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@Skonk Whats so great about Restock? :D I have to see for my self. Also most of the structural plates/panels are missing shininess from their other variants, you know dark, silver, gold, i think also most of the couplers are missing shininess+metalness from their variants only on two couplers the last variant works proper :




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15 hours ago, Moofrog said:

@Skonk Whats so great about Restock? :D I have to see for my self. Also most of the structural plates/panels are missing shininess from their other variants, you know dark, silver, gold, i think also most of the couplers are missing shininess+metalness from their variants only on two couplers the last variant works proper :

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Fixed the Stack Couplers, The tester Pyramid

Restock's changes alot of the textures and some models, most noticeable on the engines, also makes the creases where parts meet smoother for some parts 

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@Skonks Good luck.

Found some more issues . In Stock the 1.85m Tanks are missing their shininess on the last orange/green variants.

In Restock(+) the Structural Tubes cannot change size but are overwritten with the variant textures you added.

Otherwise the shininess cant live without it :D

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9 hours ago, Skonks said:

I put SCANsat is in misc, Challyss wrote one for Restock+ in a previous comment, is included in the download


I haven't done one for Space Y, shaders should work if you empty a cfg and fill in the paths for it

So this is more like a plugin than a mod? That’s awesome!

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Yeah pretty much, TU is the real mod making the magic happen, this just makes it so TU knows what to target

Fairly Global, you can usually put all the parts from a mod in one section. you will need cfgs for each mod as it wont apply to everything only things in the cfgs

Yeah fairings are kind of strange, they have a texture file for the caps but there's no shader applied to them in the configs? Without the shader I can't swap the ksp/bumpedspec to the sstu/metallic shader thats how i got the tank variants work 

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Make a copy of a cfg, then delete all the model =s out of it 

Rewrite it for the Mk4 Parts e.g.        model = Mk4/parts/aero/modelfilename     (target the files that end .mu you don't need the .mu part in the cfg)


You can sometimes double check paths in the part cfg files. Find a folder with more than one model, then cfg's should have a: model = Path/to/part  line you can copy

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On 3/24/2020 at 3:01 PM, Skonks said:


Yeah fairings are kind of strange, they have a texture file for the caps but there's no shader applied to them in the configs? Without the shader I can't swap the ksp/bumpedspec to the sstu/metallic shader thats how i got the tank variants work 

What happens when you set/apply a shader to them in the config?

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@Skonks Thanks for mentioning me in the cfg files, but you can use a regular file name, I didn't help for the fame xD

About fairings, I've been using SimpleAdjustableFairings, they work with MagpieMods (just need to make a cfg file, no tweaks required).

I think it should work with Procedural fairings too, because in both case the fairing is a part.

Stock fairings are a "function" (something built on the go) so that may be why it can't be accessed so easily.

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  • 2 weeks later...

no worries I'll always give credit if someone sends me a cfg

yeah think you're right the stock ones seem to just be a flat texture layer you can kind of get a shine if you  use a really flat texture but the they look a bit odd haha

i should have cfg for procedural fairings soon been working through making my RO game look shiny, bug tests are going slower due to the load times haha

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