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RP-1 Realistic Progression One for KSP 1.12.3


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Hey, first of all, Thank you for this Great Mod and possibility to play KSP on a whole new enjoyable Level! I just came back to this mod after a while and im wondering what happened to the " Science Research Upgrades " in KCT ?! Is it gone by patch or is my new Installation bugged?:) 

Greets Daniel

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've a annoying problem since yesterday. I can no longer ignite some engines (the A4 and XLR41 are the ones I have access to) instead I get an "insufficient resources to ignite" messages. I'm puzzled why it doesn't tell me what is supposedly missing? However the strange thing is, that the very same rocket was working just fine the day before and I didn't change anything or install any updates in the meantime.

Help or suggestions to find out what's going on would be very appreciated.


After deleting half a dozen shorthand key combinations I was able to access the debug console and find out that I was missing electric charge... ? Turns out my batteries had vanished or were empty. Still strange but I can at least fly again.

Edited by Nobody6
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I know it has been asked before, but there are a lot of empty nodes in my tree, especially post lunar landing. I wrote this little script:

cat ../GameData/RP-0/Tree/RP0TechTree.cfg | grep "id =" | cut -d = -f 2 | sort |uniq > tree_nodes
for node in `cat tree_nodes`
    node_name=`echo $node | tr -d '\r'`
    count=`grep --exclude="../GameData/RP-0/Tree/RP0TechTree.cfg" ${node} ../GameData/RP-0/Tree/*.cfg|wc -l`
    if [ ${count} -eq 0 ]
       echo $node_name $count

Which looks for nodes that have no support for RP1 "out of the box", it generates this list:

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Some make total sense (like colonization mods), and I presume the NF nodes are covered by Near Future mods, but others are a little bit more confusing:

  • advancedHabitats 0
  • advancedLanding 0
  • electronicsAdvCapsules 0
  • electronicsColonization 0
  • electronicsCommercial 0
  • electronicsHuman 0
  • electronicsInternational 0
  • electronicsLongTerm 0
  • experimentalAircraft 0
  • highTechCapsules 0
  • highTechSpaceplanes 0
  • improvedLifeSupport 0
  • improvedNuclearPower 0
  • improvedSpaceplanes 0
  • largeScaleHabitats 0
  • nuclearFissionReactors 0
  • sstoSpaceplanes 0

I know some of these might be deliberately empty and that is okay, but things like advancedLanding,  electronicsAdvCapsules etc would be nice to fill

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I know it has been asked before, but there are a lot of empty nodes in my tree, especially post lunar landing. I wrote this little script:

cat ../GameData/RP-0/Tree/RP0TechTree.cfg | grep "id =" | cut -d = -f 2 | sort |uniq > tree_nodes
for node in `cat tree_nodes`
    node_name=`echo $node | tr -d '\r'`
    count=`grep --exclude="../GameData/RP-0/Tree/RP0TechTree.cfg" ${node} ../GameData/RP-0/Tree/*.cfg|wc -l`
    if [ ${count} -eq 0 ]
       echo $node_name $count

Which looks for nodes that have no support for RP1 "out of the box", it generates this list:

  Reveal hidden contents

Some make total sense (like colonization mods), and I presume the NF nodes are covered by Near Future mods, but others are a little bit more confusing:

  • advancedHabitats 0
  • advancedLanding 0
  • electronicsAdvCapsules 0
  • electronicsColonization 0
  • electronicsCommercial 0
  • electronicsHuman 0
  • electronicsInternational 0
  • electronicsLongTerm 0
  • experimentalAircraft 0
  • highTechCapsules 0
  • highTechSpaceplanes 0
  • improvedLifeSupport 0
  • improvedNuclearPower 0
  • improvedSpaceplanes 0
  • largeScaleHabitats 0
  • nuclearFissionReactors 0
  • sstoSpaceplanes 0

I know some of these might be deliberately empty and that is okay, but things like advancedLanding,  electronicsAdvCapsules etc would be nice to fill. I'll see if I can get that part browser running and explore a bit further. Any comments are greatly appreciated

  On 2/11/2021 at 5:48 AM, Medani_Gaming said:

Hey, first of all, Thank you for this Great Mod and possibility to play KSP on a whole new enjoyable Level! I just came back to this mod after a while and im wondering what happened to the " Science Research Upgrades " in KCT ?! Is it gone by patch or is my new Installation bugged?:) 

Greets Daniel


You either buy them or you get some for each science point you bring home.

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I may have found a bug. I have 6 trained crew, both proficiency and mission and I don't like the auto-pick. So I removed one from the list, but if I try to add another an empty list is presented. I'll update RP1 to master and will check again.

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  On 3/9/2021 at 10:35 PM, MacLuky said:

I may have found a bug. I have 6 trained crew, both proficiency and mission and I don't like the auto-pick. So I removed one from the list, but if I try to add another an empty list is presented. I'll update RP1 to master and will check again.


Are you clicking "Fill" or "Add"?  "Fill" will automatically select the first kerbal, whilst "Add" will let you select the kerbal.

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Sorry if I didn't explain myself clearly, perhaps this helps:


For my next mision I want Chloe who is trained


And Valentina


And Alexander


When I press launch it selects another crew (They are trained as well but I don't want these) so i press clear and then "add"


Where did they go? now no-one is qualified anymore....

I did update to the current dev branch and the problem persists. I also looked at the code but its kind of hard to follow. What I can see it that is works for the first kerbals that have a matching flight roster, but i cant find how the second screen is populated. Editing the savefile and moving the desired kerbals to the top of the roster is a work around...

I have a save file, the logfile has no entries that will help. I can also log an issue if that helps.

Edited by MacLuky
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  On 3/14/2021 at 11:14 AM, MacLuky said:


Sorry if I didn't explain myself clearly, perhaps this helps:


For my next mision I want Chloe who is trained


And Valentina


And Alexander


When I press launch it selects another crew (They are trained as well but I don't want these) so i press clear and then "add"


Where did they go? now no-one is qualified anymore....

I did update to the current dev branch and the problem persists. I also looked at the code but its kind of hard to follow. What I can see it that is works for the first kerbals that have a matching flight roster, but i cant find how the second screen is populated. Editing the savefile and moving the desired kerbals to the top of the roster is a work around...

I have a save file, the logfile has no entries that will help. I can also log an issue if that helps.


Send me the save file.

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  On 3/14/2021 at 4:43 PM, MacLuky said:

Here you go: https://we.tl/t-MOqBsfRy1q I've included a script that should reproduce my mods using CKAN and github links. Apart from the latest update to RP1 master it should be complete


Sorry, can't load the save properly since there's a multitude of different ApolloD2 parts missing. Yes, I did drop AlternateApollo into my install.

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Changelog from Previous Version


  • Bring back KCT simulations. Intended to supersede KRASH and fix a lot of the issues it had.
  • New "Add to Plans" button in build list options (#1375)
  • Fix launchpad dismantling
  • Fix unlocking experimental parts creates a new vessel in edit mode (#1404)
  • Do not allow autopurchase of experimental parts if there's insufficient funds
  • Clear vessel editing mode in KSC and TS scenes
  • Fix KCT main GUI state getting reset after visiting MC/RnD/AC and doing a scene switch after that
  • Do not show rollout cost and time inside SPH
  • Remove waste resource on KCT recovery
  • When unlocking all parts, use the new method in RF to get correct entry costs over multiple parts


  • Require 50s of continous avionics control on 3000km Downrange milestone
  • Up the 3000km Downrange milestone reward slightly
  • Rework the repeatable DR contract progression and rewards. Requires avionics similarly to the Downrange milestone. Higher initial payload amounts and less variation than before.
  • Fix typo in Orbit Return contract description (#1383)
  • Fix typo in Phobos Landing Crew.cfg (#1386)
  • Mention max completions count in description for Lunar Sample Return (#1377)
  • Gate Mars Station Behind Mars Crewed Orbit (#1376)
  • Disable KSP 1.10.x Comet contracts (#1408)
  • Remove completion limit from GEOWeather contract
  • Add Waypoint Title to GEO Weather Sat Contract (#1420)
  • Explicitly mention that jet engines aren't allowed on Experimental Rocketplanes contract


  • Separate ROC Apollo HS (#1394)
  • Add Conformal Decals Parts (#1396)
  • Unswap ROE Merlin 1C/D configs (#1398)
  • Add RS-18 config (#1354)
  • French Engines (Viking/Veronique) (#1348)
  • Remove Gemini ECM from antennas (#1368)
  • Barebones config for stock scanners (#1391)
  • Add Nuclear Tag to NFE reactors (#1397)
  • Fix NF Staged Combustion prereqs in tech tree (#1400)
  • Adjust American Upper Stage Engine Costs (#1380)
  • Add turbopump tag to s5.98m (#1403)
  • Add Large Regolith Harvester (kerbalism-large-drill) (#1389)
  • Add ModuleSAS level 1 to Sample Return Command Module (#1431)
  • Add TOPAZ-I and BES-5 (#1413)
  • Add RZ.2 configs (#1425)
  • Add Gamma and Stentor Engines (#1416)
  • Add RD-200 and Dushkin S-155 (#1411)
  • Add Rolls Royce RZ.20 (#1415)
  • Add ROE RD-57 (#1433)
  • Add ROE BE-4 and GEM configs (#1447)
  • Improve the X-2 upgrade description
  • Modular cargo bay tooling (#1412)
  • Add ROT-RingDecoupler tooling
  • Fix FASA ModuleAvionics techRequired
  • Update RL10 Configs & Add New ROEngines RL10 Parts (#1406)
  • Heatshield config maintenance, add new RO variants
  • Add the RD-0110 vernier to the tech tree (#1441)
  • Add J47, J48 and VK-1 jet engines
  • Place MLP parts into the tree
  • Place more NFElectrical reactors in the tree (still uncosted and non-RP0)
  • Clean up the starting parts


  • Set ResourceAbundance=1 for all difficulties (#1390)
  • Move kOS ProcAvionics config to later ModuleManager pass (#1422)
  • Fix hiring Hero kerbals after they would have retired (#1410)
  • Force all crewmembers to be active while in a simulation
  • Add mass estimates to procedural avionics window
  • Add better multiple tank handling to proc avionics window
  • Fix issues with simulations messing with maintenance, career log and crew timers
  • Add FundsGainMult to CareerLog to be able to determine what difficulty someone is playing on
  • Add career log exporting to an external web service (#1435)
  • Improve ProcAvionics + RealFuels Interactions
  • Parent Improved RTG TechNode to nuclearFissionReactors in tech tree (#1438)
  • Add support for TestFlight v2
  • Update loading screen tips


Thank you to everyone who contributed for this release!
@todi @lpgagnon @StonesmileGit @Glloyd @Capkirk123 @branan @RCrockford @siimav @Falki-git @ValiZockt @ErinaceusLinnaeus @Theysen @DRVeyl @Arodoid @vader111 @leudaimon @jwvanderbeck @norcalplanner

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  • 2 weeks later...

Changelog from Previous Version

  • Improve sim starting parameter validation, do not allow going backwards in time with Principia
  • Add more sensible sim default altitude values
  • Allow leaving sim UT empty with Principia. Should no longer crash the game on reverts.
  • Add scrollbar to sim body chooser
  • Add watermark for simulations
  • ProcFairings v6 support
  • Fix errors for Downrange SR contracts in main menu
  • Move ALL AJ10-Mids to 1960 (#1453)
  • Fix AJ60, TR201, SCANsat (#1455)
  • Add more antennas (#1454)
  • Add config for restockplus Viking, RO-RD-0105 (#1456)
  • Add ReStock+ Vostok pod to the tree, no longer shows up in start node
  • Add support for CustomScenarioManager (#1366)
  • Configuration and Support for SSPX Parts (#1457)
  • Add more loading screen images
  • Minor experimental parts fixes (#1458)
  • Unbreak soft cooldowns on downrange contracts (#1461)
  • Add Tech Tree Support for ROTanks Lander Tanks


Thank you to everyone who contributed for this release!
@siimav @DRVeyl @lpgagnon @Capkirk123 @Standecco @pap1723

Edited by siimav
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  • 2 weeks later...

Possible Game-Breaking Bug For 1.10.1 Blocking Progression

Hi guys! In my rp1 save for 1.10.1 Im running into a bug I think may be game-breaking and Im worried there may not be a fix for 1.110.1. There is a bug report here (https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/26961) and it seems the devs fixed the bug for 1.11.2 but it is still present in 1.10.1. Its been happening on my lunar impactor/flyby/orbitor missions but Im not sure what the conditions are that make it happen.

When it happens:

1. I am unable to save, F5 does nothing and the save game button freezes the game until I hit escape and then it unfreezes.

2. No buttons that would allow me to leave the probe/mission or cause the game to save work (main menu, space center, tracking station, etc.). They just freeze the game until I hit escape. The only way to exit the situation is task manager.

3. Sometimes but not all the time the bug will induce 100% cpu usage and cause the game to drop from 40-60 fps to 1-3 fps, this only happens when the unable to save situation happens. There seems to be no way to tell that the bug has started until I try to save and cant or the game drops to 1 fps.

4. When I restart the game and go back to the last save I had with that probe, the bug starts again at roughly the same time/place it did the last time so I have to revert to before that probe was launched. Sometimes that works and allows me to finish the mission but sometimes it doesnt. If that does work the bug happens again to the next probe I launch.

Now its taking me a whole afternoon of restarting the game and trying previous saves to see if they work just to launch 1-2 probes so I am unable to progress in my save anymore. Im worried that if the bug is only fixed in 1.11.2 and not 1.10.1 and there isnt a workaround I will have to abandon my save. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


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  • 1 month later...

I love RO/RP1 but there has always been one thing that seems kinda cheaty even though it may be historically accurate.  That is getting the V-2 engine right off the bat essentially after capturing them and  also Operation Paperclip.  I'm sure this topic has probably been discussed before, but I had what I think may be a new idea.

Has anyone thought of adding a few new nodes below the start node that are essentially "The War Years".  Using MM we could shift the start node below the current start node (Maybe renaming it "Operation Paperclip") and putting a few intermediate nodes in between.  Maybe starting somewhere between 1934 to 1941.  How much do we know about the German rocket program at this time?  It looks like some documents were released in 1960, but you guys are the experts.

Using this method, RP-1 could stay essentially the same for those who wanted to start post-war, but for those that wanted to enjoy the development of the A-4, a mod could be developed.  Would that be extremely difficult or something that could pop right in using any hooks you guys have developed over the years?

BTW, thanks again for all the work you folks put in to the RP1 mod.  Its great!

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I am having two problems. Or perhaps it's just only two questions.

1º: I can't choose the "mount" option in fuel tanks. I seem to remember you could choose different mount sets, but I don't see any option other than choosing the texture for sides and end.

2º: I seem to be having a problem with avionics control mass. Or perhaps there isn't a problem, and I just don't get the mechanics. Here's an example of what I mean, the control mass WAAAAY exceeds the actual weight of the vessell.

Edited by Sesshaku
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I would like to give you some (positive) feedback on this amazing suite of mods. Using the information on the RSS/RO/RP-1 wikis and threads I got it to work on a fresh  1.11.2 installation without major problems by downloading the latest releases from the various github repos (And Sarbian's Jenkins, although the link on the RO thread is broken. Going to the parent page works fine: https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/SmokeScreen-RO/). I'm running it on a rather mediocre system (8GB/2GB laptop) and didn't try any fancy graphics yet, but I could play through the tutorial mission without any glitches. Now I'll just have to spend a few months learning how to use all the additional features...

For reference, here is the full mod list from the Module Manager log:

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