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James Webb with VanillaParts

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Hello Guys,
For 3 weeks I'm trying to create a fully functional James Webb Telescope only with KSP Original Parts. And its almost Done. Looks great and it's foldable and unfoldable.
My Problem is: When I try to test-launch it, and the physics kicks in after loading the Launch-Pad, the Telescope decides to disassemble itself rather quickly. witch, by the way, it is not supposed to do that.
I used a lot of parts from the AddOn "Breaking Ground" especially the robotic servos to fold the six mirrors on the side and to adjust each mirror individually in angle. (looks like these are the weakest joints)

what could I do, do stabilize this beauty?

Edited by Blackhawk50000
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1 hour ago, Blackhawk50000 said:

it falls apart like a jellyfish outside the water.

It sounds like you have too much weight on the robotic parts. An image would really help (the forum does not actually host pictures, you need to upload to an image hosting service and link them here: Instructions how to do this) The only workaround I can think of without a redesign is to use the debug menu (alt+F12 on PC), click on cheats and click unbreakable joints to get through the physics loading up.

Edited by James Kerman
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This is an issue with Breaking Ground. I have had a few craft that explode upon launch.  Interestingly, one of mine (this one: https://kerbalx.com/Klapaucius/Kant-Unreasonable-Rover) always explodes on launch the first time loading from the SPH, but if you just immediately revert to launch, it works fine. 

Any chance you can upload the file so we can have a look at it?  I cannot promise anything, but sometimes some minor tweaking that seems to make no sense, changes things just enough to make them work.

Edited by Klapaucius
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Did you set the lock on all the robotic parts in the VAB? That makes the whole structure a lot more rigid. It also allows autostruts to traverse the robotic parts, though I would not recommend to set autostruts on the robotic parts themselves. (See: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/185699-rotation-servo-m-25-fails-to-move/) But e.g. having "autostrut to grantparent" on the first non-robotic part connected to a robotic part can do wonders for the stability of your craft. (A locked robotic part will also not consume any power, even under acceleration.)

I also recommend to not use "toggle lock" on an action group, but use two action groups with "remove lock" and "engage lock" if needed: setting the locks has a high chance of failing because "the part is sill moving" (yeah, sure...), so you may wont to hit that "set lock" button a number of times until all locks are set.



7 hours ago, Blackhawk50000 said:

I think my construction is way too wobbly and filigree.
would not pass through the shake test from NASA either xD (like the original)

Do it the Kerbal way: Add more struts! :cool:

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12 hours ago, Blackhawk50000 said:

i will upload the File of the Craft (WIP) here =)

OMG, it's full of hinges!
(SCNR. ;))

I just went through and set the lock on all robotic parts. Aaaand, well, it doesn't fall apart on the launchpad anymore, but stable is different. ;.; It is also prone to spontaneous unscheduled disassemblies (AKA Kraken attacks.) when you unlock a part, even when doing that in orbit.

You might get it stable with careful use of autostruts and locking/unlocking. (Setting robotic parts that don't need to move to unmotorized might also help.) But in general I'd suggest to use a lot less robotic parts. If it doesn't have to move, then don't use a robotic part. (I don't believe that the real JWST has so many moving parts.) It won't look as good, but it has a higher chance of actually working.

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Hi and Good Morning.
yesterday evening I tried a few different concepts. my last attempt is similar to the original way to mound the Mirrors. I have now a strong metal-beam construction, and each mirror sits on a hinge connector. that results in way less weight on each hinge. 
my uploaded version has hinges to arrange the hole beam construction. which results in heavyweight in the lower hinges.
so I tested my new try (only the unfoldable 12 Mirrors) and it is really stable. today I will try to attach the six foldable mirrors and get them stable we will see xD =)

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2 hours ago, Blackhawk50000 said:

so I tested my new try (only the unfoldable 12 Mirrors) and it is really stable.

Sounds good so far. Please let us know how it turns out.

You should also consider uploading your craft to kerbalx or so when you are done with it.

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