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KSP 1.9 Update Crash on Startup

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Hi all,

With the new update 1.9, like other players are reporting, i can't launch the game. When i open it, it imidiatly gives a unity crash window, like warranty is reporting.

I have mods, but, uninstalled them all, have the game now full stock now and this crash presists (error not from faulty mods). Also rolled back to 1.8, no problems with that version.

Aparently the error is in the "mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll", wich from a brief search, seem to have ocurred to more players.

This Is my error log: <log file snip>



Edited by madmike521
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Hello @madmike521, and welcome to the forum!

I have removed the log file from your post.  Large log files like that can cause issues with the page displaying, especially for mobile users.  Please upload your log file to a file sharing site, such as Google Drive, and share the link here.  :)

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From that log I can only make an (educated) guess: besides system- and KSP-dlls, several NVidia stuff is mentioned, in particular in the summary at the end, I'd assume it's a graphics related problem then. I'd check KSP's graphic settings and your NVidia driver.
For further analysis, a crash dump would be helpful.
I also suggest you follow these guidelines when asking here for help, many people here are happy to help, but without relevant information (logs, crash dumps), it's very difficult to do that.


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Hi Void,

Thanks for the tip.


This is the Player.log file:


And Output.txt:



Does this count as a crash dump?

Also, there might be something in the logs refering to mods, but I have this problem without them as well, I rolled back to 1.8 to see if it was still working and imported my save.


The KSP graphics are almost at the maximum settings and the Nvidia Drivers is updated to the lastest one (442.19).

I have a RTX 2060, Core I7 9700K and 16Gb of RAM.

Edited by madmike521
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The crash dump is a simple file named crash.dmp that can be analyzed using a debugger, you'll find it at

"%userprofile%\appdata\locallow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Crashes"

(you can copy that incl. the quotes and do a Win+R and "execute" that)

in the respective subfolder.

However, you said that your graphic settings 

1 hour ago, madmike521 said:

are almost at the maximum settings

I suggest you rename your settings.cfg to something else, a new file should with default settings should be generated next time you start KSP. If that works, you can try to adjust your settings one by one, if not, the underlying issue actually might be driver related (or DirectX or similar).

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Aw, that sucks. I feel your pain. :( 

Hmm. Hmmmm....

What about this: make a copy/backup of your currennt KSP folder. Delete all KSP related stuff from you PC, in particular the Steam-created KSP folder (most commonly, it's under "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program".

Uninstall KSP

Delete that Folder (to get rid of any residual stuff.

Make a fresh install.

Does that work?

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Very low on information, that crash dump, pretty unusual. In particular, besides mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll, no other non-Windows DLLs are mentioned. Just that there was an "Access Violation", which usually is caused by a driver issue. But no driver even mentioned. Reluctantly I tend to say that this is not caused by your graphics driver.

I see this in your output log:

EVEManager: Issue loading ShadowManager! Error:
System.InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object

Your EVE version is compatible with your KSP version?

Latest release of EVE is 1.8.0-2 as per https://github.com/WazWaz/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases which is flagged as compatible with KSP 1.8.x

Is it possible that you didn't check point one of the "How to get support" thread I mentioned earlier which reads

"Make sure all your addons are up to date" ?

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2 hours ago, VoidSquid said:

Why then is EVE mentioned in the log file?

I was about to say the same thing, since i deleted everything, why is EVE mentioned!?

I have a backup of my save, but its on another folder, on another hard drive and with zero linkage to the current instalation, the folder only contains the save stuff(what its left in the game folder when I uninstall and keep the save data). Its the only thing I see that can link to that, but I find it unlikely.


>>But I have some new's, the issue is gone! <<

I got a update to the game today, that fixed the issue for me, dont know yet about other players that were having this issue as well, but hope they got it fixed too.


This might be a good post to keep for people who have the issue in the future, to cross check the things they do to try to fix it, with no sucess, with the things i tried with no sucess as well.

Things like, re-installing video drivers, checking .NET Libraries, various installs with and without mods, dx11 force and so on.

The advice i give to others, is to try and get help on a forum or simply wait for an update and hope it fixes it.


VoidSquid, thanks for the time you spent trying to help me, really appreciate it, and I hope we cross paths upthere on the Kerbin system! ;)

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