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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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Some content has been removed.  Please stay on-topic, and don't make things personal.

The topic of this thread is TweakScale.  Therefore:

  • If you're a TweakScale user, and you have a problem with it, this is the right place to post.
  • If you are able to diagnose the user's problem, and it's TweakScale-related, this is the right place to answer.
  • If you're able to diagnose the user's problem, and you believe that the problem lies elsewhere (i.e. is not actually a TweakScale issue), then it is appropriate to do this:
    • explain that this isn't a TweakScale issue
    • identify what software you believe is the issue
    • point the user at where they can go to engage the maintainer of that software

What is not appropriate:

  • personal attacks, airing of grievances
  • accusations, such as assertions of blame/fault (it's perfectly okay to say "software X is the problem",  which is helpful and objective, but  not "the maintainer of X did <bad thing>", which is unhelpful and accusatory)
  • discussion of interpersonal dynamics (e.g. who supposedly did what to whom, what other people's motivations supposedly are, etc.)

Thank you for your understanding.

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2 hours ago, marxman28 said:

So, if I need to install the Extras folder, where would I put its contents? In the same folder as TweakScale or a new one?

The INSTALL instructions (also present on the ZIP file) explains how to install the thing.

The Extras directory are… well… extras, and they also contains instructions about why they are there and when (or if) you can use them.

These instructions files are also present on the ZIP file.



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Hello, I've been messing around with my mods because some of the parts for the mods that I downloaded weren't in the editor. Everything is fixed except for two issues when loading saved crafts.  The first missing part module says "missing part module: TweakScalerWaterfallFX" and the second one says "TweakScale RougeDuplicate." Also, tweakscale gives me a message in the main menu saying that some parts failed to pass some sanity check. Is there any way to fix this?

How do I send over my KSP log.

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Tweakscale is cause really wonky merges if I use the move tool to clip parts inside others. I'm currently on v2.4.7.3 of the mod, installed using CKAN, on KSP v 1.12.4





How it's supposed to look


Edited by AnFa
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14 minutes ago, AnFa said:

Tweakscale is cause really wonky merges if I use the move tool to clip parts inside others. I'm currently on v2.4.7.3 of the mod, installed using CKAN, on KSP v 1.12.4

Didn't you used the ReRoot on this craft? It completely screws up the attachment nodes, and may be an explanation for this misbehaviour.

In a way or another, please send me the craft files (the right one, and the screwed one) so I can see what's happening.

— — POST EDIT — — 

Please send too your KSP.log . It may be something missing on your GameData, or perhaps something mangling with something… 

Edited by Lisias
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1 hour ago, Lisias said:

Didn't you used the ReRoot on this craft? It completely screws up the attachment nodes, and may be an explanation for this misbehaviour.

In a way or another, please send me the craft files (the right one, and the screwed one) so I can see what's happening.

— — POST EDIT — — 

Please send too your KSP.log . It may be something missing on your GameData, or perhaps something mangling with something… 

Yes, I did use reroot. I never had problems with it last time I played the game, and back then I also used TweakScale, and it never was an issue

The log: https://www.mediafire.com/file/9xn92py7oirafil/KSP.log/file

The CommSat: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vu8jf0imlt584rp/CommSat.craft/file

The ship with the messed up CommSat attached: https://www.mediafire.com/file/lmaj739c9c71reb/Humpback_Mk_1.craft/file

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14 minutes ago, AnFa said:

Yes, I did use reroot. I never had problems with it last time I played the game, and back then I also used TweakScale, and it never was an issue

The log: https://www.mediafire.com/file/9xn92py7oirafil/KSP.log/file

The CommSat: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vu8jf0imlt584rp/CommSat.craft/file

The ship with the messed up CommSat attached: https://www.mediafire.com/file/lmaj739c9c71reb/Humpback_Mk_1.craft/file

Oh well… So the craft is screwed, sorry. Really screwed, you will need to rebuild it from scratch - or, at least, I'm not aware of any workaround to salvage it.

And it's not a TweakScale problem, it's a(nother) bug on KSP for sure. The linked issue explains the gore details of the problem, and it was reproduced since KSP 1.8.1 without any add'ons installed.

I don't have an explanation for this thing starting to bite you only now.

I'm scheduling time to work on a workaround for it, but I can't give you even a guess of a timeline for working on it - the second half of the year is usually busy for me.

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Are you sure? Because when I uninstall TweakScale, I don't have this issue at all. I can offset, clip parts into each other, etc and this issue never appears, and it didn't appear to me back in the day, when I played KSP last.

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1 hour ago, AnFa said:

Are you sure? Because when I uninstall TweakScale, I don't have this issue at all. I can offset, clip parts into each other, etc and this issue never appears, and it didn't appear to me back in the day, when I played KSP last.

Yes, I am. I documented everything on the issue I linked above.

As a matter of fact, I just reproduced it again on a "naked" KSP 1.8.1, and the problem was still there.

Humm…. Got an idea… I think I was reusing the same savegame when I made the tests on the issue, I will try again on a new savegame where no add'on was ever installed before. Perhaps this is something that happens on the savegame that, so, ends up screwing something on the ReRoot.

I reproduced exactly the steps given in the issue #66 on both attempts (old, "dirty" savegame, and a new pristine one). Same results.

As I said, I don't have an explanation for you not experiencing this problem before, but my tests are conclusive. There's no margin for error on this one, the diagnosis is solid (as it's deterministically reproducible).

Did you changed something on your rig recently? Perhaps something on your rig was preventing the problem from happening - this would be a explanation for this.


3 hours ago, Spadedzero said:

Hello, I've been messing around with my mods because some of the parts for the mods that I downloaded weren't in the editor. Everything is fixed except for two issues when loading saved crafts.  The first missing part module says "missing part module: TweakScalerWaterfallFX" and the second one says "TweakScale RougeDuplicate." Also, tweakscale gives me a message in the main menu saying that some parts failed to pass some sanity check. Is there any way to fix this?

How do I send over my KSP log.

The first occurrence is easy to fix: install TweakScale Companion The ÜberPaket.

The second occurrence is a bit hairy, it means that you have some really bad patches on your rig screwing up TweakScale - but most of these problems were tackled down by writing proper patches, what I had done on the ÜberPaket . Download and install it and try again, there's a good chance that this second problem will go away.

If not, please read the instructions on the OP (the first post on the first page of the thread), inside the Spoiler below the title "Support:".

Edited by Lisias
Brute force post merging
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13 hours ago, Lisias said:

Yes, I am. I documented everything on the issue I linked above.

As a matter of fact, I just reproduced it again on a "naked" KSP 1.8.1, and the problem was still there.

Humm…. Got an idea… I think I was reusing the same savegame when I made the tests on the issue, I will try again on a new savegame where no add'on was ever installed before. Perhaps this is something that happens on the savegame that, so, ends up screwing something on the ReRoot.

I reproduced exactly the steps given in the issue #66 on both attempts (old, "dirty" savegame, and a new pristine one). Same results.

As I said, I don't have an explanation for you not experiencing this problem before, but my tests are conclusive. There's no margin for error on this one, the diagnosis is solid (as it's deterministically reproducible).

Did you changed something on your rig recently? Perhaps something on your rig was preventing the problem from happening - this would be a explanation for this.

No, my rig is exactly the same as the one I used a couple of years ago, when I last played KSP, when I used tweakscale and didn't have this problem.

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3 hours ago, AnFa said:

No, my rig is exactly the same as the one I used a couple of years ago, when I last played KSP, when I used tweakscale and didn't have this problem.

Well, I can only guess so. Because I don't remember being screwed by the ReRoot until recently - but, granted, I never really migrated to KSP >= 1.8 , too much new bugs screwing my current savegames - and when I decided to create a new one, well, I use the KSP version that it's proven to work fine to me - 1.7.3, to be precise.

What I can say FOR SURE:

  1. If the part's nodes are already screwed, TweakScale will try to scale up or down things already screwed, and then you will get the results from your screenshots. Garbage In, Garbage Out - it's simple like that.
    1. And from KSP 1.8.x, the Attachment Nodes are being screwed by ReRoot. This is a fact, demonstrated and proven on Issue #66 I previously linked.
    2. There's a chance that there was a sweet spot in which the ReRoot manages to work right, and perhaps we were living on that sweet spot without being aware - but that sweet spot spoiled into bitter, and this is what we need to cope with now.
    3. This happens without TweakScale being installed - so there's no chance it's involved on the mess.
    4. TweakScale works fine as long the craft is not ReRooted.
    5. The ReRoot permanently destroys the craft, as the Issue #66 proves (check the craft files before and after ReRooting)
  2. TweakScale is not the only one being screwed by this - once the Attachment Nodes get screwed, it will be screwed for everybody.
    1. If you find something that are surviving this problem, please advise - I wanna know what it does.
  3. TweakScale is working fine from KSP 1.4.3 to 1.12.5, I test it regularly on both these ones to guarantee backwards compatibility - in which I had succeeded consistently.
    1. Again, as long no ones ReRoot the craft, the Attachment Nodes don't get screwed - and if the Attachment Nodes are not screwed, TweakScale scales them right. Again, not a TweakScale issue.
      1. I'm not saying there's no issues with TweakScale, I'm saying this is not one of them.
  4. There's a problem plaguing users of Hybrid CPUs lately (that ones with P-Core and E-Cores - on my time, we would call them assymetric CPUs), but you are not one of them - your CPU has 8 identical cores.
    1. You are safe on this one.

In a way or another, TweakScale is out of this equation - it only happens that it is relatively famous, used by many people and it was caught (again) on a crossfire initiated by the almost infinite number of bugs of KSP.

However, I agree with you that we, ideally, should had detected this crap earlier. KSP 1.8.0 was released in October, 2019 - almost 4 years ago. It's literally impossible that no one had used the ReRoot at least once from that day to nowadays.

The only thing that I can imagine may be influencing on this new and pervasive problem is the Monkey Patching thingy that I discovered recently is implemented on KSP.

Assuming I'm right about it (and I must be, because that Monkey Patching class must had beem come from somewhere, and wasn't by me), I'm cogitating that probably a fix was being silently applied all these years suddenly wasn't anymore - or perhaps a silent fix for something was applied recently, and it screwed the ReRoot by accident.

So, yeah… I need more information about this before risking trying something. If there's a Monkey Patching being applied, what would happen if it suddenly stops being applied? Would my eventual workaround code start to misbehave and screw user's savegames as the ReRoot is doing now? ideally, should be no MonkeyPatching - or at least, not a silent one. We need to know if things are changing inside KSP, otherwise we end up between a rock and a hard place - as we are right now.

Do you have any old backups of your savegames from that time before being bitten by the ReRoot? I suggest to create yet a new backup of them, and then pick one and start to check your crafts to see if some of them is already broken, or if they are being broken now. Ideally, you should use exactly the same KSP installation you used last time they worked fine - we need to reduce the number of variables on this equation, or we will never be able to tackle down this one.

Do you know how to use KDIFF3? This tool may help you on the task…

Edited by Lisias
Entertaining grammars made less entertaining…
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1 hour ago, Lisias said:

In a way or another, TweakScale is out of this equation - it only happens that it is relatively famous

I wanna make clear that I'm not trying to pick on Tweakscale. The scaling works fine. I'm just pointing it out and posting here because when I uninstall TweakScale, the rerooting works perfectly fine. That's why I thought Tweakscale was the responsible one.

1 hour ago, Lisias said:

Do you have any old backups of your savegames from that time before being bitten by the ReRoot?

Sorry, I don't.

1 hour ago, Lisias said:

Do you know how to use KDIFF3?

No, I don't. Apologies

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53 minutes ago, AnFa said:

I wanna make clear that I'm not trying to pick on Tweakscale.

This is not a problem for me, I don't mind (too much :P) diagnosing TweakScale problems when the problem is on TweakScale.

I'm trying to be assertive about this problem, not dismissive - sorry if it looked otherwise.


55 minutes ago, AnFa said:

The scaling works fine. I'm just pointing it out and posting here because when I uninstall TweakScale, the rerooting works perfectly fine. That's why I thought Tweakscale was the responsible one.

And now we have a new information!!! At least on my tests, having TweakScale installed or not doesn't make any different - at least, on that specific Use Case I described on the Issue #66.

I gave another look on your KSP.log and, well…  I found some small discrepancies from your initial report. You had installed KSPCF 1.30, that was released recently (July, 2023), and this thingy manages to be yet more intrusive than KSP-Recall.

This is not a fingerpointing fest, just the statement of a fact: KSPCF mangles a lot of thingies inside KSP, and so it's prone to inject new collateral effects every time it fixes (or tries to) something - I'm reasonably confident that's the case on two problems involving 3rd parties, and apparently now we have another case, this time on TweakScale (again, this is a guess at this moment, to be verified).

Well, at least I have something new to work with - our exchange was productive!

Can you do me a favor, if you find the time? Duplicate your KSP installation, and on the duplicate remove everything but Squad and SquadExpansion. This is how I tested Issue #66, and I would be grateful if you could try to reproduce the problem by executing the steps explained on the Issue literally (even if it sounds silly). I need to know if this misbehaviour would happen identically on your rig before digging on KSPCF to check if it would be involved somehow (i.e., I need to know if KSPC is stepping on TS's feet or the other way around).


1 hour ago, AnFa said:

Sorry, I don't.

No, I don't. Apologies

No apologies necessary at all. Sorry if I made it look like that.

I'm a professional on the field, and sometimes I switch to "Professional Mode" without being aware - in fact, I'm taking some heat the whole month on Day Job© in which I ended up being involved, but didn't caused it, and I had to exercise "assertiveness" with some emphasis. Looking back, I think I let such assertiveness leak into our conversation.

In a way or another, we had a bit of miscommunication, but the exchange was productive - I have new information to work with now.


(I'm grumpy, not evil!)

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20 minutes ago, Lisias said:

And now we have a new information!!!

My bad! I was sure I had said that in my opening statement. Also, I was doing some further testing, and actually there is a way to unfudge the craft. In this case, what I was doing that was messing up was rerooting from the probe core and onto the engine, then merging into another vessel, but if I go backwards in the CommSat original file and reroot from the engine back onto the probe core, it merges just fine. All of this with TweakScaled installed.

20 minutes ago, Lisias said:

Can you do me a favor, if you find the time?

I'll do it this weekend, when I'm free from uni and will report back then.

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14 hours ago, AnFa said:

<…>what I was doing that was messing up was rerooting from the probe core and onto the engine, then merging into another vessel, but if I go backwards in the CommSat original file and reroot from the engine back onto the probe core, it merges just fine. All of this with TweakScaled installed.

And now we have yet a new important piece of information! The initial part appear to play a role on the problem.

This is interesting because I had huge problems with attachments in the past, and some of them were only happening under very interesting (and convoluted) circumstances involving the ModulePartVariants. If the first part of a sequence is not a variant, neither the second part, then any part with variant on the subtree will trigger a huge krapstorm on the attachments. For some time I was blaming ModulePartVariants until I identified that the problem was, indeed, on the Editor and not on the game engine neither the PartModule (realised it when a bug affecting the Craft being loaded in memory was screwing my crafts, but not when I launched the craft directly into the Runway or LaunchPad - from that point, I finally understood that I was fighting the Editor all that time, not the game engine or the PartModules!).

Now I have something solid (and known) to work with! Thank you very much! :)

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Space Coyote here,

Well I am going through Mod by Mod and am slowly looking to see if there are any mods that can cause the "Houson we have a problem crash and in fact the first one I fixed was "Embeded MechJeb 1.5. in both the Career mode and the It's free (Sand Box) mode, I found that the files had hidden inside copies of Module Manager 4.0.2. This would trip the fatal exception for Watchdog.. Removed those two files.. the mod now works and no errors caught by Watch dog.. So 1 down, hundreds to go...


I'll keep checking back in , to see if ther eare any other errors I can find..

Space Coyote (Aero-dyne Space Industries).

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4 hours ago, Space_Coyote said:

Well I am going through Mod by Mod and am slowly looking to see if there are any mods that can cause the "Houson we have a problem crash and in fact the first one I fixed was "Embeded MechJeb 1.5. in both the Career mode and the It's free (Sand Box) mode, I found that the files had hidden inside copies of Module Manager 4.0.2. This would trip the fatal exception for Watchdog.. Removed those two files.. the mod now works and no errors caught by Watch dog.. So 1 down, hundreds to go...


Yeah… TweakScale has a hell of a big mouth, it yells on anything it find smelling funny. I heard of people that installed it, removed the patches and kept the DLL just to be yelled if something goes south on the rig. :)

It's annoying sometimes, but still better than losing your savegames - what would happen eventually with or without TweakScale, because whatever affects TweakScale, also affects other add'ons.

You may want to install Module Manager WatchDog too. It will yell on situations that TweakScale is not able to detect involving MM.

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I think I finally found the reason why people were complaining about TweakScale, supposedly, screwing up some parts due excess drag.

The reason (as you may be already guessing by now) was not TweakScale, but some Stock parts being shipped with the wrong settings. <Nope - A double inspection revealed that the settings are unusual, but not necessarily wrong!!!> Garbage In, Garbage Out - if the source part is already screwed, TweakScale will scale the problem as well.

Right now I'm inspecting Stock parts (as well anything I wrote patches to) for more problems.

(krap, krap², krap³!!!!)

— — POST EDIT — — 

Stock, indeed, has a conceptual problem  not exactly a bug on a Part Config, but a "bug" on the guidelines used to write such Part Configs!

See this post for details:

— — POST EDIT — — 

That conceptual weirdness may play havoc on integrating 3rd parties parts, but the Real Problem™ was found to be our now old friend, ReRoot (mis)feature.

I finally have a case of Lupus. House, MD.

Edited by Lisias
Found the problem. Stock wasn't innocent after all! :P
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/17/2023 at 2:17 AM, Lisias said:


Release is available for downloading, with the following changes:

  • A new Feature was introduced that automatically deactivates the Auto Scale and the Chain Scale features every time the user enters the Editor, creates a new Craft or loads one.
    • Aims to minimize support tickets opened by users that forget the features active and then thinks it's a bug on TweakScale
    • Default is On, can be turned off on the TweakScale Settings dialog.
  • Updates KNOWN ISSUES with workarounds for the following Work In Progress bugs:
  • Updates MMWD to

Now and then an User opens a Support Ticket about an issue on TweakScale that, in essence, it was the Auto Scale or the Chain Scale forgotten active. Since this is happening with some frequency, I decided to code this Feature. Now, every time the user enters the Editor (VAB or SPH), or clicks on the "New" button, or loads a craft, all the TweakScale features are reset to disabled - unless the user unchecks the respective option.


This dialog, as usual, is available by clicking on the TweakScale's button on the Toolbar:

  • Scale_On.png
    • When scaling is available, and no features are enabled.
  • Scale_Auto.png
    • When scaling is available, and at least one feature is enabled
  • Scale_Unsupported.png
    • When there's no TweakScale support for the last part you selected (or opened the PAW).

Know Issues

  • https://github.com/TweakScale/TweakScale/issues/297
    • Under a certain, more or less convoluted, sequence of movements on a Part, TweakScale starts to misbehave the placements of cloned parts of such convolutely edited part.
    • It's a pain in the SAS when it happens, but the work around is simple enough: instead of Alt+Click the displaced part, take a new one from the Part's Palette.
    • I intend to fix this (it's a bug on TweakScale for sure), but I will priorize some TweskScale Companions first.
  • https://github.com/TweakScale/TweakScale/issues/283
    • This one is a crappy one. When scaling parts with resources under symmetry, only the "original" part gets its resources scaled correctly, the cloned ones get the prefab values.
      • This is unrelated to the previous one, by the way - the reason this is happening is completely different, I checked it.
    • However, by saving and loading back the craft, or by launching it from the Editor, the values are "fixed" - this strongly suggests that TweakScale is doing its job right on this one, and since this started to happen only on KSP 1.11.x (I tested only 1.11.2 and 1.12.5), the matter is settled.
      • The freaking bug vanished while I was Smoke Testing this release. Kraken knows why, I'm currently clueless about the reason the problem is "fixed"
        • I don't even know how and why, but I had updated some other add'ons that were smoked tested together.
      • Anyway… Let's see what happens on the field..

Your Attention Please

Due a major screw up of mine (hate you, Windows!!), you will need to manually remove the following files before updating - unless you install things manually, when you will overwrite them anyway!

  • <KSP_ROOT>/GameData/666_ModuleManagerWatchDog.dll


By last, but not the least...

  Hide contents

No Module Manager was harmed during the development of TweakScale.


This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

  • GitHub, reaching first manual installers and users of KSP-AVC. Right now.
  • CurseForge. Right Now.
  • SpaceDock. Right Now.

Hi @Lisias I'm trying to mod my game but run into the issue saying system.reflection.reflectiontypeloadexception was thrown. could you please help me out? here is my logs.  https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9jyln5kectsy0os29g72k/output_log.txt?rlkey=9bxfmkgnkln1veary9crbeaf0&dl=0

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1 hour ago, vysiondropz said:

Hi @Lisias I'm trying to mod my game but run into the issue saying system.reflection.reflectiontypeloadexception was thrown. could you please help me out? here is my logs.  https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9jyln5kectsy0os29g72k/output_log.txt?rlkey=9bxfmkgnkln1veary9crbeaf0&dl=0

I think you sent me the wrong file. There's absolutely no mods loaded on your rig, by the looks of this output_log!


Environment Info

Mod DLLs found:
Stock assembly: Assembly-CSharp v0.0.0.0

Folders and files in GameData:
Stock folder: Squad

Stock folder: SquadExpansion


Reproduce the problem, quit KSP (to prevent the logs from being truncated) and send me the KSP.log instead!

— — POST EDIT — — 

hey, are you using KSP 1.7 or older? :)

Initialize engine version: 2017.1.3p1 (02d73f71d3bd)

humm… yes, KSP 1.7.3! :)

[KSP Version]: (WindowsPlayer x64) (x64) ru ==============================


Edited by Lisias
Copy & Paste Error
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Good Afternoon, I am looking for help with my tweakscale. 

It is always forming this response: "Missing Class: Exception of type  'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown."

Here is the log(s): https://share.multcloud.link/share/b46cc8d7-6958-453c-b0d7-292f6e9ca753 , https://share.multcloud.link/share/b2f6f5c5-df3f-41bf-b4b2-c9273b6d5016 

I don't know which one you need.

Please note I have a great number of mods installed, but I only added 3 more today, and even after I completely removed them all, the error still showed up. (This error never happened before.)

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1 hour ago, Matisse08 said:

Good Afternoon, I am looking for help with my tweakscale. 

It is always forming this response: "Missing Class: Exception of type  'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown."

Here is the log(s): https://share.multcloud.link/share/b46cc8d7-6958-453c-b0d7-292f6e9ca753 , https://share.multcloud.link/share/b2f6f5c5-df3f-41bf-b4b2-c9273b6d5016 

I don't know which one you need.

Please note I have a great number of mods installed, but I only added 3 more today, and even after I completely removed them all, the error still showed up. (This error never happened before.)

Hi. Unfortunately you missed the one that would really help, the KSP.log.

What's happening is that something was updated or installed that is failing to be loaded (perhaps by a missing dependency), and this triggers an (in)famous bug on KSP on a thingy called Assembly Loader/Resolver , that so actively screws up anyone trying to use a thingy called Reflection or trying to load a DLL.

Send me your KSP.log and I will dig it for the culprit.

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2 hours ago, Matisse08 said:

Here is the file: KSP.log

Hi! Your rig is pretty damanged...

For starterts, you have two TweakScaleCompanions installed on the rig - and there can be only one. KSPIE is ano badly installed:

Stock folder: Squad
TweakScaleCompanion 4.48.45 pm

Completely remove <KSP_ROOT>GameData/TweakScaleCompanion 4.48.45 pm . Additionaly, rename KSPIE+1.29.6+for+KSP+1.8.1 to KSPIE.

Besides this, I think you have a problem with ExsurgentEngineering (and I don't have the slightest idea about what it is):

[ERR 17:07:29.850] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'ExsurgentEngineering': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x000e6] in <106570632fc343a784fad39e75e877bf>:0

Additional information about this exception:

 System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 0100002b (from typeref, class/assembly SolidRocket, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)

Reach ExsurgentEngineering maintainers for help, this is also screwing a lot of other addons, as HangerExtenderExtended , KineTechAnimationModuleLoader ,  MechJeb2 and all the TweakScaleCompanions due the Assembly Loader/Resolver problem on KSP:

[LOG 17:07:30.683] [ModuleManager] Intercepted a ReflectionTypeLoadException. List of broken DLLs:
ExsurgentEngineering 1.0.5122.3109 GameData/ExsurgentEngineering/Plugins/ExsurgentEngineering.dll
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