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1.7.3 converts 1.6.1 craft but won't re-root them?

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Has anyone else noticed this?

I've upgraded my fleet from 1.6.1 to 1.7.3.  I load and save them progressively as I need them.  But I've noticed with 2 craft now (e.g. KerbalX.com/Hotel26/Spunk) that I cannot re-root them as a prelude to some kind of upgrade.

I could be wrong.  It could be that re-root is strangely different in 1.7.3 than I'm used to.

Anyone have any clue about this; or run into similar?

Specifically, when I click the first part, the editor picks up the whole ship instead of allowing me to next select the part I want to become the root.   


Edited by Hotel26
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10 hours ago, Geonovast said:

have to click on the ship's root part

This worked and, in the case of Spunk, the Okto2 (that was root) is buried inside a service bay, so hovering on the service bay lights the whole ship but is NOT the root part.

It's good to know, thanks.


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6 hours ago, Hotel26 said:

Specifically, when I click the first part, the editor picks up the whole ship instead of allowing me to next select the part I want to become the root.

Confirmed that this -sometimes- happens. Not consistently though, at least not in my case.

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