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Rational Resources 3.1.1 [Feb 21, 2025]


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  On 4/19/2024 at 9:36 PM, J534 said:

Am I imagining things? I swear I remember stumbling upon some kind of large diagram or flow chart for rational resources somewhere in this thread. Maybe I'm getting it confused with something else?


Not sure it's the diagrams you're thinking of, but there are several diagrams for resource recipes in the wiki which is linked from the opening post of this thread.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I know I used to have the water map like this one on the Mun but now I'm not getting that anymore, and I don't know why. 
I'll share the logs if needed.


What's wrong with my build?


I've just realized after playing on sandbox running some tests that Duna has no water whatsoever and Laythe only gets 2.37% globally.

Edited by adriangm44
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I really don't know what's wrong.  This is the problem that's taking me the longest to troubleshoot, still no water in Duna and all the other things I posted, but this specific one broke my playthgough and I really don't want to abandon KSP again...

UPDATE: This is silly, I could've done this the first. Version 2.0.6 breaks the biome templates, they don't work properly and I wasn't able to fix it with any modification or patch to the cfg. 
Went down to 2.0.4, works perfectly.


Edited by adriangm44
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  On 5/7/2024 at 10:40 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

@adriangm44 Sorry about that. I'm not sure what to say about it but I've been working on it and I can release fixes soon. Have you tried drilling and splitting Hydrates? It's the thing to do when direct Water is lacking or unavailable.


That's a first for me, thank you. I've been playing the game for many years, however, I've been doing the same missions, as my PC wasn't able to withstand the whole Kerbalism, RR and many other mods that IMO the game needs to not become boring. Now I'll be passing my last threshold, which was 3 years ago, and I'll set up my first Mun base in 2.5x. 

So it's exciting when everything works, and devastating when things start to crumble hahaha. Thanks for your work!

Edited by adriangm44
Btw, I'll keep the Hydrates thing in mind for when I set base in Duna, as equatorial bases are so much more efficient as polar ones.
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Hello folks - returning to the game after a year.  For the most part my modpack is working but I have a few RR related issues I'm not sure how to debug.

There are quite a few that look like this.  Has anyone seen something like this before?  I've debugged MM patches plenty of times but not sure what B9 is wanting to do here.

[WRN 20:06:53.183] Warning on PartSubtype Work4 on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='Blacksmith') on part Large.Crewed.Lab: Could not find matching module
[WRN 20:06:36.080] Warning on PartSubtype CarbonDioxide on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='RRGasSwitch1') on part RRConverterCryomatS2: Could not find matching module

Thanks in advance for any help!

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  On 5/19/2024 at 4:02 PM, Apollo 13 said:

I have an issue were all the atmospheric resources like oxygen, CO2, ammonia and nitrogen are liquid and can't extract them with any air scoops or filters


Howdy. I must assume one of the following:

  • You have many mods installed that you don't know what they do and one of them is doing something to your air scoops.
  • You're not using Rational Resources' own scoops or compatible ones in other mods such as Stockalike Mining Extension (+ Rational Resources Companion for the integration of them).
    • If you are using Rational Resources' MISPLACED series scoops then you're not moving fast enough. They require the vessel to be moving fast.


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  On 5/20/2024 at 2:15 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

Howdy. I must assume one of the following:

  • You have many mods installed that you don't know what they do and one of them is doing something to your air scoops.
  • You're not using Rational Resources' own scoops or compatible ones in other mods such as Stockalike Mining Extension (+ Rational Resources Companion for the integration of them).
    • If you are using Rational Resources' MISPLACED series scoops then you're not moving fast enough. They require the vessel to be moving fast.



Okay, I isolated only rational resources and the kerbalism mods,  there must be some conflicting issue with kerbalism, the atmosperic harvesters for kerbalism don't seem to be compatible LqdO2, LqdCO2 and Lqdnitrogen in the CRP atmosphere config files in RR. For instance, the Atm_Terra file has LqdOxygen and the kerbalism harvesters requires just Oxygen.

Edited by Apollo 13
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  On 4/20/2024 at 1:02 AM, Aelfhe1m said:

Not sure it's the diagrams you're thinking of, but there are several diagrams for resource recipes in the wiki which is linked from the opening post of this thread.


Nah... I've seen all of the diagrams in the wiki. I must be mixing it up with something else.

But while I'm posting anyone have any idea if regolith can be used for anything? Not 100% sure if thats coming from rational resources, stock, or another mod.

Edited by J534
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Release 2.0.7

  • Updated RationalResources:
    • Added missing hotspots for pure Water on Kerbin, Duna, Laythe, Moho. @adriangm44
    • Updated biome templates (CRP only).
  • Updated RationalResourcesBlacksmith:
    • Created/Fixed SystemHeat integration. @GrimerX
  • Updated RationalResourcesELUtilities:
    • Added protection against possible duplicate SystemHeat module.
    • Updated SystemHeat efficiency curves.
  • Updated RationalResourcesKerbalism:
    • Fixed atmo scoops seeking gas form resources when liquid forms are placed. @Apollo 13


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@JadeOfMaar - thank you for the update.  Unfortunately I still get the same set of errors.  Can I do anything to help you debug this?  I'm not super familiar with B9 but if you have an idea what to look for, let me know and I'll dig in.

A broader list of the errors - I can get you the KSP log if you like.  https://imgur.com/a/jjV7w3J  

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  On 5/23/2024 at 2:22 AM, GrimerX said:

Unfortunately I still get the same set of errors.  Can I do anything to help you debug this?


I did not encounter this error for myself and I have no other guesses for what the cause might be. Once you have no ModuleManager errors, send me your GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache, your KSP.log and your Logs/ModuleManager/<files>

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  On 5/23/2024 at 8:22 AM, Kai_LSS said:

Is it just me Or RR Input does not support "Exoticminerals" I can't seem to find the option anywhere is their a fix? If so I'd like to know  I'm using CKAN so That might be the issue Im quite desperate.


You're right. ExoticMinerals is missing. I'll fix and release that very soon.

Rational Resources doesn't have anything in itself to do with that so it didn't seem important and it faded in priority.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry to bother but hey it's me Kai_LSS  I won't remind or bother you on this topic ever again after this I just want to know if your working on exotic minerals being added to RR Input sorry again for wasting your time I won't come back the only reason I decided to post is because it's been a month and I've been checking everyday once again I apologize if this bothered you or came off as impatient I'll gladly wait for the update keep up the good work

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  On 6/20/2024 at 3:44 PM, Kai_LSS said:

Sorry to bother but hey it's me Kai_LSS  I won't remind or bother you on this topic ever again after this I just want to know if your working on exotic minerals being added to RR Input sorry again for wasting your time I won't come back the only reason I decided to post is because it's been a month and I've been checking everyday once again I apologize if this bothered you or came off as impatient I'll gladly wait for the update keep up the good work


Sorry. I haven't seen your request as bothersome. Thanks for reminding me. I've forgotten and been trying to remember. I'm currently between burnout, geting into another speedrun maintenance phase (and getting tunnel-vision) and thinking a lot on things outside of KSP.

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