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[Mac] KSP Manager for Mac OSX 10.7+


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KSP Manager - Mac OS X Kerbal Space Program Part/Plugin/Mission/Ship Manager

Status: Alpha

Download: KSP Manager Version 1.11

Source: https://github.com/JnyJny/KSPManager1

License: This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License</a>.

<a href="http://imgur.com/5xZ7W"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/5xZ7W.png" title="KSP Manager 1.10" alt="The Great Feature Reduction" /></a>

KSP Manager is a full2 featured part and plugin manager for Kerbal Space Program running on Mac OS X.

Version 1.11 Features!

- Bug fixes for plugin file naming problem.

- Kerbal.Net bug fixes

- Ship tab re-work is ongoing.

- Inventory tab lists parts but isn't very useful.

Version 1.10 Features!

- Removed non-functional tabs: Missions, Crew, Inventory, Vessels and Saves

- Added partially functional tabs: Ships and Inventory

- Wrote tons of code for parsing .cfg, .sfs and .craft files, some of it works!

Version 1.9 Features!

- Stealth bug fix release. I broke downloading from Kerbal.Net, should be fixed.

- Still pounding out 0.17 enhancments, of course none of them work yet.

Version 1.8 Features!

- More changes for 0.17: Training, Scenarios and Sandboxes

- New Kerbal.Net tab layout

- Delete vexing saved application state in the Utility tab.

- Colorized buttons to draw the eye!

- Some tabs are even less functional now: Missions, Crew, Vehicles, Inventory

- More bug fixes. Who keeps adding bugs?

Version 1.7 Features!

- Properly manage a stock installation of KSP 0.17, it's new I guess.

- Downloaded files from Kerbal.Net are staged correctly

- Some weird bug fixes. No known bugs were added.

Version 1.6 Features!

- Dragon Rider Capsule by cBBp installs directly from Kerbal.Net, Correctly.

- Bug fixes

- Added Props and Spaces as managable entities.

- Working on Version 2 feature list, send me your feature requests!

Version 1.5 Features!

- CrewTank induced crash, fixed it.

- Change UnityGraphicsQuality without having to know what a plist is or how to edit it!

- More Kerbal.Net clean-up

- Various bug fixes

- Various bug additions

Version 1.4 Features!

- Kerbal.Net integration! Download your favorite mods with a single click! Ok several clicks, but they are all easy!

- Tool Tips on some of the buttons!

- As usual, bug fixes and bug additions.

- Did I mention Kerbal.Net integration? WOOT!

Version 1.3 Features!

- Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Support - Hopefully

- Lots of UI tweeks, most in the Addons Tab.

- Kerbal.NET support! Why download like a chump in your browser when you install3 what you need directly!

Version 1.2 Features!

- Replaced Part/Plugin/Ships Tab with the amazing Addon Tab!

- Drag and Drop Parts/Plugins/Ships with WILD ABANDON!

- Bug fixes, bug introductions.

- Mission Tab work, shows vehicles in your persistent.sfs file

- Crew Tab, shows the various crew in your persistent.sfs, there are bugs in there.

- Ship parsing, both .craft files and the VESSEL entries in persistent.sfs. Mostly busted but I'm working on it.

Version 1.1 Features!

- Over 800 builds in the making!

- Added Sparkle, automatic update notification and installation!

- Mission Tab: lists vessels from your persistent.sfs file

- Crew Tab: lists Kerbal crew in your persistent.sfs file

- Ships Tab: looks awesome, does nothing yet.

- Inventory Tab: 100% the same functionality of Ships Tab!

- Saves Tab: I am toying with the idea of being able to edit save files.

- Terminate KSP button: kills all running KSPs owned by you

- Start KSP: starts the KSP you are currently managing.

Version 1.0 Features!

- Add new parts/plugins to Available or directly to the Installed list.

- Move parts/plugins from Available to Installed and back again!

- View part meta data for selected part.

- Permanently delete parts/plugins from the Available list!

- Fully functioning Quit!

- Drag and Drop folders or ZIP archives onto the Part or Plugin tabs to AUTOMATICALLY install any parts or plugins it finds!

- RAR archives are not currently supported, but if you unrar you can drag the folder for almost the same effect!

- Almost no menu items implemented! Did I mention Quit is awesome?

- Tool tips like the big boys!

- Plugin Version Discovery!

Feature I'm Working On Now:

- Correlating parts in ship descriptions with parts definitions in the Ship tab.

- Thinking about better ways to manage parts and a new UI.

Future Work:

- Fun to use part.cfg editor: fix errors, create new ones!

- Ship management: add, delete and copy ships.

- Ship part inventory and installed plugin optimization

- Accept remote URLs and magically manage stuff acquired from the web!

- Cool inventory spreadsheet to compare parts, with filtering and maybe even searching!

- Part wizard! Build and edit a part without touching a dirty text editor ever again (unless you want to)!

Comments and feature requests are welcome!

1. Xcode 4 is required to build KSP Manager, which is a free download.

2. It might be more fair to say it will be a full featured manager, right now it's very alpha.

3. Kerbal.Net support is currently readonly, but not for long working!

Edited by JnyJny
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I am struggling with git and I messed up the repository on GitHub, sorry to those you who starred it. Derp. No guarantees that I won't dork it up again, but I'll try not to.

In other news, I am also struggling with getting the plugin version out of plugins. As you might guess, there isn't much support for .NET PE32 files in Mac OS X. I'm having to teach myself about Portable Execution format which is slow going as you might guess. It's important to know the plugin version in order to keep from over-writing new versions with (possibly) older versions which ship with non-authoritative distributions. Once I can do this the Plugin tab will be much more useful and I will package up a binary distribution.

Thanks for looking.

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There is a fresh build of KSP Manager waiting on GitHub for those of you who downloaded it and let me know that there was a missing file today. This time I tested it :P

The Plugin tab will show installed or available plugins, however it won't move them yet. I've been focused on reverse engineering the DLL file format and I made some strides today. As soon as the Plugin tab is working I'll package up a binary distribution and hope to not screw up the repository at the same time.

After Plugins, I'll start working on the Mission tab which should be hairy but not require me to reverse engineer Microsoft executable file formats ( I thought ELF was nasty ).

I need a sig.

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DLL hacking complete! Well, complete enough.

I can now get the version number baked into DLLs by plugin authors directly from the DLL. With this piece done, I can focus on the actual management of DLLs, which shouldn't take too long to hammer out.

PS: If you think this is no big deal, look at:




If someone has a better idea about how to work with .NET DLLs on Mac OSX, I'd love to hear about it :confused:

Edited by JnyJny
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OK, compiled it, but when I execute it I get the following message that won't go away every time I click ok. "The file "KSP.app" could not be opened because there is no such file"

Excellent feedback! Thank you. Where is your KSP folder located? Right now I look in your home directory, your Application folder and the Desktop. It's supposed to ask if it can't find it, but I may have commented that code out while testing. Looking at it, it should be asking with an Open File dialog if it can't find the folder with KSP.app in it. I don't look for it in /Applications since users normally don't have write permission for that directory and we need write permission to rearrange the plugins. Let me know where you KSP.app is located and I will see about getting a fix for you.

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First I tried with with my download working directory "/Users/toddgibson/Downloads/KSP_osx_0_16 working" that I use to play then game with no luck, so I did fresh unzip of 0.16 and moved it to the Applications directory "/Applications/KSP_osx" hoping that would help, but no luck. I also looked at your code trying to figure out where the directory was set at, but my experience with C and Xcode is limited. I tried changing the #define kKSP_DEFAULT_INSTALLATION_KEY @"kspDefaultInstallationPath" line in the KSP_constants.h file to both the directory mentioned above and recompiling with no luck. Thanks for the fast response and putting this app together and keep up the great work.


OS X 10.8.1

XCode Version 4.4.1 (4F1003)

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First I tried with with my download working directory "/Users/toddgibson/Downloads/KSP_osx_0_16 working" that I use to play then game with no luck, so I did fresh unzip of 0.16 and moved it to the Applications directory "/Applications/KSP_osx" hoping that would help, but no luck. I also looked at your code trying to figure out where the directory was set at, but my experience with C and Xcode is limited. I tried changing the #define kKSP_DEFAULT_INSTALLATION_KEY @"kspDefaultInstallationPath" line in the KSP_constants.h file to both the directory mentioned above and recompiling with no luck. Thanks for the fast response and putting this app together and keep up the great work.


OS X 10.8.1

XCode Version 4.4.1 (4F1003)

Big props for hacking on the code even if it didn't work.. The constant kKSP_DEFAULT_INSTALLATION_KEY locates the path for KSP in the applications saved user defaults, however since the manager hasn't located it yet there isn't a default value to find. Changing the key would have just confused things further :)

Since your folder was named KSP_os_0_16\ Working, my code didn't find it in your Downloads folder since it was looking for a specific name. I can fix that to make it a little more flexible. I'm surprised that it didn't show an Open File dialog when that didn't work.. I'll hack on it some more today. Thanks for the great bug report!


I've re-created your bug, so that's good news. A temporary workaround is to name your KSP folder ( the one that holds KSP.app ) "KSP_os_x" and put it on your Desktop. I'm working on a better default search and fixing the bug that is keeping the Open panel from being shown.

Update 2:

The repository has been updated with a fix that lets the Open dialog show up instead of just infinitely popping up annoying windows. Pull down the refreshed files and don't forget to revert the changes to KSP_Constants.h and give it a whirl. Part management works for all the scenarios I've tested :D and Plugins tab is still a work in progress ( it will show plugins if you have them in your Plugin directory, but won't do anything else yet. ).

Edited by JnyJny
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Thank you very much for this!

Works like a charm on my install with over 600 odds and ends in the parts folder

Thanks again!

Holy cr*p! 600?!?!?!?! That is totally cool. I'm re-working the parts/plugin/ship tabs which should improve their usability as well as the "work flow" for using KSP Manager. Look for another update in a couple of days!

Jeez, 600. How long did it take KSP to start up and what sort of hardware are you using? My poor 2010 MBP struggles with stock!

Thanks for the report, I'm totally stoked that it didn't barf on that many parts :)

Edit: Totally. My inner Valley Girl is escaping.

Edit 2: Screenshot of re-worked interface. If you pull this change set, things will not work. I'll fix it tomorrow.

<a href="http://ow.ly/i/VwHw" target="_blank"><img src="http://static.ow.ly/photos/normal/VwHw.jpg" alt="Owly Images" /></a>

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Dood It totally like takes like 5 minutes to load... :D

Running on an sandy-bridge mbp 17inch at the mo, my 2008 c2d takes about 6-7 mins to boot it.

There isn't that much difference in game; it seems to be engine-limited more than anything.

Cheers, new interface looks slick.

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Dood It totally like takes like 5 minutes to load... :D

Running on an sandy-bridge mbp 17inch at the mo, my 2008 c2d takes about 6-7 mins to boot it.

There isn't that much difference in game; it seems to be engine-limited more than anything.

Cheers, new interface looks slick.

Any chance you can archive up your KSP folder and dropbox it to me or something? Having that many things to test on would certainly improve the quality of bugs I make!

Oh, and <a url="https://github.com/downloads/JnyJny/KSPManager/KSPManager-1.2.zip">Version 1.2</a>.

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Any chance of making this backwards compatible with 10.7 Lion?

I don't have a Lion machine left to test on, however I will tweak it so that it builds with a 10.7 target and let you test it!

Edit: It builds, I will release 1.3 later tonight ( after 9pm CDT ) for you to test.

<a href="http://ow.ly/i/VVcO/original" target="_blank"><img src="http://static.ow.ly/photos/normal/VVcO.jpg" alt="KSP Manager 1.3 Screenshot" /></a>

Edited by JnyJny
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Any chance you can archive up your KSP folder and dropbox it to me or something? Having that many things to test on would certainly improve the quality of bugs I make!

Oh, and <a url="https://github.com/downloads/JnyJny/KSPManager/KSPManager-1.2.zip">Version 1.2</a>.

PM sent :)

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I skipped the bump for 1.4 for version 1.5. If you are running at least version 1.2, you can use the "Check for updates" menu item under the "KSP Manager" menu. As of 1.4, KSP Manager can now talk directly to Kerbal.Net and download all their goodies into your managed KSP folder. It's rough looking, but it seems to be getting the job done! Version 1.5 fixes a nasty bug induced by everybody's favorite part, Crew Tank. For reasons unknown, Crew Tank identifies it's category as "6". That would be cool if category 6 was defined or existed or something. KSP Manager no longer barfs when it is lied to and still hopes you'll call the next day.

Added a requested feature: Tweak the UnityGraphicsQuality item in the Unity user preferences. It's unset on Macs, I've provided the means to give it value between 1 and 10. I've tested up to 5 on a mid-2010 MacBook Pro and the performance was pretty horrendous. If you're machine is old or you just feel generally down on your machine, set it to 1. It will look bad but it will run great!

There are some things to tweak on the Utility tab, but to be honest they haven't been fully tested and they will probably mess up the plist. The good news is if you mess them up, just delete the file and start KSP. It will rebuild the file with the defaults.

I think that covers the major features and bug fixes for version 1.4 and 1.5.

I like suggestions for features, keep'em coming!

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