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Crash Report Just sharing

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What were you doing? What mods do you have installed?  Can you reproduce it each time, or was it a one off crash? 

I had just started the game nothing more. Im not to concern about the crash I just want to upload it so the devs can see if there is a prob, and thank you for the link.

Edited by MissMolly
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The error log shows a crash of the mono.dll which usually indicates an outdated mod. Also, both output_logs show the crash immediately after the partloader comes across this part:

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'SovietPack/Parts/Soyuz/SoyuzTMA_Descent_module/SoyuzTMA_Para/SoyuzTMAMainParachute'

No clue which mod this is, should be easy for you to find out by searching for the part/folders in your game files. I would suggest to remove the mod, try again and if the game starts properly, report the issue to the mod creator.

edit: just saw the bobcatutils.dll in your log and everything I can find to the name 'bobcat' is outdated for years, so I put my bet on this one.

Edited by 4x4cheesecake
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20 minutes ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

The error log shows a crash of the mono.dll which usually indicates an outdated mod. Also, both output_logs show the crash immediately after the partloader comes across this part:

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'SovietPack/Parts/Soyuz/SoyuzTMA_Descent_module/SoyuzTMA_Para/SoyuzTMAMainParachute'

No clue which mod this is, should be easy for you to find out by searching for the part/folders in your game files. I would suggest to remove the mod, try again and if the game starts properly, report the issue to the mod creator.

edit: just saw the bobcatutils.dll in your log and everything I can find to the name 'bobcat' is outdated for years, so I put my bet on this one.

Thank you very much! 

what should I look for in my logs?  So I try and find it myself first before bugging you all.

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48 minutes ago, MissMolly said:

what should I look for in my logs?  So I try and find it myself first before bugging you all.

In general or for your specific issue?

In general, I follow a few steps:

  • Check the memory usage and the crash-causing file in the error.log. Both informations are right at the top of the file. Most times it is the mono.dll or KSP_x64.exe
    => Mono.dll indicates an outdated mod (like I already mentioned above), KSP_x64.exe can be everything (hardware-, driver-, mod issue...) :/
  • Check when the crash happend at the bottom of the output_log
    => During launch? Usually a memory or mod issue. Always at the same time? What happend before the crash (can be directly above the crash or 100 lines above...hard to say sometimes)
  • Search the output_log for 'exception'.
    => A few are harmless (steam_api.dll when launching the game not through the steam launcher for example) but sometimes you can find ~50 exceptions or even worst an endless spam. The exception message may contains a mod name, so it is the mentioned mod or a missing dependency which causes the issue or at least one issue.
  • Check the mod list in the output_log. Somwhere at the top of the log, depending on the amount of installed mods,  you can find a list of every mod .dll file and every file and folder in the GameData directoy. If a mod provides a proper assembly file, you will also see the correct version number of the mods (a mod with the default assembly info will always show version Kopernicus would be an example for this...unfortunately).
    => Depending on your experience on different mods, yo
    u can already tell there if a mod is outdated or wrong installed (common issue is a GameData folder inside a GameData folder or missing dependencies like toolbar controller or ClickThrougghBlocker for almost every mod of linuxgurugamer).

In your case, you need to identify which mod contains the part right before the game crashes. As I mentioned above, it is probably related to the mod which contains the bobcatutils and/or the soyouz parts. Remove the mod(s), and try again. If the issue disappears: Error found and if the mod is still maintained, report it to the creator/maintainer, providing the full log, a description of the issue and how to replicate it (maybe also ping the creator/maintainer).

If the issue still persists..well, back to step 1. Check the log if  you get different errors or  the crash happens at a different time and are they any clues which might point in any direction. If there is nothing to find and you or other forum members don't know anything else to try, you have to go the 'long way' by try and error. Get a fresh copy of the game but don't install every mod in one step but just a few or even one by one and check if the game runs properly. Yes => go ahead and add mor mods until it crashes. If it crahes, uninstall and install the last added mods until you can identify the one which actually causes the crash. Then, try to run just this mod (+ dependencies if necessary). If the game still crashes: Congratulations, you found the culprit of the issue but if the game runs fine, the crash is caused by an incompatibility which is quiet annoying because you have to repeat everything until you found the mod combination which crashes the game :o

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@4x4cheesecake   Oh wow thanks, I did not expect all of that.  So I know what mod is crashing the game, it is the sovietpack I did so far.... at least I'm hoping I'v found a fix to it. I'll know more in an hour as it take me a bit to go through the .cfg's


 Once again thank you both very much for your help. 


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48 minutes ago, MissMolly said:

I'll know more in an hour as it take me a bit to go through the .cfg's

I don't want to disappoint you but I would be kinda surprised if this can be fixed within the config files. It is more likely an issue within the .dll file of the mod. The latest version I can find is this one: https://github.com/albertovillalobos/sovietpack
but it is more than 2 years old so it is probably compiled for KSP 1.1. There were a lot of changes to the game and especially the unity engine which will prevent this .dll to load properly into the latest game version. The github repo doesn't provide a source code for the .dll files so I've decompiled the BobCatUtils because I'm curious what's in there....I found 3 partmodules (DescentModeModule, LERPodModule, SoyuzDescendBurnoutModule) and a custom shader loader. Coincidentally, the game crashes right after the first two parts are compiled which actually uses the "SoyuzDescendBurnoutModule". The "LERPodModule" doesn't seem to be used at all and the "DescentModeModule" is just used by a single part which isn't loaded at this point.

So if you want to 'fix' the mod, the only thing you can do is to remove the BobCatUtils.dll, the LandingEngine.dll and remove the partmodules from the config files but in this case, you will end up with some parts with no or less functionallity.
(Well, the other thing you can do is to decompile the .dll files, fix the code and rebuild them for KSP 1.6 but that's requires some programming skills. At least, I canot find a license file so, let's assume it is public domain :P)

edit: The only parts which uses the custom partmodules and the custom shader are:

  • SoyuzTMA_Pod
  • SoyuzTMA_heatshield
  • SoyuzTMA_Para
  • SoyuzTMA_Pod
  • Soyuz_descentTMA
  • Klipper
  • Klipperwing

There is a small chance that the other parts will still work after removing the BobCatUtils.dll and LandingEngine.dll. The configs may require some tweaking though...

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20 minutes ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

(Well, the other thing you can do is to decompilöe the .dll files, fix the code and rebuild them for KSP 1.6 but that's requires some programming skills. At least, I can not find a license file so, let's assume it is public domain :P)

:/ well i do have visual studio not sure if i need anything else, I'v been reading all day, a learning curve it is going to be, I am looking forward to it. I was not to sure if I'd could try and fix it without the source code,  do you know where I can find all i need and maybe a tutorial? a lot of the stuff i found is a bit outdated.   

On the plus side I'v got the descent modules not crashing :D. It is something I guess.

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4 minutes ago, MissMolly said:

i do have visual studio not sure if i need anything else

In this case, you'll also need somthing to decompile the dlls (I'm using JetBrains dotPeak but the results are not 100% accurate).

The only tutorial about KSP modding I'm aware of, is this one:

Even though the thread is pretty old, since it covers just the basics, it's still valid.

Otherwise, everything about C# and unity may help you but I'm not very good at this either...all I can do is copy&paste some stuff together xD

19 minutes ago, MissMolly said:

On the plus side I'v got the descent modules not crashing :D. It is something I guess.

It's a start :) \o/

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1 minute ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

copy&paste some stuff together xD

LOL :)

Cool beans I found that tutorial this evening, haven't had chance to dig right in to it yet,  kids don't know when to keep quiet.


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1 minute ago, MissMolly said:

LOL :)

Ey, don't laugh, this works :DMy very first post in this forum was a bug report about some flickering windows in EditorExtensionsRedux but it didn't get a lot of attention, so I started to learn C# and ~6month later I was able to fix it by comparing the code of the flickering windows to some code of other windows and copy&paste the correct lines which resulted in a pull request and a new release :)(ok, I've done something else in the first place and just fixed the window issue on top of it but let's ignore that :P)

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