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[1.3.1] Ferram Aerospace Research: v0.15.9.1 "Liepmann" 4/2/18


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[quote name='FungusForge']Newbie to FAR with a question.

Does FAR simulate [URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_effect_(aerodynamics)"]Ground Effect[/URL]?[/QUOTE]

Not right now.
But maybe after wing overhaul.
It was too much for too little before but it may become worthy.

@Kagame: mod list?
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hello !

anyone getting this error in any mod ?
We are developing a space shuttle mod based on ferram aerospace aerodynamic model and sice the patch of 1.0.5 we are getting this error.
We placing the fuselage of our mod this popup on debug log
[QUOTE][Log]: Error in mesh triangle; triangle plane components are NaN or triangle is degenerate; FAR unable to use this triangleError in mesh triangle; triangle plane components are NaN or triangle is degenerate; FAR unable to use this triangle
Error in mesh triangle; triangle plane components are NaN or triangle is degenerate; FAR unable to use this triangle
Error in mesh triangle; triangle plane components are NaN or triangle is degenerate; FAR unable to use this triangle

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That means that one of the triangles in the mesh either has a bad point (location includes a NaN value) or that the triangle includes two lines right on top of each other (and so, is degenerate; it isn't a triangle). Either can be fixed by opening up the model to fix it, but FAR should still work okay even with that error. Still, you should fix it.
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Using Trajectories? That's something that needs to be changed on [i]their[/i] end, they're clearly not simulating things correctly if it's actually causing things to break. I gave them a way out of the aero failures, it's their fault if they don't disable it like they should.
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[quote name='ferram4'][B]@randman22222: [/B]I cannot reproduce the issue. The vehicle launches fine, its engine turns on fine, and everything seems correct. I suspect your issue lies in another mod interfering with FAR or some other program you have installed preventing FAR's worker threads from running.[/QUOTE]

Odd; this was on a clean install, no other mods running. I'll try it out on my other computers and see if I can figure anything out.
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If I enter map mode while in flight, all my control surfaces spontaneously suffer aero failures. I am running a heavily modded KSP, including FAR obviously, but is this a problem that's already come up? I can provide the details of the mods I'm running if needs be.
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[quote name='gerishnakov']Yes, yes it does. Is this not good?[/QUOTE]

Trajectories tries to "simulate" aero forces to calculate the trajectory and ends up actually applying them, usually resulting in an aero failure. It has to be fixed on their end.
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[quote name='blowfish']Trajectories tries to "simulate" aero forces to calculate the trajectory and ends up actually applying them, usually resulting in an aero failure. It has to be fixed on their end.[/QUOTE]

Yep, Trajectories [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104694-1-0-4-Trajectories-v1-4-3-%282015-06-20%29-atmospheric-predictions?p=2301464&viewfull=1#post2301464"]isn't working with KSP 1.0.5 + FAR[/URL].
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[quote name='tetryds']There is a better rule: do not make fairings larger than the body of the rocket right bellow it.
If you do, keep it to a minimum.[/QUOTE]

Are we talking wide or high here?
And is it logical that it works that way - I mean wide I would get, but high should do nothing, no?
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[quote name='cantab']extra drag without the corresponding extra mass.[/QUOTE]

Well if you phrase it that way ...


Edit: No, stop, wait a minute ... fairings are meant to reduce the drag from the payload, no? So why should a slim fairing not really wider then the 1.25m tank below it add to drag when it covers a blunt, bulgie payload only going a little bit higher to form a nice tip? Edited by KerbMav
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[quote name='KerbMav']... fairings are meant to reduce the drag from the payload, no? So why should a slim fairing [...] add drag ...[/QUOTE]

The problem is that when there is any sideslip a long fairing creates [I]lateral [/I]drag which acts to increase the sideslip. So if your rocket drifts off prograde even slightly, a long fairing will make the drift worse - unless you have sufficient control authority to correct for this.

RL rockets can get away with rather larger fairings than we can in KSP because their rockets are more rigid, and their control systems are much more sensitive and are carefully tuned to perform at the optimum for the load being carried. We in KSP have far more wobbly rockets, much slower control systems, and no ability to tune them.
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[quote name='softweir']The problem is that when there is any sideslip a long fairing creates [I]lateral [/I]drag which acts to increase the sideslip. So if your rocket drifts off prograde even slightly, a long fairing will make the drift worse - unless you have sufficient control authority to correct for this.

RL rockets can get away with rather larger fairings than we can in KSP because their rockets are more rigid, and their control systems are much more sensitive and are carefully tuned to perform at the optimum for the load being carried. We in KSP have far more wobbly rockets, much slower control systems, and no ability to tune them.[/QUOTE]

Wobble is cured by KerbalJointReinfircement, control system speed is fixed by MechJeb, tuning - by MechJeb or any mod that allows to modifiy stock SAS PID coefficients. Just FYI. :P
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[quote name='Venerabilis']Hello,

I am experiencing an issue with the flap setting in FAR analysis menu in SPH. It doesn't seem to do anything whatever flap setting I pick? It happens even on the pre-made FAR planes. Any light on this?[/QUOTE]

Can confirm this, and the spoiler toggle too it appears.
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[quote name='Van Disaster']Can confirm this, and the spoiler toggle too it appears.[/QUOTE]

Having the same issue

And using firespitter modules having an issue on debug view of ferram

if use the FSwheel( firespitter suspension system) instead of module landing gear of stock parts the debug vortex counted the gears as deployed and not retracted.

Colliders disabled while retracted by firespitter so dont know what is going on
Some pics here

That issue is giving a side slip error on the ship since this ferram version Edited by CrazyESP
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[B]@Venerabilis & VanDisaster: [/B]I cannot confirm this, flap and spoilers continue to act as they always did. There are no issues that I can find. If there are any, you will need to provide specific reproduction steps.

[B]@CrazyESP: [/B]That issue cannot be fixed on my end. It will need to be fixed on the Firespitter end in the same way that Baha's Adjustable Landing Gear fixed it; by calling part.SendMessage(GeometryPartModuleRebuildMeshData) after the collider is deactivated. I have no way of fixing that myself other than polling constantly to see if it's active, and that will reduce performance drastically.

Edit: hrm... I might have a fix. [url="https://github.com/ferram4/Ferram-Aerospace-Research/raw/master/GameData/FerramAerospaceResearch/Plugins/FerramAerospaceResearch.dll"]Try this dev build and see if it fixes it.[/url] Edited by ferram4
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