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Plants in Super Habitable Exoplanets Could Look Purple


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Here some mind-blowing possibilities about super habitable exoplanets:

1. The colour of the sky could be light blue, similar to the colour of the sky on Earth in summer. 

2. The oceans could be shallow, with a turquoise blue colour.

3. The vegetation could cover more regions than in Earth, and the colour of the trees could be purple. 

Do you agree with these hypotheses?

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Yep, agreed, but they're not really mind-blowing when you think about them.

A habitable planet with an atmosphere similar to that of Earth will have a blue sky, as an atmosphere like that scatters light blue light. And if the planet has oceans of water, like Earth, then the oceans will be a similar colour.

As for purple plants, that would be due to the plants using something other than chlorophyll for photosynthesis. I can't remember exactly what the stuff is called though.

Edited by RealKerbal3x
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On 12/31/2019 at 5:32 PM, caballerodiez said:

3. The vegetation could cover more regions than in Earth, and the colour of the trees could be purple. 

found your thread while searching for one of mine (that has now been archived)

you might enjoy this article on "The Color of Plants on Other Worlds" of M, K, F vs G stars...

The 'filters' tab of this online tool makes it easy to see the relative energy available in each 'color' for various star temperatures.

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