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[WIP] Knights of Jebeddun


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Kerbin government has banned all Space Programs and destroyed every city where scientists and engineers protested the move.

From one of those cities Sherazad escapes and needs to make her way throught the desert with the help from a group of engineer and scientist rebels. (The Jebeddun)

You scavenge the desert for spare parts and the occasional ancient alien technology.

Once arrived at the final destination (the Spaceport) the contract finishes and you continue your career like normal but you will have gathered lots of technology parts that you can somehow include in your builds. 

Knights of Jebeddun sets up a background story to your career. It adds an "Atomic Age" feeling to KSP. It is dependant on many mods. Kerbin Konstructs for the static locations, Contract Configurator... 

The mod focuses HEAVILY on KAS/KIS type playing.

I am about to finish the mod. I would love partners for it though as I could use some help for C sharp coding and general stuff.

Thanks to all who help!jhxago.jpgfei4o6.jpg2qx13m0.jpgzv3q6r.jpg

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