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Scale of the new planets


Should KSP 2 have rescaled planets, or rescable planets?  

72 members have voted

  1. 1. Should KSP 2 have rescaled planets, or rescable planets?

    • Yes. KSP 2 should make the planets bigger. No rescaling in the menu though.
    • Yes. KSP 2 should allow planets to be rescaled, and it should be tied to how difficult the gameplay is.
    • Yes. KSP 2 should allow planets to be rescaled, and it should be seperate from how difficult the gameplay is.
    • Yes. KSP 2 should allow planet rescaling, but in its own seperate menu where you can tweak each planet size individually.
    • Yes. KSP 2 should allow rescaling, as well as editting of other qualities of the planets such as how much gravity a planet has, how much resources a planet has, how much the planet tilts, and more.
    • No. KSP 2 should not allow planets to be rescaled.
    • No. KSP 2 should not have rescaled planets as stock. Leave it to the modding community to rescale planets.
    • No. KSP 2 should not allow rescaled planets, but I wouldn't be against changing the other aspects of a planet. Gravity, resources, etc.
    • No. KSP 2 should not have rescaled planets, but I would like to see tilting planets.
    • I am indifferent. I'll accept whatever they do with the planets.

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I've seen a lot of talk about scale for the new planets. I personally don't want any rescale of the original plants. KSP is supposed to be fun and relatively easy (After hours and hours of playing around with it). I think increasing the planets sizes would take the fun out of it for quite a portion of the community. With that being said, having an option to change the scaling in the create new game menu would be fine. I think it should be it's own separate scaling, not tied to difficulty as I can see some people, myself included, wanting to paly with regular size Kerbal planets, and then having it on hard difficulty. 

So I'm making a poll to see what people think is the best.

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I’m not against rescaling, but I have a feeling they wont introduce it by default.  I’m fine with the game sacrificing a bit of realism for fun, balance, or lightening the computational load.  That said, I imagine scaling will be pretty easy to do via modding, so I think eventually everyone will be happy.  I’d rather see the devs put in more time developing new features and polishing the game.

Edited by Teek
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  On 8/23/2019 at 5:02 AM, Teek said:

I’m not against rescaling, but I have a feeling they wont introduce it by default.  I’m fine with the game sacrificing a bit of realism for fun, balance, or lightening the computational load.  That said, I imagine scaling will be pretty easy to do via modding, so I think eventually everyone will be happy.  I’d rather see the devs put in more time developing new features and polishing the game.


I feel the same way, leave it up to the mods. 

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  On 8/23/2019 at 5:35 AM, Dale Christopher said:

I just want a Real Solar System option


You and many more.

But as said elsewhere, world size has ramifications all over, from how heavyweight the rocket parts need to be, to which airspeed is "reentry" and must be dangerous. You cannot simply move all KSP stuff to a bigger world and expect it to still work in the same way,or at all. RSS as a stock option would require the devs to essentially provide two games that are similar yet different... somehow I don't see this happening.

From what I pick up from the videos, the new devs are aware of how the game is being played and what will be desired. This gives me hope that plugging in alternate solar systems may become easier than it currently is (and maybe the new game will even know about axial tilt -- I'm keeping my fingers crossed). But as to stock world size, the die seems to be cast.

Incidentally, on the off chance that someone is listening: I'm of the opinion that real scale isn't inherently more tedious or difficult to play. What makes the RO experience so daunting is the lack of throttling and limited ignitions, compounded by hundreds of propellant mixtures to get lost in.

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The community seems to be pretty divided on this matter.

So the right thing to do is to add the OPTION to have it re-scaled, when setting up a new game/career. That way, you please everyone.

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  On 8/23/2019 at 11:02 PM, JeeF said:

The community seems to be pretty divided on this matter.

So the right thing to do is to add the OPTION to have it re-scaled, when setting up a new game/career. That way, you please everyone.


Well, as of right now the consensus is leave it to the modders leading by 9 votes, leave it in the menu not as a difficulty setting but it's very own setting trailing with 7 votes, and people dont care one way or the other is in third with 6 votes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For the solo playing: The best will be a planet generator, to have a challenge at each new game. Like civilization, at start you choose, the scale, the type of planet or totally random will be fun to.

For the multi playing: the same thing, youy choose a server on which you can see the caracteristic of world created and if you are accepted by the players you can join it...

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I would like to see a 'scale' option.(2x, 3x, 5x etc) but don't expect it will be included.

I would not be surprised if the additional star systems address this in a way, and just happen to have bigger planets though.

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With the existence of multiple star systems and Interstellar, I find that ppl could make such large systems/planets with bigger distance and all.
Obviously players would not be starting on those planets, but they could go there and really focus on the colonies there and get the ball rolling.
Not perfect, but doable provided the game is as moddable as they claim.

I know ppl want it from the get go system and I get that, and I want a complete solar system analog in Kerbal equivalent...
Especially a Uranus analog, but also Saturn, Neptune and Pluto.  With the Saturn one maybe having 7 moons.  I'd love the challenge of a Sarnus(or Urlum)-7 or something.
Unfortunately in stock we can't get all that we want... Until mods.

If scale is an option good for ppl that want that.  Honestly I'd try it, at least to make a RSS Mars/Duna mission, maybe some kind of real Venus or Jupiter mission.  But I don't play for launches to take 10-20minutes (assuming no failures), especially since I don't use any automation to do my launches.
I don't think that would be feasible and keep the quality of the moons/planets, especially in KSP2 where they want each one to be 'special' and not just spheres with nothing to do on them.

We shall see.

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