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[1.8-1.12] Ferram Aerospace Research Continued: v0.16.0.5 "Mader" 03/04/22


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9 hours ago, RunaDacino said:

Is it possible, in FAR, to push jet engines higher than their mach number indicates?


Afterburning "Panther" engines, no matter what design I use, cap out at around 970 m/s before rapidly losing thrust. Is it possible to hit mach 3 and maintain it in level flight using procedural wings and Panther engines, or do I need whiplashes? (I'm asking for sake of career saves and "planes with purposes", with Whiplash i can hit very good speeds easily).

FAR really doesn't do anything to Jet Engines afaik. AJE is the mod that changes jet engine parameters. Although I very much doubt you could hit Mach 3 with stock Panthers (without AJE). If you look at the Kerbal wiki for Panther engines, you'll see that it drops off in thrust very quickly after ~Mach 2.7. So maybe try cruising higher but I doubt you could do better than 970 m/s

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Posted (edited)
On 5/4/2024 at 9:37 AM, RunaDacino said:

Also! How do you deal with landing gear and its introduced drag... since AFAIK none of the mods allow building the gear housing INTO the wing/fuselage properly. I'm mostly using B9aero, Mk2 stockalike, b9 wings, Near future and foundry.

Can't giove you precise answer regarding engines, might be wrong on that one. As for lanfing gears, what do you meant that you can't build housing into wings or fuselage ?

That is almost mandatoray for me to clip landing gears into fuselage/wings. Deliberatly creating thicker wings to be able to hide landing gears into wings. Once you place landing gear on craft, you can offset postion in a way that only landing leg and wheel stick out when landing gears are in down position. And with gears up, everything is hidden inside wing/fuselage, or at least almost everything, depending on used part. B9 wings can also hold a fuel, so, being thicker is not ultimately bad thing.

I was not activly played KSP for a while, so can't tell if Kerbal Foundries mod still work on latest KSP. But I highly recommend it to try. Especialy adjustable landing gears.



Edited by kcs123
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)



I've tried searching, but came out empty. Using Procedural Wings, how do I best go about setting up leading edge slats, flaps and other leading edge devices in FAR so that they respond appropriately to control input? I want to try and enhance my spaceplanes' low speed performance without making their wings too massive.


Also to earlier question: I'm using Kerbal Foundries. The wheels are often larger than even thicker wing settings I use when scaled sufficiently for ground contact with maximum strut extension. However, I did find ways to minimize their drag so it's fine.

Edited by RunaDacino
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Parts with ability to intake air, and also atmosphere that have b9partswitch to replace intakeatm with other fuels cause nullreference exception spam. Linked to original report with logs in the thread.

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When making patches for turning wings in mods compatible with FAR, what are some easy ways to generate the required data for control and lifting surfaces?


The mods in question are firespitter and coldwaraerospace

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/19/2019 at 4:02 PM, Kitspace said:

Hi guys!

Does anyone know what aerodynamics model does FAR use?
What parameters are assumed from the voxel model shape, and what information is taken from the wings config files?
What kind of airfoil or lift curve shape does it assume for the parts it classes as "wings"?
What about body lift?

Thank you!

This looks like to be the "main" file for the atmospherics model.


I recommend cloning the codebase locally and using some kind of IDE that has a linter/langserver able to handle unity/C#. I think VSCode might be suitable. Afterwards, you should be able to track down all the functions and procedures that get called by this file. 




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Posted (edited)

After launching complex craft and returning to KSC, and launching more crafts - using Kerbal Construction Time - eventually something in FAR breaks and it begins to spam mesh render and null exception errors.
This happens only in atmosphere, leading to a physicsDelta of 40% on the launchpad even on a 50-60 part craft that normally moves around 90-100. On pressing launch, it then drops down to 10-20% with frame dropping and stutters. 


Logfile: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l3qDhVrvgT_SIKioU10GTXEVxxLri34X/view?usp=sharing

Noting: I've experienced this issue with and without scatterer, with and without kerbinside/GAP+extras so I believe it is likely ferram at the root.
Noting: I have made a few custom patches to MKS and tech tree to suit my playstyle, but none interact with aero.

The craft in question:



I've made it twice using Kerbal Construction Time, duplicating the first copy. First launch went smoothly at like 80% physicsDelta (using katz' utility that displays it). Second launch broke and forced me to quit and restart. On restart, the issues disappeared.


PC properties:

Win10 64bit "N" Home edition, Ryzen 5 5500, 16Gb 3200 MHz DDR4 RAM, GTX1050Ti, KSP is running on my 512 GB with 250 Gb free SATA system SSD.


Reproduction steps:

Make multiple launches to orbit using Kerbal Construction Time's launch method. Sometimes, something breaks and your next launch starts to stutter.

Reproduction reliability:
Very low, I cannot rightfully predict it. Sometimes I can fly planes for hours, landing them and whatnot and no issues occur. Sometimes, I quickload in-atmosphere or revert a bunch and it occurs much earlier. Other times I can do 8 launches back to back without issues. 

Potential cause maybe:
Could Decoupler Shroud mod cause issues with voxelization? I've seen it cause issues before in VAB forcing me to mess around.
Furthermore, I alt tab a lot as I use low-TWR engines a lot and my burns are atrociously long. However, this is usually done in orbit. 

Edited by RunaDacino
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