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Island Base Safe Place?

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If I park an aircraft in a hangar.  Then try to dispatch a fuel truck to service the aircraft, I get the "Runway Not Clear" warning and it wants to force me to clear the area, even though I know the aircraft is safely out of harms way.  Is there a "Safe Place" to park an aircraft out there so it won't trigger the warning message?   I'd rather not have to fly my fuel truck out there with another craft.  ...or @SQUAD could you please adjust the warning message so aircraft in the hangar are allowable?

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10 minutes ago, XLjedi said:

If I park an aircraft in a hangar.  Then try to dispatch a fuel truck to service the aircraft, I get the "Runway Not Clear" warning and it wants to force me to clear the area, even though I know the aircraft is safely out of harms way.  Is there a "Safe Place" to park an aircraft out there so it won't trigger the warning message?   I'd rather not have to fly my fuel truck out there with another craft.  ...or @SQUAD could you please adjust the warning message so aircraft in the hangar are allowable?

I'd like to know too... i'd like to have launch pads set amongst the KSC from kerbal konstructs for rescue shuttles on standby and visible on launch.

So... has anyone worked out the difference or anyone know a mod that could help please?

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5 minutes ago, bewing said:

AFAIK, it goes by the biome. And the biome of the Island Runway is the entire piece that's grafted on top of the island.

Would be nice if they split it similar to KSC.    Or possibly make the land nearby more level to runway like dessert base.

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