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[1.12.x] SystemHeat - a replacement for the CoreHeat system (November 20)


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2 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@Commissar What exactly are you using (reactors and radiators) to have to deal with 5MW at 450K?

Additionally, did you turn on the radiators in the editor? (Previously this wasn't needed but now it is, in case you missed that.)

16 betas... 6 gammas... 6 Deltas... 8 atmos... 8 XR-150... 8 xv-150... 8 xr-050 ... cooling a USI 3.75m

aand looks liek i just needed to turn them on lol

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  • 1 month later...

In VAB I create a ship that has enough radiators and a nuclear generator, with radiators extended the heat loop is fine and balanced. Now I pack the radiators and save it, still in VAB.

Problem appears to be the heat loop simulation keeps going while in VAB even if the visualizer window is closed and it saves the ship with whatever temperature the reactor simulation reached at the time of the save. When that ship is deployed to be used the reactor temperature isn't set to 0 but instead to whatever was saved in the VAB resulting in an instant meltdown.

Notice the currentLoopTemperature in the saved ship file:

		name = ModuleSystemHeat
		isEnabled = True
		totalSystemTemperature = 750
		totalSystemFlux = 50
		currentLoopID = 0
		currentLoopTemperature = 115407.781
		nominalLoopTemperature = 750
		currentLoopFlux = 50
		stagingEnabled = True

Whenever you deploy the ship say through Hangar the reactor melts down instantly due to the excessive core temperature.

Other than manually editing the saved ship file is there any workaround to reset the currentLoopTemperature to 0 when saving, or to disable/pause the simulation in VAB?

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  • 2 weeks later...

System Heat 0.8.0

  • Updates to zn-ch localization
  • Corrected an issue where the heat simulation would not be reset when using the Hangar mod to launch ships. Note that if you are experiencing this you will need to re-save the ship in the editor
  • Additional performance improvements and code cleanup
  • Added the ability for radiators to have their output scaled by atmosphere depth and/or acceleration
  • Fixed a fission reactor related logging incident
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Anyone know why the ModuleSystemHeat module is missing for both the Nerv and the Restock Plus Cherenkov nuclear engines?

I'm checking the Module Manager patches under GameData\SystemHeatFissionEngines and can see they are clearly not defined. Same error pops up in the console in game that SystemHeat can't find a ModuleSystemHeat module for those 2 engines.

EDIT: Although from what I have read in this topic, it sounds like the Nerv was changed on purpose, although didn't find anything about the Cherenkov, but I am guessing it was changed for similar reasons.


Edited by MechBFP
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Both those engines can fully cool themselves when they are running. They just hook into the nuclear engine handling to do things like consume uranium and have some effects on throttle up and down. 

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