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Mass Relayer Challenge [IMPOSSIBLARG]

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How about mixing the centrifuge and the piston idea into 1?

well that is actualy a good idea, maybe, we have the cenerifuge it is spinning, while at the same time target craft is in the com of the centrifuge, a piston pushes the target craft to where centripetal for takes hold the target craft then shoots out of the rails of the barrel of the centrifuge cannon propeling the target craft at extreme speeds, this should work ecceapt that i have tride the centrifuge design and spinning it with the craft inside it actually de-orbited it some how

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Yea whenever i get my centrifuge spinning it doesnt deorbit but it starts losing control.

well it does actually not de-orbit but what does happen is it would eventually de-orbit itself because it tilts the orbit just slightly some how no matter which way i spin it the last time i checked it was at just going to skimm the atmosphere of kerbin at the periapsis

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Feh, rotation. I'm going to launch a massive stack of fuel tanks with engines on each end. Light the engines at full throttle, scoot the lander into the exhaust, and away we go!

You would need to counteract the force comming from the engines that are using their exaust to push it. Soo try put the same amount of rockets on both ends to stop it from deorbiting


Sorry i didn't read your entire thing. It might work but im not sure if kerbal has wind effects :/

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It might work but im not sure if kerbal has wind effects :/

Atmospheric wind, not really, but rocket thrust pushes on objects. Sadly, in my tests, even the biggest 1200 thrust engine would only launch a lander-massed object about +100m/s ;.;

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I originally thought of using a centrifugal approach that's made of stock parts and re-useable. I have a design in mind involving four long arms and a docking clamp system. So far, I completed ground testing of the docking clamps, and they work great. Now, I too remembered that engine exhaust can pushes vehicles. I now have a few designs for it, but so far, getting it in orbit, then making a successful rendezvous it daunting... I'll post more updates when and if I continue trying.

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Since I do not understand the concept of using centrifuges and complicated PhysX exploits, I went for a basic and simple idea - use the railgun mod. The railgun projectiles would impact the target craft and they would transfer their momentum to it, propelling it across the universe at incomprehensible speeds...

The results however, were abysmal.

To test the concept I used the instant orbit mod/hack to get the Relay and the test ship in an orbit around mun, then I proceeded to attempt docking,which took a while.

Eventually this happend:


Then when I finally had it docked I fired 8 railgun projectiles into it, hoping that the force of the impacts would be enough to launch the test craft.

Instead this happened


The explosion in that screenshot was the impact of the railgun projectiles. They did however not have any noteworthy effect except slowing down the relay.

I am thinking of retrying this test with the real projectiles and not the training ones hoping that more force might be transferred, but I doubt it will go any differently

On the Relay itself (I attached it) - it has a 3 man crew and uses only the railgun mod and DYJ's robotics mod. It has SAS and RCS fuel for orbital manoeuvring and a engine (which needs to be restaged to work). I also think it looks pretty epic.


The Mass Relay craft file


Edited by ExtraPlanetal
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Anyone want to test my relay station design? I have horrible piloting skills and cannot perform a proper rendezvous.

Only mods used were the hyperjump drive/endgate(to reduce time needed to get it into orbit) from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/16831-0-16-PLUGIN-Hyperjump-System-Jumps-and-Hyperspace-Networks-v0-2

I built it in the SPH so yeah...

I will most probably do some changes to it and make it my first official space station.


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