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I seem to habitually press F5 instead of F9. Used too much fuel to land on Muns pole and didnt have enough to get back to Kerbal. I had an save prior to my landing, so no worries methinks...Fortunately I have a main save from when I was still orbiting kerbin. But that F5 pressing is annoying me. :) Ive done it umpteen times now. So, I got the hump again last night and watched telly. Tonight I shall tape a cactus to the F5 button.

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I would appear to have been promoted. I am no longer a noob. If someone could please furnish me with the title of the next status tier thanks. Meanwhile I have added my own interpretation , which I believe to be appropriate. I was wondering if it was similar to Vans, but banishment so early in my career would be careless.:cool:

I shall attempt to regain my noob status by attempting another Mun orbit later tonight. This time I shall ensure I take a full compliment of crew in a 3 person capsule. So I can transfer two of them to the space station I have in orbit there. A space station that I launched, after much cursing and finger wagging, without any science crew.

I believe after playing this game, that I have discovered the point of check lists.

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1 hour ago, bootsam said:

I would appear to have been promoted. I am no longer a noob.

Well, that was rather obvious for a while now.
Just wait a bit and you'll start answering questions. We've all been there. (Well, most of us.;))

1 hour ago, bootsam said:

I believe after playing this game, that I have discovered the point of check lists.

Yupp! Check Yo Stagin'! :cool: (And here, but way too serious.)

Not that it isn't fun watching your rocket disintegrate every now and then...

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Operation land on Minmus passed off without incident. Landing was a bit like trying to settle a feather onto a trampoline whilst my grandaughter was still jumping on it. Got a shed load of science. Minmus is easier in many respects than the Mun. Apart from trying to settle the thing down onto the ground. Feared I may lose a kerbil to orbit when he double jumped. Phew for the rcs backpack. Next time I shall equip the landing stage with RCS rather than the terrier engine for landing. The sideways drift is awkward. I shall milk the science on here for the next day or so. So I shall also bring a store for the science as I couldve landed in several places I had so much fuel remaining.

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My 2nd minmus landing went even smoother than the first. Returned with over 900 science, which unlocked 3 more categories. I took a steeper landing and encountered no drift this time, so i didnt need the rcs i equipped. Typical. Thanks van, i was aware of the thrust limiter but have gotten better at the z/x shuffle. I still have 4 or more 300 cost categories in that tier to go, so ill be back later tonight. My aims to unlock all science before i start building stations etc. As i have a successful rocket it seems prudent to make hay while the sun shines. No kerbals were harmed during these trials. Indeed theyre all 2 star vets now. :) 

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Yes I am Hans and the cntrl key. :)

I may redesign my launch stages as I have a stage that doesnt recover, which annoys me as Im tidy person. Plus I wish to test the atomic engine too.

Also, is it possible to add a docking port to an already existing science station orbiting the mun? I launched mine prior to getting ports, and now theres missions asking me to do so but it must have a port.

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On 8/28/2019 at 9:33 AM, bootsam said:

Operation land on Minmus passed off without incident. Landing was a bit like trying to settle a feather onto a trampoline whilst my grandaughter was still jumping on it. Got a shed load of science. Minmus is easier in many respects than the Mun.

Yes, Minums is easier. IIRC Minmus was also my very first non-Kerbin landing. (The infamous "Who forgot the parachutes?!?" mission. :D) The jumpiness is a long known (but nit fixed *grrrrr*) issue, but at least you have more time to thing and react than on high(er) gravity bodies. For the ultimate experience in low-gee jumpiness I suggest to try to dock to Gilly.

Congrats on your haul of science points.

So, going on interplanetary missions next?


8 hours ago, bootsam said:

Yes I am Hans and the cntrl key.

I thought so. But you kept talking about the "z/x shuffle" while for me it is more a "L-Shift/x shuffle". :huh:

8 hours ago, bootsam said:

Also, is it possible to add a docking port to an already existing science station orbiting the mun?

Only if you have unlocked the Klaw (aka Advanced Grabbing Unit). If you make a "mini module" with a docking port and the Klaw (it literally doesn't need more than this), use the Klaw to stick that to an existing station (or ship, or whatever), and decouple the docking port from the delivery craft, then you have a mostly usable docking port on the station. Disadvantages are 1) it it typically somewhat more wobbly than docking ports that are an integral part of the station, 2) the docking port is likely to be at an odd angle to the rest of the station, and 3) unless allowed in the difficulty options ("Resource Transfer Obeys Crosfeed Rules") you cannot transfer fuel through the Klaw.
Issue 1) can be mitigated with autostruts, and issue 2) by "freeing the pivot" and angling the Klaw.

The Klaw can also be used to tidy up any trash that you may have hanging around in orbit.

8 hours ago, bootsam said:

I launched mine prior to getting ports, and now theres missions asking me to do so but it must have a port.

Hmmm... I thought that if your station doesn't have a docking port, the the game doesn't consider it a station and you don't get station upgrade contracts.

Or are you talking about contracts to build a new station?

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No, no interplanatory jaunts just yet. I returned to minmus and took home >1400 science after landing in two different locations. I'll probably return again to milk this tonight. Although I watched a vid about docking two small craft by way of practice and may do that. I need to practice aligning craft. Rescuing a kerbil showed me how tricky that is. Besides, I can go to mun or minmus in my sleep now. But I only have 1 300science unlock left to do and need a cool 1.3M to upgrade my R&R before I can move to the next tier. Theres orbital station monies to be had. Plus experience to be had. I like to practice things to make perfect and refine.

The science lab is a NEW science lab contract alas (with a port). So I shall wait till my processing is complete, launch another, transfer the crew and put my old one into the mun as its v low on fuel. I think ive enough to de-orbit it. Hence my need to practice docking and aligning craft.

I love this daft game. Wonder why it took me so long to discover it? I can listen to BBC R6 whilst playing merrily. Plus the cat likes to sit and watch for some reason. Shes never bothered with other games.

I have the klaw I think, so that too needs practice. Ill take one along with me when I practice dock.

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23 hours ago, bootsam said:

No, no interplanatory jaunts just yet.

May I humbly suggest to at least check when the next transfer windows are. Compared to any activity around in Kerbin's SOI, waiting for a transfer window and the transfer itself take a looong time. You can get a lot done during that time. (That's how I got the 60+ Kerbals on my rooster, rescuing them from LKO while waiting for my ships to get to Duna.)

On  second thought: you do you! It's just me that I don't like time-warping for a long time in one go.

23 hours ago, bootsam said:

Although I watched a vid about docking two small craft by way of practice and may do that. I need to practice aligning craft.

Yes, I think I watched about a dozen docking tutorials, but in the end you need practice. I've also haven't seen a video that describes the method of fine-tuning the rendezvous like the Illustrated guide to docking does. (Which is essentially how I do it now.)

What might also be useful for training is to use the CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub so that you have the "point to target" SAS option available.

On 8/30/2019 at 9:45 AM, bootsam said:

Wonder why it took me so long to discover it?

I've also know about it for a long time before I actually bought it. Maybe because it sounded too much like work. :cool:

On 8/30/2019 at 9:45 AM, bootsam said:

Plus the cat likes to sit and watch for some reason. Shes never bothered with other games.

That's probably because she is biding her time and waiting to hit <SPACE> at just the "right" moment. :D

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After a crazy weekend being both a child minder and a bank to my both my daughter and grandaughter, I managed to do some Kerbal. Once theyd fleeced me and picked my bones. I was free. If not a little exhausted. 5yr olds are at 11 from the minute they wake till the minute they sleep.

I used the grabit klaw successfuly to add docking capability and fuel to my Munar Science Lab, I can now move it where I want as it has loadsa liquid fuel and an atomic engine now. Yay. I also docked a recovery craft to bring back a pilot. Yay. I also landed a science lab on Minus. Yay. I am now building a craft to take 5 freeloading tourists round the mun and to land on minmus. Ive been using the atomic engine exclusively for these. Long engine though, so making a wide bottomed and stable lander has been challenging, but I have it sussed now after many explosions. That science lab mun mission evaporated, typical. I'm doing money missions for the foreseeable future as I need to upgrade my R&R. I could also use some rescue missions as I have to keep hiring more Kerbals. I think Ive got rendevouz mechanics licked and sussed, famous last words..boom..was very tricky but made easier by green lights on right, red on left. So I can see which way to move. Ive been using the CHJ3 for a while thanks. Its a godsend for me.

Ive not looked into transfer windows yet, thanks for bringing it to my attention. I can get tunnel vision and target fixation. I'll look into that later. Just in case I miss an opportunity.

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Took 5 passangers to Mun, orbited, went to minmus, orbited and landed on minmus, did some stuff, returned to kerbin, during descent I realised I'd forgotten to pack some chutes. All I had was the drogue chute...theres a new crater on kerbin.

So, F9 and another attempt. I knew it was going too smoothly. :) 

Still, my lander equipped with atomics worked well. If not a little slow to complete manouveurs. In fact everything apart from the landing went well. Apart from Bob falling off ladder during eva and smashing two pv panels.

If at first you dont succeed, swear a lot then try again.

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On 9/2/2019 at 10:00 AM, bootsam said:

5yr olds are at 11 from the minute they wake till the minute they sleep.

And they are never tired! They just get (even more?) cranky when it gets late...

Although you could think about playing KSP with your granddaughter. There may be more explosions than usual, but she may enjoy it.

On 9/2/2019 at 10:00 AM, bootsam said:

Long engine though, so making a wide bottomed and stable lander has been challenging,

I don't use the Nerv much, and when I do then for interplanetary transfer stages. (And SSTO spaceplanes, but there also only for the vacuum part of the journey.) I don't recall any lander of mine that doesn't use a terrier or poodle. (O.K. Landers for vacuum bodies. Eve is a class of its own.)

On 9/2/2019 at 10:00 AM, bootsam said:

I'm doing money missions for the foreseeable future as I need to upgrade my R&R.

Better Rest and Recreation? Man your Kerbals have it sooo good. When mine are not on a mission or in training then I just stuff them into a handy cupboard in the astronaut complex. SCNR! :cool:

7 hours ago, bootsam said:

Took 5 passangers to Mun, orbited, went to minmus, orbited and landed on minmus, did some stuff, returned to kerbin, during descent I realised I'd forgotten to pack some chutes.

Yeah, we've all been there... And these lazy tourists don't do EVA to use their personal parachutes. :/

7 hours ago, bootsam said:

If at first you dont succeed, swear a lot then try again.

Too true. But it might be a reason not to play KSP with your granddaughter. ;)

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I doubt I could keep her focused for long enough to make the launchpad before another 'colouring in' marathon beckoned. :) Alternatively we will be watching the gruffalo. Again. I know the script by heart now, Ive seen it enough times. I have banned 'Frozen' though. Ive managed to avoid it all this while through luck and subterfuge. 

I like the NERV as it uses tiny amounts of fuel and requires no oxidiser. Which means I dont have to fret about running outta gas and it keeps mass down. I only use it between mun and minmus and a small part of the journey to mun. Its also handy for those burns to the poles of mun as it uses tiny amounts of fuel. But its long and has limited fuel tank options. So I shove it in middle and surround it with an array of 6 tanks to keep it short. Makes for a sturdy lander too with 6 landing legs. Ive equipped both my science labs with them now so I can move them about willy nilly.

I returned with chutes this time and was successful. I need another 1M or or so to upgrade R&R with enough backup funds. So Im returning to minmus to rescue Billy Bobbo Kerbin, who I believe is a relative of Sherrif JW Pepper Kerbin.

Ah, yes. No swearing when GD is about. However I think swearwords a lot. We have her for the weekend as daughter and hubby are at a wedding. I think ill look on amazon for a de-fib, just in case.

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10 hours ago, bootsam said:

Alternatively we will be watching the gruffalo. Again.

Well, there's worse things in life than watching the Gruffalo, and worse things for a 5yr old to watch. My nice is now past that stage...

10 hours ago, bootsam said:

I like the NERV as it uses tiny amounts of fuel

Which also makes it good for interplanetary transfer stages. There are also drawbacks to the NERVs, but it seems like you have them under control.

I guess I like to roleplay my Kerbals complaining about the radiation risk, so I avoid them if there are other reasonably convenient options. (Yes, yes. They probably get more exposure from the cosmic rays and solar wind during the transfers than from a NERV at the other end of a big fuel tank. But who said that Kerbals are logical?)

10 hours ago, bootsam said:

I need another 1M or or so to upgrade R&R with enough backup funds.

Yupp, that's the grindy part of a career playthrough. But it's a good time to fill up your rooster with spare Kerbals. So you can afford to scatter them all over the system later in the game. (I like to refueling stations / mining outposts around every major body.)

10 hours ago, bootsam said:

Ah, yes. No swearing when GD is about. However I think swearwords a lot. We have her for the weekend as daughter and hubby are at a wedding. I think ill look on amazon for a de-fib, just in case.

Have fun. Although I would have thought that a large package of Valium would be more useful than a defibrillator. ;)

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Ive never been a role play type. Im far too affixed and grounded to reality that I'm unable to suspend that. No matter how much I try, so I've given up on that. Its just the way my brains wired. A game is a game to me. (I have no issues with people roleplaying btw) Of course I'd have reservations using a NERV in real life, as the Russians have recently demonstrated with the unfortunate loss of lives. But it makes a great tool for rendevouz and rescue missions as the fuel seems to last forever. Long manouveurs are the issue, I have to break the manouveurs up into smaller chunks and they take a long time for a Minmus trip. But it has been a great help to me as a post noob. I can keep mass down without the worry of running out of fuel.

This game isnt as grindy as Elite. Ive played that since its release in 14(ish), Ive amassed billions, achieved elite status and every ship and engineered most of them, but Ive lost my impetus to grind anymore. I like this game. Its simple, yet complicated at the same time. Plus you learn. Ive found it incredibly interesting to see how we move from one gravity well to another and the way a body scoops you up. Of course I know the sums and equations as a Mech Eng but nothing beats a visualisation of Keplar and Newton in action.

Ive made my 1.7M for R&R upgrade, now I just need to grind out some margin for my funds. Another 500k should suffice as a float. So I am off to grab a thing from minmus and return it to Kerbin for a cool £250K.

TBH, I quite like Gruffalo. :) Julia Robinsons stuff is quite amusing and GD loves it. Plus daughter is a primary teacher and uses her stuff for her classess. I cant wait till GD is in her class. Chaos will ensue and I shall have my revenge on my daughter. :) for all the hassle she provided growing up. Muahahah.

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R&R upgraded and now have moved into final tiers of science. Running lots of reposition sat jobs to fill up my coffers as I need to recruit a lot of crash test dummies keen explorers and scientists. I built a shuttle and am umming and ahhing on what engines to provide it with as its only to build a Kerbal space station. So prob terriers will suffice. Its the re-entry and landing that is going to be tricky for me as I have no idea how just yet, so next few days will be spent sending proverbial guinea pig Kerbils for my trial and error typ of approach, (which is basically my style of anything), prior to building the station. Once I get the hang of it, then Bootstation 1 shall commence.

Ive unlocked more science and parts than I know what to do with just yet.

I guess I can end this noob thread as Im not really noobish anymore. Ive not ventured further than minus so far, I prefer to keep it all local for learning purposes. Thanks to everyone for their help and assistance. :)

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Ive recently rescued quite a few; these rescued Kerbs shall soon be spending some quality time orbiting the Sun. Once I return from Duna. My Astro complex is fully upgraded. The only thing I have left to upgrade is the management place thing, which I still havent a scoobie what it does.

Since I added module manager, MechJeb became operational. However once I noticed what it did, I removed it. I dont want autopilot or none of those things. I'm quite happy crashing and making errors. Maybe later I shall find it handy, but for now I like bumbling around. Timing my own burns and generally screwing up. So I put on KER instead as I like the info at top of screen for stuff. Mainly my Apoastis at launch and TWR so I can save fuel(ish). Im old school, I dont even use Sat Nav as I generally know my way around after riding 2 wheels since I was 16.

Onwards to Duna...



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