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An electric plane for Eve


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Hello guys

I decide to send an Electric Plane to Eve and to build here 2 weather stations that will be able to provide end send weather datas to Kerbin

The plane is an MK2 built with 3 OPT Electric Warpjet SAGE engines. The plane is covered with Nearfutureelectrical Photovoltaic panels that provide all necessary energy provided sun is shining and angle with the sun is not under 60°

The cockpit is an OPT phoenix cockpit for 3 Kerbals and this cockpit can be send to orbit by mean of RS 25 RealscaleBooster rocket engine that is triggered when the plane reach 50000m.

The initial TWR is 0.47, very weak, it's a kind of take off like "Lindbergh", rate of climb 2 or m/s but as the plane climb and atmosphere is less dense, TWR rises and with patience the plane can reach 50000m

Each side of wings are 2 ejectable KIS containers and there's a central container on the fuselage. These containers will hold the 42 items necessary to build both weather stations.

Here is the plane


Here is the weather station built near Kerin base


To send this plane to Eve, I built the Vanguard an OPT SSTO of 436 T, whose aerodynamic nose will be replaced by the Phoenix cockpit at the end of the mission, before returning to Kerbin

For Eve atmospheric entry, there's a retrograde engine and 3 thermic shields at the back of the plane and in the front a mast with 8 speedbrakes and 8 Vernor RCS engones. all this stuff is ejectable, once there's no more thermic issue and when the plane is stable around 20000m.

Fly by wire through Atmospheric Autopilot is provided to fly both aircraft as piloting must be very accurate. Both aircraft are pilotable through the whole flight enveloppe without RCS. Theyy also have been balanced as accurately as possible with RCS build aid.


Testing orbital climb so as to reach orbit with a minimum of 8500-9000 DV VAC to perform the mission



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Take off of SSTO Vanguard with electric plane Phoenix


Here are some screenshots, but the HD 4m30s vid with sound and procedures comments give a better experience


Initial climb


10000m acceleration


climb on 4 moteurs until around  22000m, where hybrid J 81 flame out du to lack of air


Around 38000m  J61 flame out and J81 are relighted in closed cycle.  Their low consumption  is du to electrical hybridation with PB NUK generators (around 20) installed in MK2 holds


100 kms circularization with 9800 DV VAC left


 Eve injection


Breaking to intercept Eve orbit


Correction for a 0° inclination


100 kms Circularization


Phoenix 6 is alone


We are going to land near sea around 9W, where we discover a good spot with Scansat


On this HD vid with sound and comments you will have a good experience of atmospheric entry, decoupling of the stuff, ejection of containers near the ground and landing


Breaking engine ejected


Shields deployed


No thermic issue du to good breaking


Ejection of front mast around 40000m before spinning down to 24000m, waiting for Stabilisation


Decoupling central shield


Decoupling lateral shields and central shield mast


after starting 3 engines, selecting fly by wire, checking electrical level, we follow our shadow on the ground to eject the containers at the right place




and containers following.


mission succesfull!

Next step:

-unfolding containers

-Building a remote weather station near sea

-folding containers for 2nd station

-take off to visit anomaly

-Flight to Eve highest peak to build a 2nd remote weather station




Edited by gilflo
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  • 1 month later...

Phoenix flight to Eve highest peak

Unfolding and building the first weather station


Some items that are too big needs to be pulled


It's a long and hard work!


Then it works....


I tried to balance stuff between both side containers and the central one, then we make a low pass over the station, but the plane is very heavy to fly just above sea level


We forgot to add the Communotron

that will be made in the next vid, before leaving to Eve highest peak!

12 mn HD vid to Eve highest peak

On an electric plane dealing with sun energy to solar panels in the most important point.. To take off from the level, we need full power and it drops awfully batteries capacity, even with the sun at the top.... Approaching 1000m where air density is lower than near sea level, we can decrease rpm and we are able to increase again batteries capacity...then the higher we clim, the better it improves...air density decreasing, but we had another problem to deal with: center engine overheat..

Then it looks like we fly west faster than the sun, which means we loose efficiency with sun and we need to land to wait for the sun...

At he end of the vid is a quick building of the weather station


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Tu parles francais ???

  On 5/25/2020 at 7:41 AM, gilflo said:

On a oublié de lui adjoindre le Communotron pour qu'elle soit entièrement autonome...

Ca va être fait dans la video à suivre qui retrace le vol du Phoenix jusqu'au plus haut sommet d'Eve ou l'équipage va atterrir et construire la 2ème station météo



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  • 3 weeks later...

Leaving the weather station, the crew fly towards Eve anomaly. It's our longest electric flight, heading East, with the sun behind us.

At 30000m, angle of attack is more than 15° which is very efficient for solar cell with the sun behind...but during descent it becomes less and less effective as the sun is going down...

The crew forget to jettison the KIS tank that are empty and it will be done in the last part of the flight

HD Video 7mn


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