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WWII BAD-T V: The AI Strikes Back - BD AI Dogfight Tournament

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8 hours ago, Alioth81 said:

Did you try the mod memgraph?

It solved my stuttering issues.

Switched to VCN for screen capture and it performs way better now. Anyway I'm going to add 1 more pair of RAM to alleviate the problem of depletion of memory.


8 hours ago, Alioth81 said:

I can say from my limited testing that GLOC will be a major issue for all those normally designing super agile planes.

Imao The design is very altitude dependent. My solution is tuning the plane to be a lot more draggy at low AoA, but extremely efficient at high AoA.

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2 hours ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

Broke Pwings how? What isn't working, or functioning in a manner you believe isn't working? Any info is better than none.

After reinstalling several times, the Peking’s button isn’t appearing and I can’t use J to edit the wings. The wings still appear, but there is no functionality.

Edit: I tried to fly a craft I had previously made with Pwings, and while the wings looked ok in the SPH, I loaded it and they were just the unshaped blocks.

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33 minutes ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

Ok, asking a potentially stupid question here, but you are running KSP 1.7.3, with FAR .15.11.1, and have the contents of the FAR_0_15_11_1_Mach.zip (FerramAerospaceResearch, ModularFlightIntegrator, and ModuleManager 4.0.2) installed to ...KSP/GameData/?


Dammit, I forgot Modular Flight Integrator. Why didn’t I see that?

Thanks @SuicidalInsanity!

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I think the Red Star decals lower the top speed by like 55 m/s though so... maybe not the best option. I'm not entirely sure why they do, since they're not even poking a centimeter out of the wing, but 231 m/s vs 176 is a pretty considerable difference and the lower drag is noticeable even at much lower speeds. It also more than doubles the peak L/D from 12 to ~25.


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Modified Decal version. Circle decal is now only 1 cm thick and there are now two of them. No longer causes noticeable drag (Within 1 m/s of the same top speed) and still only 41 parts.

Newest version:


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2 hours ago, KeranoKerman said:

@Pds314, what paint mod are you using? Those fighters look great!

B9 procedural wings. No dedicated paint mod. Just wing parts colored/textured to look nice. The circles are just minimum thickness procedural structural elements. (They were originally slightly thicker than that section of wing but FAR has wierd opinions about wings and doesn't necessarily negate the drag of all objects embedded in them).


Also in truth the vehicle isn't so much a La-9 as a La-9/La-7 hybrid, since it has similar but more guns to a La-7 and the airfoil is not really a historically accurate laminar flow airfoil.

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Question regarding running out of ammo:

If both craft run out of ammo after scoring a fatal blow, but the remaining craft takes, say, 30 seconds to collide with the ground (say, with no tail), who wins?

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To make sure I understand the question correctly, this is a scenario where Team A has one plane with ammo, and Team B has one plane left; Team A does critical damage to the Team B survivor, but runs out of ammo doing so? Team A wins-Team B has been shot down. That Team A has run out of ammo doing so doesn't matter, because there are no more team B craft in play.
Now, if Team B had merely been badly mauled - i.e. lost all but one elevator, or missing half a wing, but still capable of semi-controlled flight, and, in theory, capable of bringing its own guns to bear on Team A, Team B would win, since it still has technically 'combat-viable' craft still in play.
Or did you mean if a Team A and Team B craft both run out of ammo, but achieve a mutual KO against each other? Then each side gets a point for shooting down an opposing craft.


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1 minute ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

To make sure I understand the question correctly, this is a scenario where Team A has one plane with ammo, and Team B has one plane left; Team A does critical damage to the Team B survivor, but runs out of ammo doing so? Team A wins-Team B has been shot down. That Team A has run out of ammo doing so doesn't matter, because there are no more team B craft in play.
Now, if Team B had merely been badly mauled - i.e. lost all but one elevator, or missing half a wing, but still capable of semi-controlled flight, and, in theory, capable of bringing its own guns to bear on Team A, Team B would win, since it still has technically 'combat-viable' craft still in play.
Or did you mean if a Team A and Team B craft both run out of ammo, but achieve a mutual KO against each other? Then each side gets a point for shooting down an opposing craft.


I meant the former. Thanks for clarifying. Several tests I did had the final burst a team had achieve a kill.

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A new fighter. Sadly, while it turns extremely well, it often goes off-balance and bleeds energy with the current AI and control settings.

On a sidenote, does anyone know how to get the AI to use both weapon types simultaneously? It has 4x ShKAS and 1x 30mm and I would prefer that within about 700 m it tried to fire both together

Amusingly, it can fairly easily be flown straight and level missing an entire wing.


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If I get it to work I will enter with a fusion of the WW2 Canard fighter protoyp Ambrosini SS.4 and Do 335.

Main challenge is to tune the control surfaces and the AI.

If someone is interested I can upload an advanced target dummy that offers a greater challenge.

It is basically my bar I set myself to test against. It is very frustrating that the advanced dummy I created in 30 minutes so far destroys my design I spent an evening with. Probably a sign that I should restart the design...

I found some interesting huge jumps in HP based on the wing strength set in FAR. This is especially apparent with procedural wings but also affects the stock wings. Basically the HP stays constant but under a certain wing strength HP drops dramatically and stays there. You could argue that this is reflecting a different material that is used in construction but I thinks it is a bit weird :cool:. Also procedural parts still seem a bit buggy and the nodes vanish which can mess up your autostruts/rigid attachment



Set the same weapon group for both weapons and they fire together. You can still have different ranges set (I think it only works in barrage mode). I just call the groups something like "Alpha" or "Guns" and type in that name for all weapons that should fire together.

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7 hours ago, Alioth81 said:

I found some interesting huge jumps in HP based on the wing strength set in FAR. This is especially apparent with procedural wings but also affects the stock wings. Basically the HP stays constant but under a certain wing strength HP drops dramatically and stays there. You could argue that this is reflecting a different material that is used in construction but I thinks it is a bit weird :cool:.

Yeah it's actually kinda annoying. Like, 0.70 and you have 200 HP styrofoam and 0.75 and you have 2400 HP steel. I mean, I like being able to tune HP but I wish it varied more smoothly. Especially because you usually don't strictly need high wing masses for aero-structural purposes. So I often wish I could set a wing ro like 0.45 and still keep, say, 900 HP. But no. It has 100-200.

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10 hours ago, Alioth81 said:

If someone is interested I can upload an advanced target dummy that offers a greater challenge.

It is basically my bar I set myself to test against. It is very frustrating that the advanced dummy I created in 30 minutes so far destroys my design I spent an evening with. Probably a sign that I should restart the design...

Would definitely be interested in an advanced dummy. I could upload my Two Ender for that purpose, if people can stand the hideousness of it. Although as dummies go its slightly unorthodox. (Heavy fighter with lots of Mk108s)

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