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Weird wing glitch


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I know the infinite energy glitch with wings (or what ever you call it). I think the bug I found is to do with this. I was attempting to land my space plane but ended up crashing it, after the crash a few parts came off when noticed one of the control surfaces flying off. I changed to it and it was escaping back up out of the atmosphere. Also after it re-entered it bounced back out into space a few more times before it just feel back to Kerbin. Anyone had this before?

Heres some pictures :





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Ive seen a few winds fly off and glide away but ive never seen a wing escape back out to space. Pretty impressive that it almost got to 300km

Its definitely a hilarious and can make you smile when you have a horrible landing/crash, then in the corner of you eye is a wing just flying off on its own.

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