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One Small Step


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I think for quite a long time I've always had an underlying love and passion for space and the universe, but only in recent years has that really become prominent for me. Only recently did I decide to study Astrophysics, and devote my entire life to this passion.

I suppose then that KSP is (or perhaps isn't :P) a good gateway into the vastness of the cosmos which I intend to explore to the fullest extent. Something about exploring that which is unknown is rather mystical, and pulling it off in the end extremely satisfying.

But I think it would be inappropriate to say I know much about anything related. Certainly more than the average person, but definitely not as much as I likely should. Or want to.

That's where KSP comes in once again. Only now have I begun to swim around in the community a little more, and I think it would lend me well to know some of you better. Nowhere else do I know where to find a more relatable and like-minded group of individuals. And I believe such a move would further not only my levels of social interaction (which as of the moment remain at an all time low.) but also fuel my knowledge and understanding of space and all things related, for it is important in any field for one to learn not only from lectures and textbooks, but also from socialization and debate with colleagues.

Thus, I do hope that we share many good times to come in the future. I would hold no objections whatsoever to knowing you on a personal level, though if there were some more readily accessible hub, such as a Discord server, that would be highly appreciated.

All the best to you fine folks!

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