscale said that there are 8 parts that have a hotfix applied and that there may be problems when adding or removing AddOns.

I don't think you need the log anymore, so bye and thanks for the help!

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2 hours ago, banable said:

I finally built up the courage to launch the game,

One thing that you will probably want to learn from that tutorial I posted is how to make full backups of your game. So, everytime you are unsure about a change, you just duplicate the whole thing and try it. If it works, you delete the backup and it it doesn't, you restore it using the backup.


2 hours ago, banable said:

, believe it or not, it worked.

Of course I believe you. I wrote the patch! :sticktongue:


2 hours ago, banable said:

 tweakscale said that there are 8 parts that have a hotfix applied and that there may be problems when adding or removing AddOns.

You will only be peskied about it when the Module Manager's ConfigCache changes, what is a way to detect when you installed or removed something from the game.

It's important to remind you about the HotFix because sooner or later the problem it fixes will be solved, and in a way that may end up screwing your savegame.

By example: let's suppose that B9PS patches changes to automatically remove FSfuelSwitch from the parts before injecting itself on it, but you like FSfueldSwitch more and had applied the HotFix that prefers FS. Well, suddenly all your parts with FSfuelSwitch will be converted into B9PS default options,  and this will probably ruin some of the crafts flying around in your savegame.

Fortunately, modern KSP will (most of the time) detect the problem and yell about it when you try to load a savegame, but yet, it worths to let the user be aware of the problem so they will pay more attention on loading the savegame and hopefully prevent them from automatically click OK without reading the warning.


3 hours ago, banable said:

I don't think you need the log anymore, so bye and thanks for the help!

Yep, no log needed! Happy to be of (good) service!


Don't hesitate in asking clarifications for any message you get that you don't understand, and give that backup ideia a try. It may save your day on a unhappy CKAN update fest, sometimes CKAN ended up screwing things as there's no proactive compatibility checking on it.

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25 minutes ago, Lisias said:

One thing that you will probably want to learn from that tutorial I posted is how to make full backups of your game. So, everytime you are unsure about a change, you just duplicate the whole thing and try it. If it works, you delete the backup and it it doesn't, you restore it using the backup.

I will surely use that in the future, thanks for the idea!

27 minutes ago, Lisias said:

suddenly all your parts with FSfuelSwitch will be converted into B9PS default options,  and this will probably ruin some of the crafts flying around in your savegame.

that surely is annoying, although i prefer to build and fly planes over rockets, so i won't encounter stuff like that as often, but there is a thing with the pre-cooler, where it doesn't store normal fuel but liquid ammonia, wich i always need to change and it's really annoying.

31 minutes ago, Lisias said:

Don't hesitate in asking clarifications for any message you get that you don't understand, and give that backup ideia a try.

I'll do that, of course.

Thank you so much for your support, it really helped me.

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@Lisias i am encountering a fatal error that links to issue #34 (https://github.com/TweakScale/TweakScale/issues/34), but I'm having a heck of a time figuring out how to fix the problem. From the recent activity on this thread, it seems like the mod should still be working, so I hope you might be able to help me figure out what's going on here. Thanks!

copy of my log  here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13tb7OSH0ILUrTXamOiR7LsJrnWgxvvFg/view?usp=sharing

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9 hours ago, darobnsn said:

@Lisias i am encountering a fatal error that links to issue #34 (https://github.com/TweakScale/TweakScale/issues/34), but I'm having a heck of a time figuring out how to fix the problem. From the recent activity on this thread, it seems like the mod should still be working, so I hope you might be able to help me figure out what's going on here. Thanks!

copy of my log  here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13tb7OSH0ILUrTXamOiR7LsJrnWgxvvFg/view?usp=sharing

It's BDArmory:

[LOG 18:37:34.335] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part BDA.EJ200 (TFJ-EJ200 "Typhoon" Afterburning Turbofan) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0

The last release introduced a double patch by accident. AFAIK they are already aware and it should be fixed in the next release.

Until there, the known workarounds are:

  • Rolling back to the previous BDA; or
  • removing the file "BDArmory/Parts/EJ200/caesar_hone_60/BDA_EJ200.cfg"
    • this part will be removed from the game, however


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm afraid I encountered a fatal error from either TweakScale or KSPRecall. I recently (meaning within the past 4 days?) tried opening KSP with your two mods installed (along with several others). The game window would appear, but the program would never start loading; the window would be frozen, just blank white. (Also, using Windows to force it to close would take a VERY long time.)

I figured I would try the logical approach and remove mods from my GameData directory one by one until the program worked again. Due to alphabet reasons, KSPRecall was the first in my list; since I know TweakScale and KSPRecall are tied together, I just removed both of those directories, so I can't tell you which one caused the problem. But after just deleting those two directories, the game is booting up again!

I believe I will next try reinstalling just KSPRecall without TweakScale (that will work, right? KSPRecall can function without TweakScale?) and see if the program will still load.

Was there a minor update to KSP or something very recently? I run KSP through Steam, so I'm not often aware of when the game is updated. I just have no idea why the program would suddenly start freezing like that; I've used TweakScale for years.

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3 hours ago, hollyfeld said:

I'm afraid I encountered a fatal error from either TweakScale or KSPRecall. I recently (meaning within the past 4 days?) tried opening KSP with your two mods installed (along with several others). The game window would appear, but the program would never start loading; the window would be frozen, just blank white. (Also, using Windows to force it to close would take a VERY long time.)

I figured I would try the logical approach and remove mods from my GameData directory one by one until the program worked again. Due to alphabet reasons, KSPRecall was the first in my list; since I know TweakScale and KSPRecall are tied together, I just removed both of those directories, so I can't tell you which one caused the problem. But after just deleting those two directories, the game is booting up again!

I believe I will next try reinstalling just KSPRecall without TweakScale (that will work, right? KSPRecall can function without TweakScale?) and see if the program will still load.

Was there a minor update to KSP or something very recently? I run KSP through Steam, so I'm not often aware of when the game is updated. I just have no idea why the program would suddenly start freezing like that; I've used TweakScale for years.


What happened is that you uninstalled the messenger, so the problem ceased to be reported. But it's still there.

Install KSP-Recall and TweakScale, reproduce the problem, and then post here a link to the KSP.log published on DropBox or something, and I will be able to pinpoint the culprit.

My best guess is that there's something triggering the infamous Assembly Loader/Resolver bug on KSP, and TweakScale makes heavy use of that thing!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/23/2019 at 10:21 AM, Lisias said:

You probably right, I don't play kopernicus often, and I missed this one .

A patch should be trivia. Hopefully. :)

i will update my task list when in home.

I'm curious if this patch ever made it into TweakScale? I'm getting this same behavior (up-scaled solar panels do not produce up-scaled power) in my test install with just TweakScale ( installed manually from Github along with Recall and UberPaket 2023.3.28.4 just for good measure) and Other Worlds + Kopernicus (installed through CKAN). After looking through the MM config cache, it appears to be the same issue described by Tonas1997 where TS is targeting the vanilla module, but OW/Kopernicus have replaced it with "KopernicusSolarPanel", so TS doesn't actually update the power module.

Including logs + MM cache: Logs

EDIT: Doing a sanity search for "KopernicusSolarPanel" in CFG files within the test install's GameData folder shows that TweakScale makes no reference to this module, so I'm guessing the answer to my question is "no". This prompts me to ask, would a custom CFG file with this fix this issue?

	name = KopernicusSolarPanel
	chargeRate = 2
	temperatureEfficCurve = 2


EDIT2: So I've tried to use the above code both in a custom config file, and by inserting it into 020_ScaleExponents.cfg immediately below the same block targeted at "ModuleDeployableSolarPanel" and neither has had any effect on the issue. I have deleted the MM config cache for good measure on both attempts as I recall seeing that being needed somewhere else in this thread, but apparently has no effect in this case. Something I find interesting is that the up-scaled power production seems to work correctly while the panels are on the surface of Kerbin, but placing them in orbit removes the effect. Going to keep playing around with it in the hopes that I'll figure out how to insert my own patch, but still hoping for some sort of "official" response.

EDIT3: Further testing shows that this is specifically related to Other Worlds because it patches "KopernicusSolarPanel" into the solar panels to get the second star to work. With just Kopernicus installed, the behavior of scaled solar panels is correct as well as when Kopernicus and OPM are installed. It's only when Other Worlds is introduced that the scaled behavior fails to work as expected. Still blindly poking around in the configs for myself, but it still looks like the issue is the "KopernicusSolarPanel" module as that is specifically invoked for Kopernicus configs with multiple stars.

EDIT4: Playing around with trying to get TweakScale to recognize that I want it to add the same exponents to the "KopernicusSolarPanel" module hasn't produced any results, so I'm back to hoping for a better answer from someone who knows how to make this work correctly.

Edited by SpacedInvader
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13 hours ago, SpacedInvader said:

EDIT: Doing a sanity search for "KopernicusSolarPanel" in CFG files within the test install's GameData folder shows that TweakScale makes no reference to this module, so I'm guessing the answer to my question is "no". This prompts me to ask, would a custom CFG file with this fix this issue?

	name = KopernicusSolarPanel
	chargeRate = 2
	temperatureEfficCurve = 2


EDIT4: Playing around with trying to get TweakScale to recognize that I want it to add the same exponents to the "KopernicusSolarPanel" module hasn't produced any results, so I'm back to hoping for a better answer from someone who knows how to make this work correctly.


In order to get TweakScale to scale something, we need some requirements fulfilled:

  1. A patch adding a TweakScale module to a part
    1. respecting the bulkhead profile, the part's "behaviour" et all
  2. Having TweakScale Exponents for every PartModule the part uses.

The problem you described happens because Kopernicus used to use a specialised PartModule for the solar panels, as now you can have multiple sources of light (Stock only knows how to handle one). But since Kopernicus usually patches the existent parts replacing the Stock PartModule with its own, then by just adding the new Exponent things used to just works.

However, since some time Kopernicus is being heavily changed using Harmony, and now Kraken knows what is being changed inside KSP itself - so I'm unsure if I can really help.

What I can say for sure is that TweakScale (the main distribution) only Supports Stock and DLCs, and this is not going to change. What it can be done is adding Kopernicus support by a TweakScale Companion. This way, only Kopernicus users would be risking their SASes on unorthodox patching and I don't risk screwing up everybody else.

In a way or another, https://github.com/TweakScale/Companion/issues/27

I expect to have time for modding again next month (hopefully).

Edited by Lisias
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7 hours ago, Lisias said:


In order to get TweakScale to scale something, we need some requirements fulfilled:

  1. A patch adding a TweakScale module to a part
    1. respecting the bulkhead profile, the part's "behaviour" et all
  2. Having TweakScale Exponents for every PartModule the part uses.

The problem you described happens because Kopernicus used to use a specialised PartModule for the solar panels, as now you can have multiple sources of light (Stock only knows how to handle one). But since Kopernicus usually patches the existent parts replacing the Stock PartModule with its own, then by just adding the new Exponent things used to just works.

However, since some time Kopernicus is being heavily changed using Harmony, and now Kraken knows what is being changed inside KSP itself - so I'm unsure if I can really help.

What I can say for sure is that TweakScale (the main distribution) only Supports Stock and DLCs, and this is not going to change. What it can be done is adding Kopernicus support by a TweakScale Companion. This way, only Kopernicus users would be risking their SASes on unorthodox patching and I don't risk screwing up everybody else.

In a way or another, https://github.com/TweakScale/Companion/issues/27

I expect to have time for modding again next month (hopefully).

Makes sense then why my attempt at a patch failed miserably... Kopernicus does the KSP equivalent of rewriting the laws of physics to make itself work, which is a lot more involved than I'd originally thought. It also makes sense that this would necessarily be a companion mod rather than trying to put the compatibility into the main branch. I'll keep an eye on the github issue in the hopes that you'll figure out a way to make it work, and in the meantime I guess I need to go looking for some more solar panel options. Thanks for the reply.

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hello, I left the game for 1 year while everything was working correctly and now came back and updated mods through ckan ( Always used ) but now gets the houston error page on launch regarding tweakscale and I tried everything from installing manually to reinstalling in ckan again but still nothing works and here is the log file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vqAtfa8rlt5JvVLNNnLZlMEl9qYBn0p6/view?usp=drive_link

Edited by kmsheesh
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1 hour ago, kmsheesh said:

hello, I left the game for 1 year while everything was working correctly and now came back and updated mods through ckan ( Always used ) but now gets the houston error page on launch regarding tweakscale and I tried everything from installing manually to reinstalling in ckan again but still nothing works and here is the log file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vqAtfa8rlt5JvVLNNnLZlMEl9qYBn0p6/view?usp=drive_link

As you said yourself, it's a CKAN issue. It updated something that broke the game, and TweakScale is the one yelling about the breakage - and not the one causing it.

I suggest you to post this log on CKAN thread (after authorising people to download it, as at the present moment I was denied the access) in order to identify the Add'On that is borking - 99% of chances of being the infamous Assembly Loader/Resolver bug being triggered by some missing or wrong dependency from someone else.

By searching the KSP.log for Reflection Exceptions, one may diagnose the problem by inspecting the first occurrence of that Exception (it's usually the victim of the problem that triggers the infamous AL/R I mentioned above) - unless you have MechJeb2 installed that due some internal processing ends up changing the order in which things are logged . It's usually easier to temporarily uninstall MJ2 and redo the test do identify the problematic add'on, and when things are tight again installing MJ2 back for playing.

— — POST EDIT — — 

Here, I think I found the problem (I may be wrong, because MechJeb is there):

[ERR 01:03:00.860] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: 0Harmony, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[ERR 01:03:00.864] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'KSPCommunityFixes': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of ty
pe 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x000e6] in <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0

Additional information about this exception:

 System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly '0Harmony, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or o
ne of its dependencies.
File name: '0Harmony, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

You need to install Harmony.

Edited by Lisias
tyops as usulla...
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