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New Mk-2 lander can right click not working

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I need help. When the mk-2 lander can is selected, it stops the right click menu from showing up for all the part selected. Please reply if you have a solution and how many other than me are facing this problem. Thanks In advance

Edited by Nigel Cardozo
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Nearly everyone has noticed this in one form or another.  Without mods, the second start of KSP should clear the problem (at least that is what I found and reported in the in a bug report, which I suppose you saw just now but for some reason it didn't work for you?) If you saved any craft when the problem was happening, after starting KSP again you will need to replace the affected parts with a "fresh copy" to get their right-click menus working.

It looks like the PartDatabase.cfg is changed by adding/removing mods, or maybe on the first install from Steam, and the first time KSP generates it itself, it does so incorrectly.

Other people, though, with different combinations of mods, used more elaborate solutions.  Maybe verifying files from Steam link.  Maybe deleting PartDatabase.cfg is needed (link).  Maybe deleting *.loadmeta files is needed (link).

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I just posted a workaround on the same question asked by vandarren

yes I am having the issue, It only happens with the Mk.2 lander can, and mostly after you update/install a mod.  Here is the workaround that I have used successfully on two computers multiple times.  It doesn't require you to uninstall any mods, nor reinstall KSP.

On KSP go to your save game folder, pick the save you are using for your current game, go to ships folder and select the VABfolder. Delete files that have the "Craft name.loadmeta" (loadmetafile under type). Do not delete anything that have the .Craft extension. 


base mini.craft Do Not Delete

Base mini.loadmeta Delete

Repeat on SPH folder

Restart KSP, since you did not delete your .craft files all your saved ships will be there and the right click on the mk2 can functionality is restored.

 Note: if you know the name of the ships you used the mk2 can on you only need to delete the .loadmeta for those.

hope this helps

 Merry christmas

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