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Kerbal Foothold On Tylo


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Kerbal Foothold at Tylo

Gene Kerman came up with an idea of creating a foothold for Kerbalkind in Tylo. We already have a permanent Kerbal presence at Tylo but we should be able to pring our guys back too. Not just sending them down there. So, Gene Kerman proposes to establish an Orbital Station around Tylo and a Surface Base with a rocket refueling ability on a surface. In that case a reusable lander could travel between the Orbital Station and the Surface Base.

Bill Kerman is scratching his head for a while and accepts the challenge. The first invention is standing-by for liftoff on a launchpad.



And a disaster strikes... Brrrroooooommmmrrrrr.. Pssshhhhhhh.....Whhhiiiiiuuuu...


KRAIB (Kerbal Rocket Accident Investigation Board) soon discovered that unconstrained gimball range of "Vector" main engines caused a sudden movement that slammed a booster into a main fuel tank resulting a massive fuel leakage and utter destruction of the launch vehicle.

After fixing the gimball issue, Tylo Orbital is finally on it's way to LKO (Low Kerbin Orbit)



Bill Kerman is preparing the Surface Base payload for the next launch and check that the center of mass is right in a middle where it should be.



Bill's payload is on a top of a rocked ready to be launched.



Valentina and Graner Kermans have launched with a Tylo-Rover and they are on a final approach to dock with Tylo-Orbital



Bill and Bob Kerman's second invention a "Tylo-Crane" has successfully cleard the towers and it's heading to LKO. Bill and Bob made a calculation that "Tylo-Crane" "should" be able to land 27 tonnes "safely" on a surface of Tylo.
Tylo-Creane is powered by 4 Mastedon engines which can provide about 5 geess of decel (average) when braking and landing on Tylo. When landing on Tylo you need to be able to slowdown from an Orbital velocity very quickly. So, lack of decel is potentially fatal.   



Due to a lack of man power in HQ Gene Kerman sends a request to any able Kermans to return to HQ in first opportunity. Where in a heck is Bill, Has anyone seen him ?



Valentina and Graner Kermans are have initiated a TJI (Trans Jool Insertion) burn and they will soon reach the MECO point.



After the days pass... Jebediah Kerman with his crew are finally making a re-entry to Kerbin. Seeing a towering mountains passing by a commands pods windows makes Jeb really really worried. The most fatalities related to a reentry is due to slamming into a slope and starting to roll down a hill. Not the most pleasant way to go. But luckily everybody walks away unharmed.



Right after returning to Kerbin Jebediah Kerman is launching with KRV (Kerbin Return Vehicle) into LKO.



Since there's been no sight of Bill Kerman for over a year now. Bob Kerman has designed a Tylo Lander. The Lander gets it's power from four "Kodiak" engines which are rarely used in anywhere. Even though the engines vacuum efficiency is pretty poor (ISP 300) due to it's lower weight and high thrust it actually performs better that heavier higher ISP engines.   



It's time to launch the KRV and the Lander to Jool and eventually to Tylo.


It's also time to tune radios to a frequency used by Tylo Base and remotely to guide it Trans Jool Trajectory. Then suddenly Bill Kerman makes an emergency call to HQ. "Bill, what the heck are you doing up there that launch was supposed to be unmanned.", -- Static --, "You didn't read the big sign about the change in launch schedule... ?? !!". It happens to be so that your next stop is Tylo, Have a nice voyage... break..   


 Behind the scenes: Tylo-Crane is also launch towards to trans Jool trajectory, Refueling Rover and a second Tylo-Crane is also sent to Jool/Tylo.


Valentive and Graner Kermas are making a Tylo Orbit Capture burn to al elliptical orbit.



In the Apoapis, Communication and surface scanning probes are released and navigated to a proper orbits around Tylo.



Valentina is making a final Orbit Insertion burn to a circular LTO (Low Tylo Orbit) Total dV being about 1050 m/s for Jool/Tylo arrival. So total dV from LKO to LTO being about 3050 m/s


Graner Kerman has made an Orbital analysis of Tylo's surface and the Crissom Crater is showing some promise.



Valentina and Graner are undocking the Tylo-Rover



Final approach and wandering on a surface. The darker flatter area might be suitable base location.



This looks great. We could justify a deployment of the Surface Base right here.



Jebediah Kerman with his crew are making an Orbit Insertion and Docking with the Tylo Orbital station.



Stranded Bill Kerman is also making an Orbit Insertion and this is a good opportunity to take an EVA and find his way to Orbital Station to meet a fellow Kerbals.



Tylo Crane has reached a Low Orbit and the final approach to a payload is on the way.



We have a successful payload capture and we can start a payload delivery to a surface. Tylo-Crane is qualified to 27 tonnes and the current payload is 21 tonnes.



Somethings wrong. The engines are wobbling around like being half loose. Bill Kerman wasn't there to place "struts" so no-one did that. By using only a half thrust the payload seems to remain reasonably well under control.    



Chrashdown. The final landing/descent was not under control due to critically low fuel supply. It was hot, too hot in fact. After seeing Tylo-Crane's actual performance Bob Kerman can re-charaterize the maximum "safe" payload delivery of Tylo-Crane to be 17 tonnes.  



Valentina and Graner Kermans are inspecting damage and destruction.



Valentina is heading inside to check if anything is working. It looks like despite of a large amount of debris the Surface Base itself is mostly intact. Only one radiator is beyond repair. So, Valentina considers this as an successful failure and the mission is still go.



While Valentina is cleaning up the debris, Graner is going to have a closer look into a curious looking rock formation she saw earlier.



Crismin Kerman is taking a group of Kerbal down on a surface and the Landing was hot due to low fuel. It looks like it not just the Tylo-Crane but the Tylo it self being under estimated. 124 m/s of fuel remaining is too close for comfort, this lander is definitely not "safe".




Rosdas Kerman is heading inside the base in Lab to make some research, there is plenty of data requiring to be analyzed.



A contract is accepted to expand Tylo-Orbital.



A group of Space Tourists are launched to a space along with a Tylo-Orbital Expansion.



Stelbald kerman has launched a new modified Tylo-Lander into a LKO and she's making an exterior checks before docking with Orbital Expansion.



Orbital Expansion has launched towards Tylo and MECO has just been reached.



The second Tylo-Crane with Fuel-Rover as a payload is being remotely piloted by Jebediah from the Orbital Station and Jeb is testing Crane's a decel capabilities. The mass of the payload is well below 17 tonnes.



Still looking good, going nice and smooth.



Payload detached and Crane flies away.



Fuel-Rover's been parked into a surface base and the tanks are filled up to a full capacity.



Fuel delivery in progress.



It's time for Crismin Kerman to launch and dock with the Orbital station. Once again the fuel is critically low. After docking the Lander is remotely deorbited. So, it's going to make one last trip down on the surface unmanned.



Orbital Expansion is making Tylo Orbit Capture.



Orbital Expansion has been attached to the station and looks like someone forgot to deploy the com-sats but luckily they got enough fuel to reach the destination even from this location.



A group of Space Tourists are being de-orbited and Jebediah makes a nice smooth landing on s surface.



It's time for Valentina to re-fuel Jeb's new toy so that the tourist can be brought back to station. Jebediah is really happy with the performance of the new Tylo-lander. Also powered by "Kodiak" engines with a slightly higher fuel capacity and lower center of mass. Jeb need to be careful with the throttles, a poor space tourist might become incapacitated due to high geees's.



After that it's time to undock the KRV and head back home. Mission accomplished.




The Second Wave

Due to poor financial state of the space agency Gene Kerman has signed a contract to expand Tylo-Base on Tylo.



Before the launch the expansion module is being beta tested on Kerbin. Usually such a test are skipped.



Expansion module is on it's way to space...



New en-changed version of the Tylo-Crane is on a launch pad. It's been upgraded handle 25 tonnes of payload. The base expansion module is about 23 tonnes.



Urbo Kerman has completed a Laythe-Orbital station assembly and it's being launched to Jool transfer trajectory.



A group of space tourist are being launch to Jool transfer trajectory in a routine launch.... when...



A disaster strikes. A failed booster separation has knocked out the main engines and the vehicle is without power and there is no launch escape system in place. Looks like we are going to have some fatalities.



Milrigh Kerman summons all his skills as a pilot like his life depends on it and tried to keep the upper stage climbing but Kerbin doesn't let it go.



Eventually Milrigh's efforts pays off and the upper stage is being able to reach a low orbit and everybody is finally able to exhale. After docking with orbital fuel depot the mission can continue to it's intended destination.  



Right after dealing with one emergency an other one is right in a front for a Gene Kerman. Tylo-Crane has reached it's mid-course plane-change location when it's suddenly not responding to commands. Telemetry shows that electrical systems are working so it's likely a communication issue. We need a Kerbal hands on site. So, Urbo Kerman the commander of Laythe-Orbital will receive an urgent communications and instructions from mission command to plot an intercept trajectory with Tylo-Crane.    



Urbo Kerman has been able to intercept the target and she is preparing for an EVA.



Looks like all long range communication arrays are not deployed. So, Urbo must deploy them manually.



After the coms has been restored. Mission command is able to initiate the mid-course plane-change.



The second wave is approaching the Jool system.



Missions targeted to Tylo are making a direct orbital insertion to low Tylo Orbit.



The Laythe-Orbital is routed to Laythe via Tylo sling-shot, this will reduce the speed approximately by 500m/s.



Base Expansion has reach a Tylo Orbit Capture.



Dofry Kerman is docking his rescue craft with the Orbital Station on Tylo. Now he needs to be returned to Kerbin to finish that part of the mission.



Laythe-Orbital is making a Tylo sling-shot and continue it's voyage forward.  



Tylo-Crane has reach the Tylo and it's approaching the payload for capture.



Descent is on it's way to surface and everything looks good and payload is stable.



Oh No. How did this happen ? This one is not Jeb's fault. Hitting a payload release button shouldn't disable and shutdown the engines. The Crane just died right after payload release and slammed to ground. But anyways the payload survived unharmed.



Jeb remotely landed the payload 4km off-target but since the fuel quantity was slightly an unknown factor, Bob and Bill have made bad calculations before, Jeb didn't want to risk it. The wheels on a bottom can easily carry the module.  



Docking in the progress...



Mission accomplished.


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