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Misguided Kerbal

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3 minutes ago, Commodoregamer118 said:

Gateway is designed for LMO, and I want to have it there, the thing is that in LKO is easier and I can attach boosters to grab it to LMO, or build it all in LMO


For me,Building space Stations on the Mun are easier,despite the need of a powerful launch vehicle,and more delta-v to get a stable mun orbit...

6 minutes ago, Misguided_Kerbal said:

Not always... docking and rendezvous aren't.

yes,i know,but since the Mun gravity is low,it will take less delta-v to rendesvouz and docking,similar to minmus(despite docking and rendesvouzing on it is Very easier)...

8 minutes ago, Misguided_Kerbal said:

I mean, both are fine. I personally assemble it in LKO first, because if you forgot something, you can always just send it up on the next module, and then when you're done just send up a transfer stage.

I agree too...

I also asemble stuff in LKO,however,if their destination is,for example,Jool's orbit, i prefer Launching to them,big Efficient Boosters by launching them at a high speed,on a direct rendezvouz to the space station,as long as they aren't near to exit Kerbin's SOI,because,well... docking around Kerbol sounds... tricky....

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38 minutes ago, Kane Kerman said:

me too

got bored waiting 1 hour of nothing,so i decided to return no

lol you are always bored.

Anyway, I built most of the Gateway modules, the thing is that how I'm gonna launch them?

I selected the Ariane 5 to put in orbit the smaller modules such as the PPM and the ESPIRIT module, but the thing starts spiraling out of control, the VLDG 3 was promising, but it destroys when the boosters separate, the Dynawing I have problems on getting it to LKO and I don't want to use the SLS until it's time to do so.

What LV should I assemble?

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31 minutes ago, Commodoregamer118 said:

What LV should I assemble?

how about if you start building the Falcanelta that i was talking about?

I'll try to Assemble it this Saturday..

33 minutes ago, Commodoregamer118 said:

lol you are always bored.

yes,I'm always bored...

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Just now, Kane Kerman said:

how about if you start building the Falcanelta that i was talking about?

God, I forgot it, and I closed KSP already : (

The things I did was the most part the Gateway modules, the SLS Cargo Block 2 and SLS Crew Block 1

Testing the Crew version:




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2 minutes ago, Commodoregamer118 said:

God, I forgot it, and I closed KSP already : (


4 minutes ago, Commodoregamer118 said:

The things I did was the most part the Gateway modules, the SLS Cargo Block 2 and SLS Crew Block 1

Testing the Crew version:





I might draw a concept of the Falcanelta today...

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Just now, Misguided_Kerbal said:

Speaking of your gateway station, is it done yet?

No, I just built MOST of them.

And any recommedations on how to launch the smaller modules like the PPE and ESPIRIT?

I was planning to do in the Ariane 5, but it spins out of control.

Again the SMALL MODULES that are mostly 1.25m, but some parts stick out to 2.3m soooo.

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Just now, Commodoregamer118 said:

No, I just built MOST of them.

And any recommedations on how to launch the smaller modules like the PPE and ESPIRIT?

I was planning to do in the Ariane 5, but it spins out of control.

Again the SMALL MODULES that are mostly 1.25m, but some parts stick out to 2.3m soooo.

2.5 Meters Rockets is a stable solution for 1.25m Heavy Payloads...

1.875m Rockets are more likely the best option for 1.25m Medium or Small Payloads!

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I took this as a reference, the PPE (Power and Propulsion Element) is 1.25m with a 0.625m docking port, the ESPIRIT  is the same thing, the U.S. Utilization Module has a 1.25m docking port to dock with the International Habitation Module which is 2.5m and the Logistics resupply is 1.875m, the other modules are still not built.


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Just now, Misguided_Kerbal said:

Sure, I'll run to the post box. Be right back!


where it is?

1 minute ago, Commodoregamer118 said:

you will get BANNED


1 minute ago, Commodoregamer118 said:

Anyway, do you guys have Discord?


ask it to Misguided_Kerbal!

(Because i'm to lazy)

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