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Auto landing mods?


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A generalized auto-land is not necessarily the easiest thing in the world to do. First and foremost because it needs to understand what the parameters of your aircraft actually are. It needs to know:
1. Stall angle of your aircraft.
2. Maximum pitch where constant speed straight and level flight can be maintained.
3. Tailstrike angle of your aircraft, accounting for landing gear suspension.
4. Runway length.
5. Runway start location and direction.
6. Braking modes (airbrakes? flaps? wheelbrakes? Reverse thrust?) and how effective they are.
7. How much brakeforce it can apply without losing control.
8. What should it do to slow down before landing? (spoilers? Flaps? Mid-air use of thrust reversers? Stalling out while applying thrust with the engines?)

In addition, it probably should know:
1. General performance characteristics of your aircraft. Roll, yaw, and pitch rates, stability derivatives, etc.
2. Terrain around the runway.

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