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[1.12.x] NOT RO - Kerbal Construction Time - Unrapid Planned Assembly


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  On 4/13/2019 at 7:52 PM, NipperySlipples said:

Youv'e removed a ton of mods from this save. Im betting you removed a bunch of it with ships in the build queue.  Try testing your install again in a new save. I may be way off base, but Id bet it works.


Ok, so I opened the same KSP install (with that short list of mods above; essentiall just ScrapYard and KCT), started a brand new career game and:

  • used the default KCT preset,
  • put all upgrades into the main build queue
  • opened VAB
  • built a craft with Mk1 command pod, parachute, Ant booster
  • added it to the queue
  • went to space center
  • warped ahead to build and rollout
  • launched, choosing Valentina as crew
  • had no kerbals on board

It tried to load Val into the booster. This save had no crafts or remants of previous mods. I don't see those errors in the log. In the save is the temp.craft which I believe KCT uses to launch; I'm not sure if that holds any clues. I don't know what to look for in those.

I've uploaded the log and the whole save folder here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1btS0axI3gBs3LhyrKW2aeF-lONsCd74j


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  On 4/14/2019 at 12:04 AM, salajander said:

Ok, so I opened the same KSP install (with that short list of mods above; essentiall just ScrapYard and KCT), started a brand new career game and:

  • used the default KCT preset,
  • put all upgrades into the main build queue
  • opened VAB
  • built a craft with Mk1 command pod, parachute, Ant booster
  • added it to the queue
  • went to space center
  • warped ahead to build and rollout
  • launched, choosing Valentina as crew
  • had no kerbals on board

It tried to load Val into the booster. This save had no crafts or remants of previous mods. I don't see those errors in the log. In the save is the temp.craft which I believe KCT uses to launch; I'm not sure if that holds any clues. I don't know what to look for in those.

I've uploaded the log and the whole save folder here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1btS0axI3gBs3LhyrKW2aeF-lONsCd74j



I've actually experienced something similar to this a few days ago. I have a Mk-1 pod on top of a rocket and the FASA launch tower as part of the ground equipment. When I went to launch the vehicle, Val was correctly placed in the MK-1 pod which appeared after the launch tower's 16 crew slots. When I loaded into the flight scene, Val was nowhere to be found and I couldn't control the rocket. After several more attempts with the same results just to be sure I wasn't accidentally loading her into the tower, I tried putting her in the first slot, which belonged to the tower and presto, she was magically in the pod when I loaded into the scene. I kinda figured it was a bug with the launch tower since that mod is quite old not officially supported beyond 1.4.2, so I didn't bother to report it here. It's only after reading about your issue that I think something similar might have been happening. I'll try to get some logs relating to this tomorrow as I won't have time tonight.

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  On 4/14/2019 at 12:04 AM, salajander said:

Ok, so I opened the same KSP install (with that short list of mods above; essentiall just ScrapYard and KCT), started a brand new career game and:

  • used the default KCT preset,
  • put all upgrades into the main build queue
  • opened VAB
  • built a craft with Mk1 command pod, parachute, Ant booster
  • added it to the queue
  • went to space center
  • warped ahead to build and rollout
  • launched, choosing Valentina as crew
  • had no kerbals on board

It tried to load Val into the booster. This save had no crafts or remants of previous mods. I don't see those errors in the log. In the save is the temp.craft which I believe KCT uses to launch; I'm not sure if that holds any clues. I don't know what to look for in those.

I've uploaded the log and the whole save folder here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1btS0axI3gBs3LhyrKW2aeF-lONsCd74j



I'm experiencing the same thing. Tried various combinations, and none of my vessels ever have anyone on board.

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I just spotted this in the log file:

[WRN 16:19:33.282] Cannot add crewmember Janvis Kerman to smallCtrlSrf. Part Crew Capacity Exceeded.
[ERR 16:19:33.282] Error when assigning Janvis Kerman to smallCtrlSrf

smallCtrlSrf is a control surface. They're the ailerons on this particular vessel. Why is the game trying to put the pilot 'into' an aileron?

Given that KCT overrides the vanilla crew assignment, it does seem like KCT is the problem here.

In @salajander's log file I see a similar thing:

[WRN 19:52:58.385] Cannot add crewmember Valentina Kerman to solidBooster.sm.v2. Part Crew Capacity Exceeded.
[ERR 19:52:58.385] Error when assigning Valentina Kerman to solidBooster.sm.v2


GitHub issue raised.

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I found a fix of sorts, for now. I rolled back to KCT version 1.4.6, and the problem has gone away.


Edit: Except now my rockets are warping 90 degrees on launch and exploding ;.; RIP Jebediah.

Edited by Snoman314
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To all of you who are having problems, I need you to do the following:

First, try the current beta here, which fixes a bug which might be related:


If that doesn't fix it, then do the following:

Create a new install.  Install the following:

  • KCT
  • Magicore


See if you can reproduce this problem.  If not, then add one or two mods at a time until you can. 

Once you have a minimal install which can reproduce this, please send me the details including KSP version, any other mods installed, log files and save files.

You can get the beta here:



There were a number of optimized loops in this release, seems like one is off, but I need your help to figure it out


And if you were already using the beta, just let me know

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  • Fixed issue where launching vessel would not properly load kerbals into crewed part

Available here:  https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KCT/releases/tag/

Sorry for the problem, it didn't show up in testing, and was subtle enough that I had to back out one change at a time until I found it.  

If any of you have some time available, I'm interested in hearing about the performance improvements over the past few releases (including this morning's beta release).

My system is too fast for me to see the issue, and to load up a secondary system take time, besides, it's not a real-life test which you can do.

Thank you

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  On 4/14/2019 at 2:29 PM, linuxgurugamer said:


  • Fixed issue where launching vessel would not properly load kerbals into crewed part

Available here:  https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KCT/releases/tag/

Sorry for the problem, it didn't show up in testing, and was subtle enough that I had to back out one change at a time until I found it.  

If any of you have some time available, I'm interested in hearing about the performance improvements over the past few releases (including this morning's beta release).

My system is too fast for me to see the issue, and to load up a secondary system take time, besides, it's not a real-life test which you can do.

Thank you


The performance across the past few releases is immense. Well done. As I mentioned on the GitHub, rolling back to 1.4.6 was very painful. I had a orbit tourism mission, which I dealt with by boosting into orbit, then doing a retro burn half way round to land back at KSC. 2 hours in and I hadn't reached the retro burn yet, it was taking so long due to the stuttering. I'll try in a moment, but besides the crew bug in, it was otherwise working perfectly. Still the odd stutter, but I can with high confidence attribute that to other mods.

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  On 4/14/2019 at 2:29 PM, linuxgurugamer said:


  • Fixed issue where launching vessel would not properly load kerbals into crewed part

Available here:  https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KCT/releases/tag/

Sorry for the problem, it didn't show up in testing, and was subtle enough that I had to back out one change at a time until I found it.  

If any of you have some time available, I'm interested in hearing about the performance improvements over the past few releases (including this morning's beta release).

My system is too fast for me to see the issue, and to load up a secondary system take time, besides, it's not a real-life test which you can do.

Thank you


I'm definitely seeing serious improvement. I'm still getting the 1-second interval stutters, but they are markedly shorter (~.1s compared to ~.5s) and thats with my dumpster fire of an install.

Edited by SpacedInvader
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  On 4/16/2019 at 6:29 PM, salajander said:

Tech nodes being researched are showing up as "#autoLOC_501024". This is with a brand new save using KSP 1.6.1, KCT, MagiCore, and no other mods.


What language are you using?  That's a stock value, not referenced by KCT at all

Please provide log files, and your ModuleManager.ConfigCache as well

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  On 4/16/2019 at 6:29 PM, salajander said:

Tech nodes being researched are showing up as "#autoLOC_501024". This is with a brand new save using KSP 1.6.1, KCT, MagiCore, and no other mods.


I'm trying to test this, but need more information:

  • Career, Science or Sandbox?
  • Expansion installed?
  • Language (locale)?
  • Which tech nodes are being researched?

That value should be replaced with "Engineering 101", at least in the english version.

If you start a new game, and hover the mouse over the engineering node, what does it show?

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  On 4/16/2019 at 8:45 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

What language are you using?  That's a stock value, not referenced by KCT at all

Please provide log files, and your ModuleManager.ConfigCache as well


English. I'll set up another test. I initially saw this with a modded install, so I reproduced it with only KCT and MagiCore. I didn't have ModuleManager installed at all when I reproduced this; I did't think MM was a KCT requirement, as I didn't see it listed as one on the first post, and I wanted to make sure I had as minimal a test case as possible.

  On 4/16/2019 at 9:27 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

I'm trying to test this, but need more information:

  • Career, Science or Sandbox?
  • Expansion installed?
  • Language (locale)?
  • Which tech nodes are being researched?

That value should be replaced with "Engineering 101", at least in the english version.

If you start a new game, and hover the mouse over the engineering node, what does it show?


Ok, I did one more test, this time with MM installed, and .... it's working. An install with just KCT and MagiCore (and without ModuleManager) seems to have this issue.

In both cases I started a brand new Career mode game, with Making History installed, using the default English locale, built and launched a simple ship to get science, and researched Engineering 101. In both cases, the R&D lab displayed it correctly. Without ModuleManager, KCT displayed it with the #autoloc_ tag.

KSP.log for the no-ModuleManager run uploaded at https://file.io/BVhvzs. The save file is at https://file.io/c9VpLF

I'm going to put all my mods back in now and see if it's still happening.

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  On 4/16/2019 at 11:58 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Was this a totally clean install?  Are you running it from Steam?


Not completely clean - I just moved everything out of GameData except KCT, Magicore, and the Squad folders, then launched KSP and started a new game to test. I'm not running from Steam, it's a local install.

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  On 4/16/2019 at 6:29 PM, salajander said:

Tech nodes being researched are showing up as "#autoLOC_501024". This is with a brand new save using KSP 1.6.1, KCT, MagiCore, and no other mods.



  On 4/16/2019 at 11:58 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Was this a totally clean install?  Are you running it from Steam?



  On 4/17/2019 at 12:02 AM, salajander said:

Not completely clean - I just moved everything out of GameData except KCT, Magicore, and the Squad folders, then launched KSP and started a new game to test. I'm not running from Steam, it's a local install.


I've gotten this weirdness before with Kerbalism, are you by chance currently, or were you previously running kerbalism?

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