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Update Anxiety


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You guys do know 0.17 is going to be a winter release, right?

-Don't jinx it.. I want to live in hope that it will be soon..

-I'll wake up one magical day and the updater will be poping up with its magical words.. Would you like to update..

-And then we will all crash the servers when 10'000 of us download it at the same time..

-Muahahaha.. :P

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Rules Addendum: 16MAY2012 "Release Date"

Creating posts or threads that contain nothing but 'When is the next release coming?' is prohibited.

This thread is rather close to that line. Don't be surprised if its locked/deleted.

That being said, I keep checking the dev forums for an update on the 0.17 patch notes and it hasnt been changed for over two week!

This must mean they are too hard at work on the update to spare time telling us about it :)

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Quote Originally Posted by Damion Rayne

Rules Addendum: 16MAY2012 "Release Date"

Creating posts or threads that contain nothing but 'When is the next release coming?' is prohibited.

This thread is rather close to that line.

Close, so close, but as long as people don't actually start asking that question you're okay :)

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Close, so close, but as long as people don't actually start asking that question you're okay :)

So whe---.... Err.. never mind. =X

I'm with OP on this one, I check the website and forum a few times a day in passing, even if I'm not particularly browsing or posting, just to see "0.17 is out! Download now!"

I'm busy with other games, I work 45-50 hours a week (actually at work currently as I'm typing this), and by the time I get back home after the gym I don't have much time for anything... but I'm still anxiously waiting for 0.17 and you can bet I'll be booting it up ASAP once it's out.

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Every time I enter kerbalspaceprogram.com into my address bar I get really scared that I'll see 0.17 is released. I guess I feel the anxiety as well:) Just like when I do ladder games in StarCraft 2.

KSP is the game I use as a counter to SC2, but when both gives me anxiety .. oh well something may be wrong :P

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You guys do know 0.17 is going to be a winter release, right?

Shhh!, SHHH! I can believe what I want too!

*turns around and strokes hair maniacally*

"Dont worry zpox... It will come out tomorow, It WILL come out tomorow! me he he he!"

Edited by zpox357
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I'll be sad when the new release comes out.

Because its bound to trash all our precious hard work in geting a 75 ton munbase craft landed on the mun in one piece instead of the 47 pieces it usually lands in, that is if you can

get the damned thing off the ground in the first place without getting a score card of 9.9, 9.9, 9.8, 9.9, 9.9, 9.7 and 9.9 from the crowd of kerbals rating the explosion.


So many launches... so little success..

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Y'know... I love being involved in this type of development. Not only are you given the current build of the game to mess around with, but they keep coming out with new features. It's like getting your bang for your buck by buying an already fun alpha build... and then having the developers shower you with a TON of extra features, tweaks and game play additions. When playing KSP, you can really see its potential; therefore becoming more invested in the products development.

Which is why y'all are frothing at the mouth for the next update....

I am too :D.

However, It's GREAT having 0.16 to play with while I wait.

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Recently I've been checking everyday hoping to see everyone discussing 0.17 but when I don't I just resign and hope the next day until it hits Thursday and then I hope it's Monday and the whole cycle repeats. Oh well :(

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Wait, what exactly will the update bring that's so exiting?

What! We're getting tons of new planets! IVA's and big rsc and sas unit. And more. Theres a venus like planets with 170% gravity of kerbin. with 5x atmosphere. A mars one. With a moon. and a gas giant named Jool with 4 moons. Also a lava planet called moho close to the sun. Also kerbol will now be an actual object

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