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Toilet training a cat.


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  • 9 months later...

Well, I've been rather lax on trying to make progress on toilet-training the cat since my last post, what with life and so on. So Malibu had most of a year to get nice and used to the toilet-seat-litter-pan on top of a box (I did turn the seat to face the other way on the box top, so he had much less of a 'porch' to stand on).  But by the time my Christmas holidays came around again, I had thought of a new approach to the next steps.

I bought a new Sitz bath (the old one was rather chopped up), filled it with litter and put it on the regular toilet. It's easy to take out when a human needs to 'go,' and hopefully reminds the human to scoop if necessary. With months of practice on the mock toilet already, that change went very easily. A few days ago, I cut down an old ice cream bucket to the same height as the sitz bath, filled it with litter and put it in the bath. Kitty has slowly started using this (although trying harder than usual to get outside, which he did a few times. Once out he's usually gone for a few hours), so this transition seems a little slower. But still, making progress :prograde:!

The next step will be putting some water in the bath around the bucket, but I can't put much because I quickly found out that the wheat-based flushable litter is pretty light and the bucket will float on surprisingly little water.

I think I have a pretty good shot at having this cat litter-free within three months, if not sooner. It's taken longer than it probably needed to, but patience (or laziness :D) is required for this and the result will be worth it.

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