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Kerbal Maps is back! (sort of)

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2 hours ago, Drew Kerman said:

hey @CraigCottingham I just checked to see your maps only go to zoom 7. If you don't mind things getting blurry, check out this option for tile layers to let users zoom in further. I just implemented it recently in the KSA Ops Tracker. So my maps tiles only go to zoom 5 right now but you can zoom in up to 10

The tiles generated for level 7 already have aliasing artifacts, so I'm reluctant to add additional zoom levels. However, I'm open to suggestions for improvement.

What does zooming in further make easier?

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7 hours ago, TaintedLion said:

I can't see any legend for biomes, and overlays aren't working.

In the production version (https://kerbal-maps.finitemonkeys.org) or the staging version (https://kerbal-maps-ui-staging.herokuapp.com)? I haven't implemented either biome legends or overlays for the staging version yet.

Crud. I just noticed that they're not working in the production version, either. sigh

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/1/2020 at 12:18 PM, CraigCottingham said:

In the production version (https://kerbal-maps.finitemonkeys.org) or the staging version (https://kerbal-maps-ui-staging.herokuapp.com)? I haven't implemented either biome legends or overlays for the staging version yet.

Crud. I just noticed that they're not working in the production version, either. sigh

Is it possible for you to send me the legends?

A bunch of screenshots or even a text file would be alright, I do not care what format it is in, as long as I can tell which biome is which.

I have tried looking at the production server's code and while I have made some progress, it is really slow, since the legends seem to be taken from somewhere else via sockets, preventing me from just downloading the page and modifying variables. This limits what I can do a lot, slowing down progress.


EDIT: After looking at it more, the socket returns an error response after the biomes are requested anyway.




Very detailed error response:


This is probably is not that useful, but it is likely why the legend is not showing up.

EDIT 2: I found and used the configs here instead: https://github.com/Kopernicus/kittopia-dumps/tree/master/Configs 

Edited by FrostBird347
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On 4/16/2020 at 3:27 AM, FrostBird347 said:

Is it possible for you to send me the legends?

A bunch of screenshots or even a text file would be alright, I do not care what format it is in, as long as I can tell which biome is which.

They're stored in the database at the moment, in a form that's better suited for the app than human eyes. I'm thinking about changing that, but haven't had much time lately to devote to this.

If the kittopia dumps are working for you, great.

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On 4/20/2020 at 10:36 PM, CraigCottingham said:

They're stored in the database at the moment, in a form that's better suited for the app than human eyes. I'm thinking about changing that, but haven't had much time lately to devote to this.

If the kittopia dumps are working for you, great.

Thanks for responding, I have used the kittopia dumps, although it took a while to manually convert each value to a hex codes.

If you want, I can send you the converted values.


Here is Eeloo, for example:

body: "eeloo",
style: "biome",
legend: {
	"Poles": "#ffffff",
	"Northern Glaciers": "#cacaca",
	"Lowlands": "#7ba3e7",
	"Highlands": "#d5dae1",
	"Ice Canyons": "#ffb663",
	"Craters": "#e08822",
	"Midlands": "#becee8",
	"Fragipan": "#ffcd94",
	"Babbage Patch": "#97b3e4",
	"Southern Glaciers": "#e0e0e0",
	"Mu Glacier": "#7c7c7c"


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On 4/23/2020 at 5:22 AM, FrostBird347 said:

I have used the kittopia dumps, although it took a while to manually convert each value to a hex codes.

15 hours ago, CraigCottingham said:

I've got the values as extracted by Sigma-Cartographer for both stock and JNSQ, but thank you for the offer.

Cartographer and Kittopia probably use the same internal method to get those numbers so I would assume they are the same.

if the standard format of cartographer is not easy I can add an option to export that data into a different format

just let me know how you want it exported

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On 4/25/2020 at 3:59 AM, Sigma88 said:

if the standard format of cartographer is not easy I can add an option to export that data into a different format

just let me know how you want it exported

 I can easily work with the default format. Reformatting text documents is something that I have a lot of experience doing. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/19/2020 at 2:36 AM, planet-creations said:

In the future, is there going to be a thing where you can right-click on a part of the surface map to copy/paste/whatever it? Or a thing that disables the latitude/longitude markers? Just curious.

The short version: Only if someone asks for it.

The longer version: If you don't see it in the "Other features I plan to add" list in the head post of this thread or somewhere on the kanban board, assume that it's never occurred to me. Please request it -- I want this to be useful for everyone, not just me.


Bug reports, questions, and suggestions are welcome. If you have access to Github, you can open an issue https://github.com/FiniteMonkeys/kerbal-maps/issues; if you don't, please add to this thread and I'll do my best to move it over.


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  • 1 month later...
4 hours ago, HB Stratos said:

This is really cool, thanks for making this!

I have a suggestion, what about a globe view? The pole areas are very distorted and a globe view would imo be a good fix for that.

I'm using a third-party package to render the maps, and I don't know off the top of my head if it supports a map projection like you're requesting. I'll add it to the list to investigate.

Thanks for the suggestion.

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On 6/25/2020 at 2:29 AM, HB Stratos said:

Cool! Also, is there a way to get the map you're using as a full res image? My googling didn't lead to any results and taking screenshots doesn't seem like a good idea. 

Short of downloading the tiles and stitching them together, not really. I'm reluctant to add an endpoint to the app for that, because it would be a flippin' big image and I don't know what serving it up would do to my bandwidth budget. But it may end up not being a big deal, so I'll think about it.

Thanks for this suggestion, too.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...

So there’s no more Kerbal Maps available anywhere? I’m trying to spool back up into KSP and my personal fork could be a basis for a new host if someone wants to step up. Otherwise I would  get around to it eventually - my version serves as the basis for my KSA Ops Tracker https://github.com/KSAMissionCtrl/Leaflet.KSP

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  • 1 month later...

Adding it here as well, @Stone Blue found a working alternative:


I'm still committed to bringing my version to a standalone website other than my Ops Tracker, but I don't have a timeline. Still more features I'd like to add first over this coming year

Edited by Drew Kerman
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