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Felipe Falanghe and the KSP legacy


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With all the (justified) hype about KSP2 and some (less justified, in my opinion) talk about getting Scott Manley to narrate the tutorials, I think it is high time we all collectively revisit where this all started.

This is a great article from several years ago with a nice history of how Felipe came to Squad, what Squad was at the time (the answer if you don't know, will likely surprise you) how Adrian Goya had the vision to know a good thing when he saw it and how our favourite little green folk evolved.




If there is one person that deserves above all others to be honoured in KSP2 with a statue at the KSC, or a monolith on the Mun, or a Kerbalized version of him taking the place of Werner Von Kerman in the tutorials, or an engine named after him, or something along those lines, it is Felipe Falanghe.

Edited by Klapaucius
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HarvestR certainly should have a continuing presence in KSP.

Ok, he's not the only person responsible for the game which we love/complain about bugs of/are obsessed with/discuss endlessly on this forum/make fan art fiction about (like yours truely) based on... but is at the core of it.


Edited by purpleivan
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