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PSA: The New Mk2 Lander Can Has Cargo Bays


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Today I noticed the new model Mk2 lander can has two little side cargo bays with retractable doors!  I went a long time without noticing this, so I thought maybe others would want to hear about it.   I guess it explains why the more compact rover variant has the same crew capacity and all.

 It's a pretty nice feature to pack along valuable science experiments for the advancement of knowledge MOAR FUEL.   Haven't checked whether drag occlusion works correctly, but keeping fingers crossed it does.



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7 hours ago, Laie said:

Whenever I bothered to look, it didn't work.

Yeah, I just tried it as well and stowed parts were getting drag.  I guess that since the bays have no internal node to attach from, you can't shield like you can in a standard cargo bay.  Too bad.  But I guess this can be solved by putting the entire lander can in a fairing, as you're probably supposed to do anyway with a vacuum-oriented part.

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5 hours ago, Aegolius13 said:

Yeah, I just tried it as well and stowed parts were getting drag.  I guess that since the bays have no internal node to attach from, you can't shield like you can in a standard cargo bay.  Too bad.  But I guess this can be solved by putting the entire lander can in a fairing, as you're probably supposed to do anyway with a vacuum-oriented part.

There's plenty of stuff that goes in bays and fairing with surface attachment rather than nodes... and I've heard of "cannot deply while stowed" problems, which should imply it also gets shielding.

Is it clipping a little? maybe try a small part and use offset to make sure its really in the center of the bay? (I can't test it now)

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First thing I noticed on that lander can, back when it was still a blog post, was the cargo bay. Needless to say I stopped everything noteworthy (and lander-related) I was doing at the time and waited -patiently :) 





Edited by Atkara
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I can't say I've ever used those cargo bays, despite using the Mk. 2 Lander Can.  Mostly I end up stripping the sides off of it entirely and just mounting what I need to mount on it's slimmer sides, then using a fairing to occlude drag issues on the way up.

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17 hours ago, KerikBalm said:

There's plenty of stuff that goes in bays and fairing with surface attachment rather than nodes... and I've heard of "cannot deply while stowed" problems, which should imply it also gets shielding.

Is it clipping a little? maybe try a small part and use offset to make sure its really in the center of the bay? (I can't test it now)

Yeah, I tried stuff both attached to the back wall, and floating in the middle of the day, and always got drag.

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2 minutes ago, RealKerbal3x said:
8 minutes ago, STORMPILOTkerbalkind said:


In the right-click menu for the Mk2 lander can there should be a button to 'open doors'.

OP! found it! This is really useful. 


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