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Kerbal Shuttle Mission: Kerbin observation

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Greetings, Fellow Kerbinauts! Here's a challenge that should tickle ur fancy. Create a very close replica of our late space shuttles (god rest their metal-like souls). I highly recommend the C7A Aviation Package for this challenge to work. U may use any method for a boost-assisted launch (yes, u must use a booster of some sort, not just ur shuttle). Launch azimuth can be any direction u wish. Ur orbital altitude however must be a 155km by 165km orbit (155000 meter by 165000 meter orbit) for ideal "Kerbin photography". Flight time shouldn't exceed an hour and a half. Perform a de-orbit burn to return to KSC. If u still have fuel left, you can perform a powered descent; MAKE SURE U LAND ON THE RUNWAY!!! Also, u CAN NOT use MechJeb for this mission, prove to the KSP community that u r a true commander who uses their own skill instead of an autopilot. U can still use an Advanced SAS module if u wish.

Do u have what it takes? Godspeed, Kerbins!

screenshots or video upload requested, thx and accomplish my mission! :sticktongue:

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It looks kind of like the shuttle... right?


As close to 155x165 as I could get




Setting up:


Hitting the atmosphere backwards:


Dropping dead weight and facing the right way:


KSC on the horizon:


In plain sight:


Cutting it pretty close on the 1:30 mission time:


Erm... "touchdown":


I think with some more practice I could get a real landing with a few minutes to spare.. my issue is that when I crossed below 4KM i had a massive lag that disabled my ASAS and caused my craft to abruptly pitch up and stall...

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Nice shuttle design Gamah, kinda looks like a starfighter. Im very impressed with ur orbital altitude and how close u came to a great landing. Great choice on the avionics nose cone. Good job on those wingtip boosters. Great launch azimuth, 90* or 270* are great headings to fly. Here's a quick success tip: give ur shuttle greater wing area without compromising weight, u may glide much long and at lower speeds, u might not stall as much. Nice touch with that jet engine for powered descent; very fuel smart. Well done Kerbinaut! Tell ya friends to try this mission and maybe I can tally ur scores. Impressive job!! :D

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I suppose my pictures were a bit misleading.. I never showed it on the "runway". That little thing could not have gotten into orbit itself I don't think.

On the "pad"


The thing will glide for days, the stall speed is about 43 m/s which is perfectly reasonable to land with... I was just rushing myself to land within the mission timer and mucked it up :(

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I'm convinced I can make one that takes off piggyback, it would be SO much easier if I could put a decoupler on the jet engine. I'll work on this later today and if I get a working design I'll stream the mission.


Proof of concept:



The issue is getting enough fuel to get to orbit on the thing...

Edited by -Gamah
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Working on it.


Some of the debris around Kerbin is from my previous failed mission, the Titanic Shuttle. (Bad naming I guess




Something strange happened and my shuttle suddenly warped to 65km/s and smashed into the Sun. This must be the Kraken's revenge for me going for two runs around the Sun at 35km/s without getting caught by it.

But never fear, an improved design is ready for liftoff sometime later!

Edited by whatisthisidonteven
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