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Keyboard support for Consoles in KSP 2!


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One of the huge issues with ksp 1 on consoles was the complete lack of keyboard and mouse support despite both platforms allowing keyboard and mouse support. The game was made far more difficult due to the fact that you couldn't always make the precision adjustments that were needed to stay on course and to preserve precious delta V. Aside from that, the controls were just extremely awkward and difficult to learn in the first place (I put many, many hours into this game and I never felt fully comfortable with the controller). So here is my plea for star theory to please support mouse and keyboard for console ksp 2.

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I would like this too. It’s incredibly frustrating trying to find certain controls(ea. Switching between vehicles) but certain things like planes and flying rockets work very well with a controller. Does anyone know how you switch between vehicles with a PS4?

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On 4/12/2020 at 2:01 PM, Lewie said:

I would like this too. It’s incredibly frustrating trying to find certain controls(ea. Switching between vehicles) but certain things like planes and flying rockets work very well with a controller. Does anyone know how you switch between vehicles with a PS4?

@Lewie Press L1 and left or right on the d-pad... it cycles between all craft (and debris) within physics distance. Also, I just recently learned L1 modifies a lot of things, like L1 and circle turns on your RCS, for both craft and eva... there are a lot of hidden controls

... also, when RCS is on, holding L1 and using your analog stick, L2 or R2 allows RCS fine-control 

Edited by Bingleberry
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Ehh my dualshock and I get along well. It works great for me! (I also figured out the problem with the pink markers! I was holding L1 while moving the left thumbstick, so problem solved!)

Edited by Lewie
I accidentally wrote R1 instead of L1
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