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So . . . While I have been sick, the Krimson patriots took action against our drilling operation.

Krimson Mig-29's destroyed the whole operation ( no video or pictures, I was sick, duh...) ^_^

I don't think they want to share their rich ore grounds, weird....

So now Krimson has 2 MiGs 24/7 on standby...And they look determined...


Should we retaliate and claim the ore grounds ?

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Just now, Kerballing (Got Dunked On) said:

:huh: hmm... BD Armory?

Yes, and BurnTogether.

But things aren't going too well . . . :wacko:


Physics Extender "removed" the MiG's runway when the remaining K-18 came near . . .


I'll try again to see whats going on here, maybe it's the K-18s BDA settings.


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3 minutes ago, Kerballing (Got Dunked On) said:

Oh... but wait... I DONT SEE A TBC???

(can I say it? ;D)


Not having the guard mode on seems to do the trick, the MiG's runway doesn't dissapear when the K-18 came near.


2 vs 1 is not realy fair...


Now I have to figure out how to use BurnTogether, it has been a while since i've used that mod.

TBC ;)


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I'm being stupid again, I don't need BurnTogether, I can just use BDA's WingCommander . . . :mellow:


30 minutes ago, Kerballing (Got Dunked On) said:

I didn't get to say it...

Go ahead, say it. :lol:

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Tried it again, conclusion : as soon as I reach the 50 km distance of the MiGs, the runway vanishes...

I'll delete the KK mod and will set up the MiGs without a runway, see what happens...

T to the b to the c, yo ! :cool:


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So I can't use KK, so I made some landing lights myself, complete with a small defence :


Not very effective though...



Story so far, we found a huge amount of ore on the island, we send out a drilling team that got whipped out by Krimson MiG-29s.

They now claim the island and are protecting it 24/7.

We've tried to get the island back, but so far the Kraken has stopped us from doing this.




Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the Kraken did his thing again...


Shortest revolution ever...


What to do ? Go back to an older version ? 1.3 ? 1.4 ? 1.5 ?

This game is driving me mad... :confused:

What's left for me to do, go to space ??? Career mode ????

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Invested funds to upgrade Mission Control, I can now have 7 contracts.

I'm going to save my science point for flight, I'll get the Science Junior later.

3 in 1 contract:



1 science point short ! :lol:




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19 minutes ago, Kerballing (Got Dunked On) said:

Wow. I'm impressed. Are you playing pure stock or with mods?

Pure stock, normal mode, no changes.

It's not hard, just logical thinking.

The start is easy, there is science everywhere around the base.

But once that is all discovered, getting science points get harder.

I'll try to avoid space as long as I can, maybe  I'll unlock the tree without ever going to space.

Next strategic thing is to investing funds for science points :


But I need way more funds to do that.

I just did my first survey contract, I recorded it on video, but the file is lost ?


Next up : Rover.


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1 minute ago, Kerballing (Got Dunked On) said:

nice. #triopcanplane unlike me... I have never been able to build a successful plane... :(

Even I get lucky sometimes, great flyer, loves to climb though, even on low velocity. :cool:


I forgot to mention how I got that last point :


There was even some goo left. &)



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A smart trick to use parts that you haven't unlocked is by taking on a contract for the part and not test it.

I now have a contract for the LY-10 landing gear (90 science point needed), but I won't test it so I can use the part on real missions.



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22 minutes ago, Triop said:

Now we can build a rover

Not before we did these 4 new contracts :cool:




Now let's get the science and get out of here ( realized I forgot the Science Junior, missed science points there. )

O look, a Wheesley contract, I'll take that ! &)




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