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Eve Craters and Akatsuki Lake lokations.


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There are 5 craters located "inland" more or less at the center of the continent. I suppose they are the "craters" you are looking for.

About the lake, there is the "Alcatraz" lake as I call it, the round one with the small island at the center and there is the bigger one just west of that, so big you could think it is a sea. I suppose one of them could be the Akatsuki lake you are looking for.

All the features I am describing are however pretty "big", so i guess I could be wrong.

I will try to have a look myself, maybe I could be lucky.


You may want to try lat -18.6328 lng 147.8320 for one of the craters.


About the lake I am still searching.I need to check lat 48.8671 lng 99.8437. It is a small lake almost at the pole.

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Thanks for replying. 
Here is the map, the round lake is the crater lake, followed by the triangular Estern sea followed by the long western sea further east :)
It looks like all far north or south is pole, don't matter if water or ground. 
The 5 craters is impact ejecta. 

It looks like its an bug and the biomes are missing. 
this mod fixes this. 


Edited by magnemoe
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  • 2 months later...

Hey, I know I am late to the party... but Akatsuki Lake is e.g. at

            latitude = 35.113310220547817
            longitude = 108.54618043543216

I stumbled over it accidentially at the blue crater below the grey crater north of the Eastern Sea.

I am searching for the infamous Craters biome, still...

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  • 3 years later...
  • 9 months later...
  On 2/17/2023 at 3:51 AM, Poppa Wheelie said:

I just stumbled upon the Akatsuki Lake biome at 0*05'14"S, 8*23'51"W.  This is on the SW shore of Crater Lake.

I know I'm responding to a 3 year old post, but hopefully someone may find this information useful.


I mean, considering this is one of the topics that comes up for "Akatsuki Lake" when searching online, I'd say it's a worthwhile necropost.

With that said, I'll confirm both of these. Both of them are *incredibly* tiny - I got a whole second to hit the science button passing over the one at 35N 108E. Apparently the one at 5S 8W is sliiiiightly larger.

Disclaimer: I run a 10.625x rescale mod, so the coordinates here may be inaccurate - but that's why I'm also trying to give some descriptions of where they are.

Lake 1:

The small one is at 0*5'23.65" S, 8*26'15.70" W. It's indeed on the southwest shore of the crater lake - it's near the north tip of the long Craters biome bordering the south edge of the lake, with a Lowlands biome just to the west of it. It's a small tilted hourglass shape, and won't even show up particularly distinctly until you're at 150x zoom or so.

Lake 2:

The pair of Akatsuki lakes is around 37*50'55.06N 108*36'49.50E. I say "pair" but it's one "large" one and one super tiny one. The general location is the pair of craters on the eastern third of the map in the north - the lakes are on the northeast rim of the crater. There are straight lines of foothills biomes to the south and northwest of the little cluster containing the Akatsuki Lake - when mousing over the lake area itself at insufficient zoom, you're likely to catch the nearby foothills biome. The other two are long lines, the area with the lake is a small spot of different color.

Lake 3: (just so I'm providing some useful content here...)

There's a third lake at 28*52'11.63" N 9*0'31.58" W. It's on a larger lake of Explodium Sea. The Craters biome forms most of a ring around the Explodium lake - the Akatsuki lake is on the northwest edge of the lake, right at the tip of the Craters biome on that side.

Lake 4: (!)

A fourth lake, just because I was poking around to test a hypothesis! This one is at 30*9'11.74" N 66*21'7.52" W. It's on the southeast edge of a crater ring around a lake in the middle of the Explodium Sea. This one's slightly different, in that it's quite a bit inland compared to the others - it's a small spot between the Craters and Peaks biomes. Interesting note: There's a Foothills biome nearby with almost exactly the same shape. Also interesting: The shape is almost the same as the one on the southwest shore of the crater lake (Lake 1.)


The Akatsuki lake is either affected by a terrain generation bug, or it's the result of one in and of itself. I found lakes 3 and 4 by just looking at any crater with "busy" borders (of which there are plenty on Eve.) My suspicion is that there's a number of these tiny "lakes" to be found, but they probably weren't meant to be quite so tiny. Feature, or ascended bug?

Speaking of which...

Lake 5:

25*46'13.47" S 142*16'29.54" E. There's a cluster of 5 craters on the east edge of the full map. The lake is along the northern edge of the southernmost crater in the cluster. This one's actually decently large - it's pretty visible even at 50x zoom, and I'd say it's probably the largest one I've found.


Side note:

Because it's also a pain in the neck to find, Olympus is at 28*21'35.67" S 149*9'52.96" W. There's no real landmarks near here that are visible from the larger map I'm afraid - it's in the middle of a blorf of assorted terrain on the big scansat map.


Edit: Oh, look, someone both figured it out and explained it on the wiki:

Although I seem to have plenty of craters and no impact ejecta...

Edited by etmoonshade
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