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Connector and fuel tank connecting

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As a matter of design, you'll want the decouple pretty low on those double-oranges, since almost all the weight is in the engine.  You still want it above the empty CoM, but not excessively so, so the stack goes out with a slight spin instead of spinning hard and smacking your rocket.

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47 minutes ago, Curveball Anders said:

Everything in KSP is connected in a tree fashion from a root node.

So you simply can't connect parts that way.

Use single decouplers and struts (who together with fuel ducts are the exceptions) instead.


There is a way, but it doesn’t actually connect on the editor. After mounting a tank to a radial decoupled and attaching another tank below (preferable to above), you can mount docking ports to the core and radial tanks so they are almost touching (use the translation gizmo). When the vehicle loads on the pad, the ports will click together making a pretty solid connection. Make sure to enable staging (probably need to enable advanced tweakables for that) on the ports for a quick separation!

i can post pics later if needed when I’m not on mobile. 

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1 hour ago, Silviu250 said:


For this picture, I see what you're thinking for the radial decouplers. They're not designed/used as structural components where you put multiple along your solid boosters.

You just connect one radial decoupler to the side, then attach your booster to that decoupler. You'll see in the Staging (orange & gray buttons on the side) that you'll have one double-line button (the decoupler) for each booster. For structure, you can then use struts connecting the booster to the rocket body. That gives you support for launch, etc. but they will "break" off when you decouple each separate booster.

You may already know, but you can set 4x symmetry in the VAB with one radial decoupler so you're only putting the one part, but multiplied 4 times. Then attach 1 solid booster to that one decouple and it will also multiply 4 times. This saves you from having to put the same piece on 4 times.

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