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[1.6-1.11] Jacke KSP Stock Science Checklists (20210224a)


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Looking to keep track of all those experiments you've got to run all over the Kerbol system?   Look no further.

Jacke KSP Stock Science Checklists
Now updated with Breaking Ground Science

Dropbox download

Corrections and suggestions are welcome!


More sheet examples












I've adapted these checklists from the ones @JAFO created for KSP 1.4 and the many previous ones I've seen, especially from the late BTSM community.

My checklists are completely greyscale.  Darker greys are used for boxes not in use in stock KSP.  This allows them to be used when there are mods that change the biomes or which experiments are per-biome, like JoolBiomes and Science Revisited.



20210224a    Updated release:  added Breaking Ground Science, rearranged sheet layouts; corrected a few typos

20210219a    Updated release:  added EVA Science Kit Experiments, Comet Samples, Magnetometer; adjusted layout

Old Changelog entries


20210217b    Corrected release (fixed mangled header on Mun's page)

20210217a    Corrected release (fixed notes typos, no change in values or formulae)

20190306a    Corrected release (fixed KSC Flying Low science to use correct 0.7 science instead of 0.4 from Spashed)

20190214b    Corrected release (fixed Laythe's Science Parameters)

20190214a    Corrected release (changed Kerbin's Flying Threshold from 25,000m to the correct 18,000m)

20190213a    Updated release with experiment Science totals and grand totals for each object as well as KSC

20190212a    Updated release with many corrections and improvements especially covering Kerbal Space Centre science


20190131a    Initial release

Edited by Jacke
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Released version

20210217b    Corrected release (fixed mangled header on Mun's page)

Again, no changes in values or formulae.

After thoroughly checking, I've found my Science Checklists are missing several experiments since KSP 1.6.

  • EVA Science Kit Experiments
  • Comet Samples for 4 period varieties of Comets
  • Magnetometer Reports

I'm in the process of adding them in as well as tweaking some of the older experiments.  This requires me to rearrange most of the pages of the Checklists, so it'll be a while before I get a version out with these changes.

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23 hours ago, Blasty McBlastblast said:

found another biome for tier 1 KSC! it's possible to sample "R&D Main Building" by bumping up against the quonset hut nearest to the intended building




Wow!  Thanks!  Is that in KSP 1.11.2?

Looks like I'll have to do a whole check of KSC in detail.

Way back in 1.6.x when I looked at this, the Main Building didn't exist at Tier 1 and what became the Main Building at Tier 2 and 3 was a death trap, counting as Shores Flying if an EVA Kerbal jumped onto its steps.  Couldn't stand up or move.  There's more details in the Extra Information on the KSC sheet.


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17 hours ago, AkatsukiEmpire said:

In 1.12, the new launch sites are their own biomes. Also, the structure micro-biomes might have the "flying low over" as well.h7mzAPs.png

Thanks for the information.  I'll get around to checking things out for a new version eventually.

That's very interesting, Flying Low over a Microbiome, which the spacecraft has to be touching.  Was your craft flying with a Kerbal on EVA and touching the Pole?  Or did the Kerbal jump, hit the pole, and you clicked on EVA report in a PAW?

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2 hours ago, Jacke said:

That's very interesting, Flying Low over a Microbiome, which the spacecraft has to be touching.  Was your craft flying with a Kerbal on EVA and touching the Pole?  Or did the Kerbal jump, hit the pole, and you clicked on EVA report in a PAW?

I was standing on the base of the pole (the square thing) and I jumped and clicked the EVA report button. It seems to only work right before the Kerbal hits the ground otherwise it would be "flying over shores". It also works with other microbiomes (VAB south complex for example). I haven't tested the other science parts. I tried doing it with the surface sample button but it disappears straight away. This works with all of the new launch sites too.

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12 hours ago, AkatsukiEmpire said:

I was standing on the base of the pole (the square thing) and I jumped and clicked the EVA report button. It seems to only work right before the Kerbal hits the ground otherwise it would be "flying over shores". It also works with other microbiomes (VAB south complex for example). I haven't tested the other science parts. I tried doing it with the surface sample button but it disappears straight away. This works with all of the new launch sites too.

So, it's touching the building while in flight but very very close to the ground. :)  I can see getting it for the EVA Report with a jumping Kerbal, but it's likely too tricky to get for the other experiments as that needs to be a craft.  I've referred to the microbiomes as "razor-thin" before and I think that precludes the other experiments.

Thanks a lot for pointing that out, @AkatsukiEmpire.  I'll include it in the next version.

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@Jacke I just discovered that the Cove launch site has a "splashed" biome as well as a "landed" one.


I discovered this accidentally while trying to find a way to perform the EVA science experiment while splashed.



Edited by GoSlash27
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have checked the science parts for the building microbiomes and the "flying low over" works for them too.  All you have to do is press the run experiment button (or put them all in an action group) right when the craft touches the ground. The only things that worked for it was the Crew report, Temperature scan and Atmospheric analysis.  The EVA report works as well.






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