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A warm South African HALLO :)


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Gooood day fellow Kerbanauts!

Hope all is good in the Kerbal Universe :)

I've been playing KSP for some time now, and could never really get anywhere, but when I did, I never knew what to do.... Until I discovered the forum and all the Einstein replica's therein :D

I've always found interest in Astronomy and Space travel, but never knew enough to do more (except now, with my own little space sim :) ).

Currently, I'm only trying to get to the moon, but soon enough, I will put my creative skills at work and start making some models and/or add-ons, as I have quite some experience with 3ds Max, Photoshop and Unity. Might need to have a look at the SDK first though :huh:

Well, from a lekker warm summers day in South Africa, I wish you all the best in your endeavors :)

Keep it lateral :cool:

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Hallo there hallothere. welcome to the community of space and rocket lovers we call the KSP forums :)

Squad want to make KSP as accessible to the add-on community as possible, so the sky is the limit with KSP, so it's always great to see new modders here, the things that are possible with the plugin system are just amazing :D

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