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TAC Life Support with USI-LS Habitability?


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TAC Life Support has food, water, oxygen and electricity, and various waste components. I like that. It means you need more infrastructure to make a base off world.

USI Life Support has supplies, electricity and habitability. The supplies is basically a simple version of what TAC offers and is simple to produce. Electricity is basically the same as TAC. But habitability is something TAC does not have, and I think it's very cool. I like the idea of needing to give kerbals a living space. Although I would like it more if it were possible to have indefinite off-world time.

Is it possible to combine the Habitability of USI-LS with Tac LS? It looks like Supplies are very much integral for USI-LS.

Are there any other mod alternatives that achieve what I'm after? I have been looking at other life support mods but haven't found anything so specific.


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@RadGH In the space center scene, click on the green sugar cube toolbar button and you'll get to configure USI LS. You should be able to turn off the Supplies bit and leave on the hab bit. Alternatively you can try Snacks! (but turn on Stress! and turn off the actual Snacks portion) or visit Kerbal Health and ask about how much of it you can disable (this one is, in a loose sense, a Kerbalism Lite. It's -only- a hab mod and works with all LS mods).

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