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Apollo Style Redux v3

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The rules are:

  • You MUST use your own rocket
  • NO orbital construction OR refueling
  • You have to have a Lunar Orbit Rendezvous (LOR) mission design, (in the case of Kerbals, probably MOR)
  • You NEED a separate Munar Excursion Module (MEM) and a Command/Service Module (CSM), consisting of a Command module (CM) and a Service Module (SM)
  • No MechJeb, KOS is permitted for all phases of the flight
  • PLEASE note that visual mods (EVE, Scatterer, SVE, SciFi Visual Enhancements, etc.) are NOT considered modded, with an exception - mods like VSR, which replace models of the parts, making craft incompatible with stock saves
  • Mods are allowed, but you will get a modded badge
  • You MUST document the mission in one way or another, I don't care if it's video, pictures, or anything else (just please don't make 2-hour long videos!)
  • NO unintentional decoupling
  • NO SRBs or LRBs (radially decoupled)
  • DLC is Allowed, However Saturn V parts are NOT Allowed

The main goal is to land a Kerbal on  the Mun and return him back safely, but not in any way - Apollo Style!

You start with 50 points, but can gain or loose points by achieving the following mission/design goals, achieve negative objectives, like killing Kerbals, which greatly lower your score


  • The 3 Little Kerbals - 3 Kerbals on board the spacecraft (1 remaining in the CM, while the other 2 land on the Mun) +20
  • A Flag on the Mun?! - Plant a flag on the Mun (Non-cumulative, 2 flags do not get 10 points) +5
  • Mun Buggie - Have a Munar Roving vehicle (MRV) on board +15
  • Abort! Abort! - Have a Launch Escape System on the top of the rocket +15
  • Konked Out! - Kill a Kerbal -25 points per Kerbal
  • Return for Free - Have a Free Return trajectory on the way to the Mun +10
  • No More MEM! - Dispose of the MEM by crashing it into the Mun (without Kerbals inside of course!) +5
  • Up, Up, and Away - Make the MEM two-stage, leaving the descent stage and its engine on the Munar Surface +20
  • Look on the Bright Side! - Land on the bright side of the Mun +10
  • Shut Away From The World - Put the MEM behind some sort of fairing +5
  • Down Under - Put the MEM under the CSM during ascent +20
  • Splashies! - Splash down in the ocean on Kerbin  +5
  • MEM Hugger - Dock to the MEM using the CSM +10
  • SubSat - Deploy a small sub-satellite before returning to Kerbin (Like the PFS sub-sats deployed during Apollo 15 and 16) + 10
  • Minmalist! - Do it on Minmus -5
  • No More Docking? - Decouple the docking port on the CM right before deploying parachutes +5
  • Parachute Problems - Have 3 main chutes and 2 drogues on the CM +10
  • Saturn-Alike - Make the launch vehicle (LV) resemble the Saturn V (S5)(Making History Saturn V Parts Does Not Count as this)(otherwise it becomes, to get more points you must spend your money)+10

Additional Goals

     Landing Accuracy

  1. Land within 5 km of the Neil Armstrong Memorial (NAM) +5
  2. Land within 500 m of the NAM + 10
  3. Land within 50 m of the NAM +15
  4. Land within 5 m of the NAM  +20

     I was roving on the Mun one day...

  1. Test Drive - Drive beyond 100 meters of your lander +5
  2. Proper Shakedown - Drive beyond 2 kilometers of your lander +10
  3. Gone drivin' - Drive beyond 5 km of your lander + 15 
  4. Are we there yet? - Drive beyond 10 km of your lander +20

     Munar Scientific Experiments Package (MunSEP)

     Your MunSEP must have a power source that can keep it alive for at least 6 hours, at least one science experiment, and be controllable (have a probe core on board)

  1. Minimalist - Deploy one MunSEP at the landing site +5
  2. That'll Do - Deploy two MunSEPs at the landing site +10
  3. For Science - Deploy two MunSEPs at least one kilometer from the landing site (at least one kilometer from each other) +15
  4. Science Extravaganza - Deploy four MunSEPs at least one kilometer from the landing site (at least one kilometer from each other) +20

Completing Challenge will allow you to use this badge

The Apollo Applications Program: 1.0 Edition - Challenges ...

Certain Mods Make the Challenge Hard To Judge/ Trivial and so they are banned(Not Using Them But Having Them Installed is FINE)

Any type of autopilot e.g. mechjeb/kos

Any Faster than light travel(Hard To Judge)

Kopernicus is fine as long as whatever Kopernicus is adding does not affect the challenge

No Mods that make the challenge Very Hard To Judge, e.g. Mod that moves the Mun/reduces gravity

Leaderboard will be added soon

Edited by kspnerd122
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Did quite a bit of the challenge today. The game crashed right after quicksaving so I thought to just finish it tomorrow. Took quite a few screenshots on the PS4, which I'll add when I finish the challenge. For now I'll add a picture of one of the MunSEPs HERE.

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the reason being is that it becomes, Who Bought Making History, Using Making History Is Fine But you will recive a MH badge

However If you want I could Just Ban DLC but that seems unfair because breaking ground esspecilly allows for creativity, I just don't want a bunch of making history submissions clogging the thread, You must make your own rocket

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6 hours ago, kspnerd122 said:

However If you want I could Just Ban DLC

Please don't ban DLC. I'd have to redo the challenge since I used a hinge door for the lander (which was made of structural plating) and the MunSEPs used the rubber pieces as shock absorbers on the undersides.

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I humbly present my submission for this challenge. I've tried to hit a few of the goals on the list where I can. This was done in my no quicksave/revert career - and was a lot of fun! All stock 1.9, no mods.



Exodus I, ready for rolling out to the launchpad.

Underneath the fairing. The lander and command module configuration. This will be reconfigured enroute to the Mun.

Cleared the tower!

Approaching 20,000m and throttle up procedure.

Stage separation success!

Circularisation burn at 100,000m

Free return trajectory. So important on these no quicksave/revert missions.

Fairing deployed, ready for reconfiguration 

CSM detaches from MEM and transfer stage, and rotates

CSM couples with MEM

Transfer stage detached and discarded

CSM and MEM configured

Circularisation burn at the Mun

Jeb transfers to the MEM, and undocks, a short burn puts the MEM on a landing trajectory

MEM configured for landing

Successful landing in Mun's lowland region - engine shutdown

Science experiments performed, samples taken - and most importantly - flag planted

Time to leave. Top of the lander detaches from the MEM to rendezvous with the CSM

Docking with the CSM - Jeb transfers back into the command module, along with all his science data. The MEM is put on a sub-orbital trajectory to impact on the Mun's surface, and decoupled.

Approaching Kerbin, and detaching the CM for re-entry

A bonus! Beautiful Munar eclipse - good shoots, ready for splashdown

Safely splashed down on Kerbin



Edited by Chequers
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Still trying to figure out an easier way to transfer the photos from the PS4 and post them here that does not require writing a link for every single one. Also, I tried including every single important part of the mission which got me 15+ images. I'll probably only add a few photos using Chequers' submission as a guide to what moments to include.

On 4/8/2020 at 2:04 AM, Chequers said:

This was done in my no quicksave/revert career - and was a lot of fun!

Honestly, you should get bonus points for completing it in career. I suck at funds management so I can't really do any big projects on career. And no quicksaves or reverts? I would die if I couldn't use any of those in career!

Edited by albJML
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7 minutes ago, albJML said:

Honestly, you should get bonus points for completing it in career. I suck at funds management so I can't really do any big projects on career. And no quicksaves or reverts? I would die if I couldn't use any of those in career!

I'm still a pretty new player - and figured the best way to learn was to remove the safety net of easy trial and error. It's really helped - and sort of... slows the pace down. I have to test lifter stages and transfer stages individually, test landers on Kerbin while trying to simulate Mun conditions. It turns a 'quick mission to the Mun' into a massive program of multiple missions. And honestly, there's no better feeling than everything coming together - especially something with a bit of complexity like Apollo Style missions. 

Makes everything just a bit more exciting for me. You should definitely try it sometime! 

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1 hour ago, Chequers said:

I'm still a pretty new player - and figured the best way to learn was to remove the safety net of easy trial and error. It's really helped - and sort of... slows the pace down. I have to test lifter stages and transfer stages individually, test landers on Kerbin while trying to simulate Mun conditions. It turns a 'quick mission to the Mun' into a massive program of multiple missions. And honestly, there's no better feeling than everything coming together - especially something with a bit of complexity like Apollo Style missions. 

Makes everything just a bit more exciting for me. You should definitely try it sometime! 

Thanks! I'll try it soon, hopefully I'll be able to get a good career going. I'm playing career right now and just got into orbit for the first time in this save and it got me out of a low-funds problem. My next target is a Mün flyby which I'll try with no reverts or quicksaves, like you said. Wish me luck!:)

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45 minutes ago, albJML said:

Got a flyby of the Mün earlier today- Unfortunately, while completing a contract after the flyby, Jebediah crashed into the sea and died. So now he's K.I.A. But I don't really care because I still have Val as a backup.

Well done on your flyby! I'd suggest doing a few, to get as much science from various biomes - high above Kerbin and the Mun. In space near the Mun, and EVAs over different Mun biomes.

Poor Jeb - but yes, Val is my most experienced pilot in my career.

And there's always the Astronaut Complex, if you need to recruit more. Also, you'll eventually get contracts to rescue Kerbals from orbit - and those you rescue get added to your roster. 

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Yeah... If I've learned anything it's this- New recruits are more expensive then an interplanetary rocket. I managed to create a rocket which allowed me to rescue two separate Kerbonauts from space at the same time. One was a pilot and the other was a scientist. So now my technique is this- Contracts=kerbals/money

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On 4/8/2020 at 3:04 AM, Chequers said:

I humbly present my submission for this challenge. I've tried to hit a few of the goals on the list where I can. This was done in my no quicksave/revert career - and was a lot of fun! All stock 1.9, no mods.

  Reveal hidden contents


Exodus I, ready for rolling out to the launchpad.

Underneath the fairing. The lander and command module configuration. This will be reconfigured enroute to the Mun.

Cleared the tower!

Approaching 20,000m and throttle up procedure.

Stage separation success!

Circularisation burn at 100,000m

Free return trajectory. So important on these no quicksave/revert missions.

Fairing deployed, ready for reconfiguration 

CSM detaches from MEM and transfer stage, and rotates

CSM couples with MEM

Transfer stage detached and discarded

CSM and MEM configured

Circularisation burn at the Mun

Jeb transfers to the MEM, and undocks, a short burn puts the MEM on a landing trajectory

MEM configured for landing

Successful landing in Mun's lowland region - engine shutdown

Science experiments performed, samples taken - and most importantly - flag planted

Time to leave. Top of the lander detaches from the MEM to rendezvous with the CSM

Docking with the CSM - Jeb transfers back into the command module, along with all his science data. The MEM is put on a sub-orbital trajectory to impact on the Mun's surface, and decoupled.

Approaching Kerbin, and detaching the CM for re-entry

A bonus! Beautiful Munar eclipse - good shoots, ready for splashdown

Safely splashed down on Kerbin



i give you 120 points, you may now place the badge in your signature section

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Normal difficulty Science save, only Visual Mods used, I will admit i had to use quicksave because i started burning the lander too late but otherwise i had no problems and this was a fun challenge, i did a spelling error in the VAB. Open in another tab to see the screenshots.

Lower and Main Stages The outcrops with the Vector engines on are not boosters, but are part of the main stage and are only there to make it look more like the Saturn 5

Lander inside Fairing Below the Command Module

Command Module I have put an abort action group, which separates the command pod from the rocket and activates the launch escape tower.

On the Launchpad The whole rocket, ready to launch.

Top view To prove it has 3 main chutes and 2 drogues.

Ascending The 5 Vector engines thrusting the rocket through the atmosphere.

Circularization Rhino engine transfer stage burning to my final 110km orbit.

Plane Change This was because i launched at a slight inclination.

Free Return Trajectory As simple as that.

Capturing at The Mun Reducing Periapsis to 20 km at the same time.

I just had to Replica of that one iconic shot of The Earth viewed from the Apollo 10 Spacecraft, but from the lander.

Flag With the MunSEP

Flag with Lander

Going back to the Command Module


Deorbiting the MEM It has a probe core.

The last thing a MEM sees

Sub Satellite Forgot to screenshot decoupling it.

Re-entry The thing on the bottom right is the Service module.

No more Docking! Decoupled Clamp-O-Tron before deploying Drogue Chutes.

Safe and Not in the Water I missed the sea by quite a bit.

This is it, hope I didn't forget a necessary detail!

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I am in the process of making a recreation of the Apollo 15 mission, using nothing but stock KSP without the DLC - I have an old 1.8.1 install sitting on my hard drive that I have been preserving in pristine condition to play the Caveman challenge, so that install will do nicely.

My mission will have:

  • Accurate retro and ullage burns for all stages. This includes the 1st stage, which is unique in the entire Apollo program: It is the only Saturn V 1st stage with only 4 retro motors, all the others had 8. They tried with fewer retros to save some weight but noticed that staging did not go so well, so they reverted to 8 retros on Apollo 16
  • A two-plane separation between 1st and 2nd stage (this turned out to be a poodle to design with only stock parts and no DLC, but I have it working now)
  • A crash onto the Mun of the 3rd stage after the TMI burn like they did in real life - the 3rd stage has its own probe core just for this
  • The correct number of stages and number of engines in each stage. I will include Center Engine Cutoff events for both 1st and 2nd stages.
  • If I can get it to work (it has been iffy so far), a science package will break on top of the 1st stage right after staging - in reality a instrument package got cooked by the 2nd stage because stage separation distance at 2nd stage ignition was shorter than planned.
  • 4 depoyable MUNseps, which will be deployed by rover
  • A deployable PFS
  • A set of cameras in the payload bay that will observe the Mun. On the Trans-Kerbin trajectory the data will be gathered by the command module pilot, just like the real mission did.

My design goal is to get maximum points, with the possible exception of the Armstrong memorial. Which brings me to a couple of questions about the MUNseps:

  • Is the point total for the Science Extravaganza accurate? It seems to me that +20 points would be more consistent with the  point values of the other goals.
  • Are the points for the MUNseps cumulative? As it stands I plan to deploy 4, each one more than 1 km from any of the others and the landing site, but if the points are cumulative I can bring more.
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