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I landed on Minmus...On accident.


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Hello FreshHotEngines and welcome to the KSP Forum!

Minmus is actually pretty easy to land on.  Getting there requires an inclination change but that isn't a big deal.
Try a rescue mission.  It'll be fun.

Happy landings!

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Assuming you have a (living) Kerbal up there, they can actually use their jetpack to get into orbit. This only works on a few small moons but Minmus is one of those. Just* hop in the air, give it forward thrust, and keep thrusting "up" to clear terrain. Whenever you're in a safe moment stop thrusting, switch to map mode, and check your trajectory. Once it starts looking like an orbit you're close, and just need a bit more forward to make it one. Get your Ap up to 10-20 or so, then at that Ap bring your Pe up the same way. Just like you would a ship, only with the RCS controls.

Once in orbit of Minmus, you then just* need to send up a ship with an empty seat, rendezvous, hop on board, and bring him home.

*plus or minus 3.85 "only"s depending on player experience level.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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Congratulations on your successful Minmus crash, @FreshHotEngines.

As 5thHorseman mentions Minmus has a lower gravity than the Mun so any rescue will require less propellant.  If you aren't comfortable with rendezvous, landing on Minmus is actually easier than on the Mun (particularly if you crashed on the flats or are close to one of them).  Minmus landings don't require as much propellant as the Mun but it sounds like you need to carry more propellant than your first design. 

Are you playing in sandbox, science or career?

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I'm playing in career, and I don't have enough funds to send a rescue mission. In the mean time, I'll try too take 5thHorseman's advice, and pray that I have enough EVA propellent to put myself in an orbit around minmus. I also might try to do one of those "3.2 Tons to minmus"  things, just with a probe instead of a kerbal. That way, I can have a full tank, and rendezvous in minmus orbit.

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