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A moment of silence please


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I needed more disk space on my C drive, so I tried to merge it with another partition. The problem was is that they were on separate disks.

Kept on trying to fix it, but I accidentally wiped my secondary disk and it's partitions.

Please, a moment of silence... for all of the downloads, games, pictures, and especially my KSP files, including all of my glorious aircraft. Not even a system restore could recover my second disk and the partitions within.

May they rest in peace, for tomorrow will it will be thy biggest bitch to re-download everything onto my computer.

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Everything is a file Tim, if you can find an undelete program that can handle partitions, it might be able to restore the partition, then search it for files, the data is only lost if it is overwritten.

Merging partitions from separate disks only really works if you have enough space, otherwise areas of the disk are written to during the move, it's better to copy the data from one to another, then delete the old one and expand the partition with the data in it, bit late for that now though.

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It is probably too late...

But just to clarify, I dun goofed in the command prompt, accidentally wiping and merging two of my other hard drives on the same disk together. I guess I might as well start to download everything and call it a night... but thanks for the info, I appreciate it.

What I need to know before I do that though, is how to trade space from my other drives to my C drive. I can't do it physically for obvious reasons, but I only have 64GB on my C so is there any way to "digitally" regard some disk space from other drives as C?

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